attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified)
blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified)
finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))
id = ID
targetNamespace = anyURI
version = token
xml:lang = language
Content: ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)
- Parse schema element.
- Parse attributeFormDefault attribute.
- Parse blockDefault attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse elementFormDefault attribute.
- Parse finalDefault attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse targetNamespace attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse version attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse xml:lang attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse include elements.
- Parse import elements.
- Parse redefine elements.
- Parse annotation elements (composition).
- Parse simpleType elements (topLevelSimpleType).
- Parse complexType elements (topLevelComplexType).
- Parse group elements (namedGroup).
- Parse attributeGroup elements (namedAttributeGroup).
- Parse element elements (topLevelElement).
- Parse attribute elements (topLevelAttributeType).
- Parse notation elements.
- Parse annotation elements (definition).
id = ID
Content: (appinfo | documentation)*
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse appinfo elements.
- Parse documentation elements.
source = anyURI
Content: ({any})*
- Parse appinfo element.
- Parse source attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse content.
source = anyURI
xml:lang = language
Content: ({any})*
- Parse documentation element.
- Parse source attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse xml:lang attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse content.
id = ID
namespace = anyURI
schemaLocation = anyURI
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse import element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse namespace attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse schemaLocation attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
id = ID
schemaLocation = anyURI
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse include element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse schemaLocation attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
id = ID
name = NCName
public = token
system = anyURI
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse notation element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse public attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse system attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
id = ID
name = NCName
Content: (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
- Parse attributeGroup element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse attribute elements (attribute).
- Parse attributeGroup elements (attributeGroupRef).
- Parse anyAttribute element.
id = ID
ref = QName
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse attributeGroup element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse ref attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
default = string
fixed = string
id = ID
name = NCName
type = QName
Content: (annotation?, simpleType?)
- Parse attribute element.
- Parse default attribute.
- Parse fixed attribute.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse type attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType element (localSimpleType).
default = string
fixed = string
form = (qualified | unqualified)
id = ID
name = NCName
ref = QName
type = QName
use = (optional | prohibited | required)
Content: (annotation?, simpleType?)
- Parse attribute element.
- Parse default attribute.
- Parse fixed attribute.
- Parse form attribute.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse ref attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse type attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse use attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType element (localSimpleType).
id = ID
namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)))
processContents = (lax | skip | strict)
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse anyAttribute element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse namespace attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse processContents attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
final = (#all | List of (list | union | restriction))
id = ID
name = NCName
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | list | union))
- Parse simpleType element.
- Parse final attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse restriction element (anonymous).
- Parse list element.
- Parse union element.
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | list | union))
- Parse simpleType element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse restriction element (anonymous).
- Parse list element.
- Parse union element.
base = QName
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*))
- Parse restriction element.
- Parse base attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType element (localSimpleType).
- Parse minExclusive elements.
- Parse minInclusive elements.
- Parse maxExclusive elements.
- Parse maxInclusive elements.
- Parse totalDigits elements.
- Parse fractionDigits elements.
- Parse length elements.
- Parse minLength elements.
- Parse maxLength elements.
- Parse enumeration elements.
- Parse whiteSpace elements.
- Parse pattern elements.
id = ID
itemType = QName
Content: (annotation?, simpleType?)
- Parse list element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse itemType attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType element (localSimpleType).
id = ID
memberTypes = List of QName
Content: (annotation?, simpleType*)
- Parse union element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse memberTypes attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType elements (localSimpleType).
abstract = boolean
block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
id = ID
mixed = boolean
name = NCName
Content: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))
- Parse complexType element.
- Parse abstract attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse block attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse final attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse mixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleContent element.
- Parse complexContent element.
- Parse group element (groupRef).
- Parse all element (all).
- Parse choice element (explicitGroup).
- Parse sequence element (explicitGroup).
- Parse attribute elements (attribute).
- Parse attributeGroup elements (attributeGroupRef).
- Parse anyAttribute element.
id = ID
mixed = boolean
Content: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))
- Parse complexType element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse mixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleContent element.
- Parse complexContent element.
- Parse group element (groupRef).
- Parse all element (all).
- Parse choice element (explicitGroup).
- Parse sequence element (explicitGroup).
- Parse attribute elements (attribute).
- Parse attributeGroup elements (attributeGroupRef).
- Parse anyAttribute element.
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
- Parse simpleContent element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse restriction element (simpleRestrictionType).
- Parse extension element (simpleExtensionType).
base = QName
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
- Parse restriction element.
- Parse base attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType element (localSimpleType).
- Parse minExclusive elements.
- Parse minInclusive elements.
- Parse maxExclusive elements.
- Parse maxInclusive elements.
- Parse totalDigits elements.
- Parse fractionDigits elements.
- Parse length elements.
- Parse minLength elements.
- Parse maxLength elements.
- Parse enumeration elements.
- Parse whiteSpace elements.
- Parse pattern elements.
- Parse attribute elements (attribute).
- Parse attributeGroup elements (attributeGroupRef).
- Parse anyAttribute element.
base = QName
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
- Parse restriction element.
- Parse base attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse attribute elements (attribute).
