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-Reusable functionality for defining custom attention/transformer layers.
+Reusable functionality for defining custom attention/transformer layers. See [document](https://chengchingwen.github.io/NeuralAttentionlib.jl/dev) for more information.
+# Design
+The core idea of this package is to make the attention operation composable, so that most of the attention variants can
+ be easily defined without rewriting other parts. For example, normal attention use `softmax` on the attention score to
+ normalize weight of each entries. If you want to replace `softmax` with other normalization function, such as L2-norm,
+ there is a problem that they require different ways to mask specific entries such as paddings. With this package, we
+ can easily do this by providing a different `AbstractMaskOp` to `masked_score`, so no copy-paste is needed. For another
+ example, some position embeddings are adding values to the attention scores, with this package, you can directly chain
+ the position embedding function (or use `biased_score`) with other score functions. Moreover, the same definition can
+ be used directly for high dimensional attentions, such as image or video.
+This package contain 3 submodules: `MatMul`, `Masks`, and `Functional`.
+1. `Matmul` defines an Array wrapper `CollapsedDimsArray{T}(array, ni::Integer, nj::Integer)` which treat n-dimensional
+ array as 3-dimensional array while preserving the original shape. By explicitly specifying which dimensions should be
+ the "batch" and "length" dimensions, the implementations of attention do not need to worry about the input dimensions.
+2. `Masks` provides an interface to define non-allocating masks with support for both CPU and GPU (using Julia's
+ broadcast interface) and many pre-defined masks. For example, `CausalMask()` is just a Julia object and it would
+ NOT allocate a `n^2` attention score mask either on CPU or GPU. These masks are also composable, you can use `&`/`|`
+ to combine, for example, causal mask and padding mask without extra allocation or the need to write extra code.
+3. `Functional` contains the implementation for the "attention score"s, "mixing"s, and "attention operation"s. The
+ interface of "attention score"s allow you to chain different score function together, such as `normalized_score`,
+ `masked_score`, and `biased_score`. And the interface of "attention operation"s allow you to provide different
+ score functions and mixing functions. The other part, such as reshaping for multi-head, are automatically handled.
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