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syntax error: unexpected ELLIPSIS, expecting VALUEIDENTIFIER or COMPONENTS #2

sunsky opened this issue Apr 19, 2021 · 0 comments


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sunsky commented Apr 19, 2021


BasicSafetyMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
	msgCnt MsgCount,
	secMark DSecond,
	timeConfidence TimeConfidence OPTIONAL,
	pos Position3D,
	posAccuracy PositionalAccuracy OPTIONAL,
	posConfidence PositionConfidenceSet OPTIONAL,
	transmission TransmissionState,
	speed Speed,
	heading Heading,
	angle SteeringWheelAngle OPTIONAL,
	motionCfd MotionConfidenceSet OPTIONAL,
	accelSet AccelerationSet4Way,
	brakes BrakeSystemStatus,
	size VehicleSize,
	vehicleClass VehicleClassification,
	safetyExt VehicleSafetyExtensions OPTIONAL,
	emergencyExt VehicleEmergencyExtensions OPTIONAL,

MapData ::=	SEQUENCE {
	msgCnt MsgCount,
	timeStamp MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
	nodes NodeList,

RoadSideInformation ::= SEQUENCE {
	msgCnt MsgCount,
	moy MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
	refPos Position3D,

RoadsideSafetyMessage ::= SEQUENCE {
	msgCnt MsgCount,
	refPos Position3D,
	participants ParticipantList,

	msgCnt MsgCount,
	moy MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
	timeStamp DSecond OPTIONAL,
	name DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
	intersections IntersectionStateList,

AccelerationSet4Way ::= SEQUENCE {
	long Acceleration, 
	lat Acceleration, 
	vert VerticalAcceleration, 
	yaw YawRate

BrakeSystemStatus ::= SEQUENCE {
	brakePadel BrakePedalStatus OPTIONAL,
	wheelBrakes BrakeAppliedStatus OPTIONAL,
	traction TractionControlStatus OPTIONAL,
	abs AntiLockBrakeStatus OPTIONAL,
	scs StabilityControlStatus OPTIONAL,
	brakeBoost BrakeBoostApplied OPTIONAL,
	auxBrakes AuxiliaryBrakeStatus OPTIONAL

ConnectingLane ::= SEQUENCE {
	lane LaneID, 
	maneuver AllowedManeuvers OPTIONAL

Connection::= SEQUENCE {
	remoteIntersection NodeReferenceID,
	connectingLane ConnectingLane OPTIONAL,
	phaseId PhaseID OPTIONAL

ConnectsToList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF Connection

DDateTime ::= SEQUENCE {
	year DYear OPTIONAL,
	month DMonth OPTIONAL,
	hour DHour OPTIONAL,
	minute DMinute OPTIONAL,
	second DSecond OPTIONAL,

Description ::= CHOICE{
	textString IA5String (SIZE(1..512)),
	textGB2312 OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..512))

FullPositionVector ::= SEQUENCE {
	pos Position3D,
	heading Heading OPTIONAL,
	transmission TransmissionState OPTIONAL,
	speed Speed OPTIONAL,
	posAccuracy PositionConfidenceSet OPTIONAL,
	timeConfidence TimeConfidence OPTIONAL,
	motionCfd MotionConfidenceSet OPTIONAL,

IntersectionState ::= SEQUENCE {
	intersectionId NodeReferenceID,
	status IntersectionStatusObject,
	moy MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
	timeStamp DSecond OPTIONAL,
	timeConfidence TimeConfidence OPTIONAL,
	phases PhaseList

IntersectionStateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF IntersectionState

Lane ::= SEQUENCE {
	laneID LaneID,
	laneWidth LaneWidth OPTIONAL,
	laneAttributes LaneAttributes OPTIONAL,
	maneuvers AllowedManeuvers OPTIONAL,
	connectsTo ConnectsToList OPTIONAL,	
	speedLimits SpeedLimitList OPTIONAL,
	points PointList OPTIONAL,

LaneAttributes ::= SEQUENCE {
	shareWith LaneSharing OPTIONAL,
	laneType LaneTypeAttributes