- Parse attributeGroup elements (attributeGroupRef).
- Parse anyAttribute element.
id = ID
mixed = boolean
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
- Parse complexContent element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse mixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse restriction element (complexRestrictionType).
- Parse extension element (extensionType).
base = QName
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
- Parse restriction element.
- Parse base attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse group element (groupRef).
- Parse all element (all).
- Parse choice element (explicitGroup).
- Parse sequence element (explicitGroup).
- Parse attribute elements (attribute).
- Parse attributeGroup elements (attributeGroupRef).
- Parse anyAttribute element.
base = QName
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
- Parse extension element.
- Parse base attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse group element (groupRef).
- Parse all element (all).
- Parse choice element (explicitGroup).
- Parse sequence element (explicitGroup).
- Parse attribute elements (attribute).
- Parse attributeGroup elements (attributeGroupRef).
- Parse anyAttribute element.
id = ID
name = NCName
Content: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence))
- Parse group element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse all element (anonymous).
- Parse choice element (simpleExplicitGroup).
- Parse sequence element (simpleExplicitGroup).
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
ref = QName
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse group element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse maxOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse minOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse ref attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
id = ID
maxOccurs = 1
minOccurs = (0 | 1)
Content: (annotation?, element*)
- Parse all element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse maxOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse minOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse element elements (narrowMaxMin).
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, element*)
- Parse all element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse element elements (narrowMaxMin).
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
- Parse choice element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse element elements (localElement).
- Parse group elements (groupRef).
- Parse choice elements (explicitGroup).
- Parse sequence elements (explicitGroup).
- Parse any elements.
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
- Parse choice element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse maxOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse minOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse element elements (localElement).
- Parse group elements (groupRef).
- Parse choice elements (explicitGroup).
- Parse sequence elements (explicitGroup).
- Parse any elements.
id = ID
Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
- Parse sequence element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse element elements (localElement).
- Parse group elements (groupRef).
- Parse choice elements (explicitGroup).
- Parse sequence elements (explicitGroup).
- Parse any elements.
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
- Parse sequence element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse maxOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse minOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse element elements (localElement).
- Parse group elements (groupRef).
- Parse choice elements (explicitGroup).
- Parse sequence elements (explicitGroup).
- Parse any elements.
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)))
processContents = (lax | skip | strict)
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse any element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse maxOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse minOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse namespace attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse processContents attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
abstract = boolean
block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
default = string
final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
fixed = string
id = ID
name = NCName
nillable = boolean
substitutionGroup = QName
type = QName
Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
- Parse element element.
- Parse abstract attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse block attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse default attribute.
- Parse final attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse fixed attribute.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse nillable attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse substitutionGroup attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse type attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType element (localSimpleType).
- Parse complexType element (localComplexType).
- Parse unique elements.
- Parse key elements.
- Parse keyref elements.
block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
default = string
fixed = string
form = (qualified | unqualified)
id = ID
maxOccurs = (0 | 1)
minOccurs = (0 | 1)
name = NCName
nillable = boolean
ref = QName
type = QName
Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
- Parse element element.
- Parse block attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse default attribute.
- Parse fixed attribute.
- Parse form attribute.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse maxOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse minOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse nillable attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse ref attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse type attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType element (localSimpleType).
- Parse complexType element (localComplexType).
- Parse unique elements.
- Parse key elements.
- Parse keyref elements.
block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
default = string
fixed = string
form = (qualified | unqualified)
id = ID
maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)
minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
name = NCName
nillable = boolean
ref = QName
type = QName
Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
- Parse element element.
- Parse block attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse default attribute.
- Parse fixed attribute.
- Parse form attribute.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse maxOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse minOccurs attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse nillable attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse ref attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse type attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse simpleType element (localSimpleType).
- Parse complexType element (localComplexType).
- Parse unique elements.
- Parse key elements.
- Parse keyref elements.
id = ID
name = NCName
Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
- Parse unique element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse selector element.
- Parse field elements.
id = ID
name = NCName
Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
- Parse key element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse selector element.
- Parse field elements.
id = ID
name = NCName
refer = QName
Content: (annotation?, (selector, field+))
- Parse keyref element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse name attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse refer attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
- Parse selector element.
- Parse field elements.
id = ID
xpath = a subset of XPath expression
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse selector element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse xpath attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
id = ID
xpath = a subset of XPath expression
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse field element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse xpath attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = anySimpleType
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse minExclusive element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = anySimpleType
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse minInclusive element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = anySimpleType
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse maxExclusive element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = anySimpleType
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse maxInclusive element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = positiveInteger
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse totalDigits element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = nonNegativeInteger
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse fractionDigits element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = nonNegativeInteger
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse length element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = nonNegativeInteger
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse minLength element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = nonNegativeInteger
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse maxLength element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
id = ID
value = anySimpleType
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse enumeration element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
fixed = boolean
id = ID
value = (collapse | preserve | replace)
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse whiteSpace element.
- Parse fixed attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.
id = ID
value = string
Content: (annotation?)
- Parse pattern element.
- Parse id attribute (collapsing white spaces).
- Parse value attribute.
- Other attributes are not supported.
- Parse annotation element.