Stereonet is a QGIS plugin that generates a sterenot of geologic structures based on imported CSV data.
Lets say you have a drill hole and want to plot the geologic stereonet of a bunch of structures.
- The data needs to be formatted as shown in the "Required Inputs" section.
- Add a delimited text layer to the project.
- Select your layer, and use the "Select Features" tool to pick out what points you want plotted.
- Once points are selected, click the Stereonet icon.
- You should get a plot like this!
- A CSV file containing data points with an easting, northing, dip direction, and dip column. (The dip direction and dip column NEED to be named "ddr" and "dip", respectively)
- Clicking on most anything in the matplotlib menu bar crashes QGIS. I'm working on getting that removed.
- When resizing the window, the orientation markers do not move with the stereonet. Bug has been reported here: joferkington/mplstereonet#15