LaneList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF Lane

LaneTypeAttributes ::= CHOICE {

Link ::= SEQUENCE {
	name DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
	upstreamNodeId NodeReferenceID,
	speedLimits SpeedLimitList OPTIONAL,
	linkWidth LaneWidth,
	points PointList OPTIONAL,
	movements MovementList OPTIONAL,

	lanes LaneList,

LinkList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF Link

MotionConfidenceSet ::= SEQUENCE {
	speedCfd SpeedConfidence OPTIONAL,
	headingCfd HeadingConfidence OPTIONAL,
	steerCfd SteeringWheelAngleConfidence OPTIONAL

Movement ::= SEQUENCE {
	remoteIntersection NodeReferenceID,
	phaseId PhaseID OPTIONAL

MovementList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF Movement

Node ::= SEQUENCE {
	name DescriptiveName OPTIONAL,
	id NodeReferenceID,
	refPos Position3D, 
	inLinks LinkList OPTIONAL,

NodeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..32)) OF Node

NodeReferenceID ::= SEQUENCE {
	region RoadRegulatorID OPTIONAL,
	id NodeID

ParticipantData ::= SEQUENCE {
	ptcType ParticipantType,
	ptcId INTEGER (0..65535),
	source SourceType,
	secMark DSecond,
	pos PositionOffsetLLV,
	posConfidence PositionConfidenceSet,
	transmission TransmissionState OPTIONAL,
	speed Speed,
	heading Heading,
	angle SteeringWheelAngle OPTIONAL,
	motionCfd MotionConfidenceSet OPTIONAL,
	accelSet AccelerationSet4Way OPTIONAL,
	size VehicleSize,
	vehicleClass VehicleClassification OPTIONAL,

ParticipantList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF ParticipantData

PathHistory ::= SEQUENCE {
	initialPosition FullPositionVector OPTIONAL,
	currGNSSstatus GNSSstatus OPTIONAL,
	crumbData PathHistoryPointList,

PathHistoryPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
	llvOffset PositionOffsetLLV,
	timeOffset TimeOffset,
	speed Speed OPTIONAL,
	posAccuracy PositionConfidenceSet OPTIONAL,
	heading CoarseHeading OPTIONAL,

PathHistoryPointList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..23)) OF PathHistoryPoint

PathPointList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(2..32)) OF PositionOffsetLLV

PathPrediction ::= SEQUENCE {
	radiusOfCurve RadiusOfCurvature,
	confidence Confidence,

Phase ::= SEQUENCE{
	id PhaseID,
	phaseStates PhaseStateList

PhaseList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF Phase

PhaseState ::= SEQUENCE {
	light LightState,
	timing TimeChangeDetails OPTIONAL,

PhaseStateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF PhaseState

PointList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(2..31)) OF RoadPoint

Position-LL-24B ::= SEQUENCE { 
	lon OffsetLL-B12,
	lat OffsetLL-B12

Position-LL-28B ::= SEQUENCE { 
	lon OffsetLL-B14,
	lat OffsetLL-B14

Position-LL-32B ::= SEQUENCE { 
	lon OffsetLL-B16,
	lat OffsetLL-B16

Position-LL-36B ::= SEQUENCE { 
	lon OffsetLL-B18,
	lat OffsetLL-B18

Position-LL-44B ::= SEQUENCE { 
	lon OffsetLL-B22,
	lat OffsetLL-B22

Position-LL-48B ::= SEQUENCE { 
	lon OffsetLL-B24,
	lat OffsetLL-B24

Position-LLmD-64b ::= SEQUENCE {
	lon Longitude,
	lat Latitude

Position3D ::= SEQUENCE {
	lat Latitude, 
	long Longitude, 
	elevation Elevation OPTIONAL

PositionalAccuracy ::= SEQUENCE {
	semiMajor SemiMajorAxisAccuracy,
	semiMinor SemiMinorAxisAccuracy,
	orientation SemiMajorAxisOrientation

PositionConfidenceSet ::= SEQUENCE {
	elevation ElevationConfidence OPTIONAL

PositionOffsetLL ::= CHOICE { 
	position-LL1 Position-LL-24B, 
	position-LL2 Position-LL-28B, 
	position-LL3 Position-LL-32B, 
	position-LL4 Position-LL-36B, 
	position-LL5 Position-LL-44B, 
	position-LL6 Position-LL-48B, 
	position-LatLon Position-LLmD-64b 

