how to manage existing outcomes after conflicts checklist for before/after conflict events
need to have chronology of events ( with proofs if possible )
- write down all events and mark conflict-events
flowchart LR e1((1)) --> e2((2)) --> e3((3)) --> e4((k4)) --> e5((5)) --> e6((k6)) style e4 fill:red,stroke:red style e6 fill:red,stroke:red
- with whom ( list all of them ) you have conflict
- mark on the timeline ( extend if not exists ) pre-conflict events or conflict-initiator events
flowchart LR e1((1)) --> e2((2)) --> e3((3)) --> e4((k4)) --> e5((5)) --> e6((k6)) style e4 fill:red,stroke:red style e6 fill:red,stroke:red style e2 fill:darkorange,stroke:red style e5 fill:darkorange,stroke:red
- who (list all of them) CAN potentially/theoretically make influence on conflict-initiator events ?
- who (shrink previous list) has done commitment in conflict-initiator events ?
- what happend during conflict events ( with involved persons )
for each of the listed below points provide also list of people from previous steps
- why do you think that you have experienced conflict (red events) ?
- what was negative/emotional in each situation for you ?
- what the consiquences are you expecting to see in future ?
- try to image situation/state when you will be satisfied with any "compensation" from "aggressor side"
- is it possible to achieve this "compensation" ?
- yes - move on
- no - return to step 1
- do you have energy/resources to achieve "compensation" actions from "aggressor" or involve someone on your side ?