PositionOffsetLLV ::= SEQUENCE {
	offsetLL PositionOffsetLL,
	offsetV VerticalOffset OPTIONAL

ReferenceLink ::= SEQUENCE {
	upstreamNodeId NodeReferenceID,
	downstreamNodeId NodeReferenceID,
	referenceLanes ReferenceLanes OPTIONAL

ReferenceLinkList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF ReferenceLink

ReferencePath ::= SEQUENCE {
	activePath PathPointList,
	pathRadius Radius

ReferencePathList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF ReferencePath

RegulatorySpeedLimit ::= SEQUENCE {
	type SpeedLimitType,
	speed Speed

RSITimeDetails ::= SEQUENCE {
	startTime MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
	endTime MinuteOfTheYear OPTIONAL,
	endTimeConfidence TimeConfidence OPTIONAL

	rteId INTEGER (0..255),
	eventType EventType,
	eventSource EventSource,
	eventPos PositionOffsetLLV OPTIONAL,
	eventRadius Radius OPTIONAL,
	description Description OPTIONAL,
	timeDetails RSITimeDetails OPTIONAL,
	priority Priority OPTIONAL,
	referencePaths ReferencePathList OPTIONAL,
	referenceLinks ReferenceLinkList OPTIONAL,
	eventConfidence Confidence OPTIONAL,

RTEList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF RTEData

	rtsId INTEGER (0..255),
	signType SignType,
	signPos PositionOffsetLLV OPTIONAL,
	description Description OPTIONAL,
	timeDetails RSITimeDetails OPTIONAL,
	priority Priority OPTIONAL,
	referencePaths ReferencePathList OPTIONAL,
	referenceLinks ReferenceLinkList OPTIONAL,

RTSList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16)) OF RTSData

RoadPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
	posOffset PositionOffsetLLV,

SpeedLimitList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..9)) OF RegulatorySpeedLimit

TimeChangeDetails ::= CHOICE { 
	counting TimeCountingDown,
	utcTiming UTCTiming,

TimeCountingDown ::= SEQUENCE {
	startTime TimeMark,
	minEndTime TimeMark OPTIONAL,
	maxEndTime TimeMark OPTIONAL,
	likelyEndTime TimeMark,
	timeConfidence Confidence OPTIONAL,
	nextStartTime TimeMark OPTIONAL,
	nextDuration TimeMark OPTIONAL

UTCTiming ::= SEQUENCE {
	startUTCTime TimeMark,
	minEndUTCTime TimeMark OPTIONAL,
	maxEndUTCTime TimeMark OPTIONAL,
	likelyEndUTCTime TimeMark,
	timeConfidence Confidence OPTIONAL,
	nextStartUTCTime TimeMark OPTIONAL,
	nextEndUTCTime TimeMark OPTIONAL

VehicleClassification ::= SEQUENCE {
	classification BasicVehicleClass,
	fuelType FuelType OPTIONAL,

VehicleEmergencyExtensions ::= SEQUENCE {
	responseType ResponseType OPTIONAL,
	sirenUse SirenInUse OPTIONAL,
	lightsUse LightbarInUse OPTIONAL,

VehicleSafetyExtensions ::= SEQUENCE {
	events VehicleEventFlags OPTIONAL,
	pathHistory PathHistory OPTIONAL,
	pathPrediction PathPrediction OPTIONAL,
	lights ExteriorLights OPTIONAL,

VehicleSize ::= SEQUENCE {
	width VehicleWidth,
	length VehicleLength,
	height VehicleHeight OPTIONAL

VerticalOffset ::= CHOICE { 

Acceleration ::= INTEGER (-2000..2001)

AllowedManeuvers ::= BIT STRING {
	maneuverStraightAllowed (0),
	maneuverLeftAllowed (1),
	maneuverRightAllowed (2),
	maneuverUTurnAllowed (3),
	maneuverLeftTurnOnRedAllowed (4),
	maneuverRightTurnOnRedAllowed (5),
	maneuverLaneChangeAllowed (6),
	maneuverNoStoppingAllowed (7),
	yieldAllwaysRequired (8),
	goWithHalt (9),
	caution (10),
	reserved1 (11)
	} (SIZE(12))

AntiLockBrakeStatus ::= ENUMERATED {

AuxiliaryBrakeStatus ::= ENUMERATED {

BasicVehicleClass ::= INTEGER (0..255)

unknownVehicleClass BasicVehicleClass ::= 0
specialVehicleClass BasicVehicleClass ::= 1
passenger-Vehicle-TypeOther BasicVehicleClass ::= 11
lightTruck-Vehicle-TypeOther BasicVehicleClass ::= 21
truck-Vehicle-TypeOther BasicVehicleClass ::= 26
motorcycle-TypeOther BasicVehicleClass ::= 41
motorcycle-Cruiser-Standard BasicVehicleClass ::= 42
motorcycle-SportUnclad BasicVehicleClass ::= 43
motorcycle-SportTouring BasicVehicleClass ::= 44
motorcycle-SuperSport BasicVehicleClass ::= 45
motorcycle-Touring BasicVehicleClass ::= 46
motorcycle-Trike BasicVehicleClass ::= 47
transit-TypeOther BasicVehicleClass ::= 51
transit-BRT BasicVehicleClass ::= 52
transit-ExpressBus BasicVehicleClass ::= 53
transit-LocalBus BasicVehicleClass ::= 54
transit-SchoolBus BasicVehicleClass ::= 55
transit-FixedGuideway BasicVehicleClass ::= 56
transit-Paratransit BasicVehicleClass ::= 57
transit-Paratransit-Ambulance BasicVehicleClass ::= 58
emergency-Fire-Light-Vehicle BasicVehicleClass ::= 62
emergency-Fire-Heavy-Vehicle BasicVehicleClass ::= 63
emergency-Fire-Paramedic-Vehicle BasicVehicleClass ::= 64
emergency-Fire-Ambulance-Vehicle BasicVehicleClass ::= 65
emergency-Police-Light-Vehicle BasicVehicleClass ::= 66
emergency-Police-Heavy-Vehicle BasicVehicleClass ::= 67
emergency-Other-Responder BasicVehicleClass ::= 68
emergency-Other-Ambulance BasicVehicleClass ::= 69
otherTraveler-TypeOther BasicVehicleClass ::= 81
otherTraveler-Pedestrian BasicVehicleClass ::= 82
otherTraveler-Visually-Disabled BasicVehicleClass ::= 83
otherTraveler-Physically-Disabled BasicVehicleClass ::= 84
otherTraveler-Bicycle BasicVehicleClass ::= 85
otherTraveler-Vulnerable-Roadworker BasicVehicleClass ::= 86
infrastructure-Fixed BasicVehicleClass ::= 91
infrastructure-Movable BasicVehicleClass ::= 92
equipped-CargoTrailer BasicVehicleClass ::= 93

BrakeAppliedStatus ::= BIT STRING {
} (SIZE (5))

BrakeBoostApplied ::= ENUMERATED {

BrakePedalStatus ::= ENUMERATED {

CoarseHeading ::= INTEGER (0..240)

Confidence ::= INTEGER (0..200) 

DDay ::= INTEGER (0..31) 

DescriptiveName ::= IA5String (SIZE(1..63))

DHour ::= INTEGER (0..31) 

DMinute ::= INTEGER (0..60) 

DMonth ::= INTEGER (0..12) 

DSecond ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

DTimeOffset ::= INTEGER (-840..840) 

DYear ::= INTEGER (0..4095) 

Elevation ::= INTEGER (-4096..61439)

ElevationConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {

EventSource ::= ENUMERATED {

EventType ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

ExteriorLights ::= BIT STRING { 
	lowBeamHeadlightsOn (0),
	highBeamHeadlightsOn (1),
	leftTurnSignalOn (2),
	rightTurnSignalOn (3),
	hazardSignalOn (4),
	automaticLightControlOn (5),
	daytimeRunningLightsOn (6),
	fogLightOn (7),
	parkingLightsOn (8)
	} (SIZE (9, ...))

FuelType ::= INTEGER (0..15)

gasoline FuelType::= 1
electric FuelType::= 4
hydrogen FuelType::= 6
propane FuelType::= 9

GNSSstatus ::= BIT STRING {
	isHealthy (1),
	isMonitored (2),
	} (SIZE(8))

Heading ::= INTEGER (0..28800) 

HeadingConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {

IntersectionStatusObject ::= BIT STRING {
	manualControlIsEnabled (0),
	stopTimeIsActivated (1),
	failureFlash (2),
	preemptIsActive (3),
	signalPriorityIsActive (4),
	fixedTimeOperation (5),
	trafficDependentOperation (6),
	standbyOperation (7),
	failureMode (8),
	off (9),
	recentMAPmessageUpdate (10),
	recentChangeInMAPassignedLanesIDsUsed (11),
	noValidMAPisAvailableAtThisTime (12),
	noValidSPATisAvailableAtThisTime (13)
} (SIZE(16))

LaneAttributes-Barrier ::= BIT STRING { 
	median-RevocableLane (0),
	median (1),
	whiteLineHashing (2),
	stripedLines (3),
	doubleStripedLines (4),
	trafficCones (5),
	constructionBarrier (6),
	trafficChannels (7),
	lowCurbs (8),
	} (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Bike ::= BIT STRING { 
	bikeRevocableLane (0),
	pedestrianUseAllowed (1),
	isBikeFlyOverLane (2),
	fixedCycleTime (3),
	biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
	isolatedByBarrier (5),
	unsignalizedSegmentsPresent (6)
	} (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Crosswalk ::= BIT STRING { 
	crosswalkRevocableLane (0),
	bicyleUseAllowed (1),
	isXwalkFlyOverLane (2),
	fixedCycleTime (3),
	biDirectionalCycleTimes (4),
	hasPushToWalkButton (5),
	audioSupport (6),
	rfSignalRequestPresent (7),
	unsignalizedSegmentsPresent (8)
} (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Parking ::= BIT STRING {
	parkingRevocableLane (0),
	parallelParkingInUse (1),
	headInParkingInUse (2),
	doNotParkZone (3),
	parkingForBusUse (4),
	parkingForTaxiUse (5),
	noPublicParkingUse (6)
	} (SIZE (16))

	sidewalk-RevocableLane (0),
	bicyleUseAllowed (1),
	isSidewalkFlyOverLane (2),
	walkBikes (3)
	} (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Striping ::= BIT STRING { 
	stripeToConnectingLanesRevocableLane (0),
	stripeDrawOnLeft (1),
	stripeDrawOnRight (2),
	stripeToConnectingLanesLeft (3),
	stripeToConnectingLanesRight (4),
	stripeToConnectingLanesAhead (5)
	} (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-TrackedVehicle ::= BIT STRING { 
	spec-RevocableLane (0),
	spec-commuterRailRoadTrack (1),
	spec-lightRailRoadTrack (2),
	spec-heavyRailRoadTrack (3),
	} (SIZE (16))

LaneAttributes-Vehicle ::= BIT STRING { 
	isVehicleRevocableLane (0),
	isVehicleFlyOverLane (1),
	hovLaneUseOnly (2),
	restrictedToBusUse (3),
	restrictedToTaxiUse (4),
	restrictedFromPublicUse (5),
	hasIRbeaconCoverage (6),
	} (SIZE (8,...))

LaneID ::= INTEGER (0..255) 

LaneSharing ::= BIT STRING {
	overlappingLaneDescriptionProvided (0),
	multipleLanesTreatedAsOneLane (1),
	individualMotorizedVehicleTraffic (3),
	busVehicleTraffic (4),
	taxiVehicleTraffic (5),
	pedestriansTraffic (6),
	cyclistVehicleTraffic (7),
	trackedVehicleTraffic (8),
	pedestrianTraffic (9)
	} (SIZE (10))

LaneWidth ::= INTEGER (0..32767) 

Latitude ::= INTEGER (-900000000..900000001) 

LightbarInUse ::= ENUMERATED {
	inUse (2),
	yellowCautionLights (3),
	schooldBusLights (4),
	arrowSignsActive (5),
	slowMovingVehicle (6),
	freqStops (7)

LightState ::= ENUMERATED {
	unavailable (0),
	dark (1),
	stop-Then-Proceed (2),
	stop-And-Remain (3),
	pre-Movement (4),
	permissive-Movement-Allowed (5),
	protected-Movement-Allowed (6),
	intersection-clearance (7),
	caution-Conflicting-Traffic (8)

Longitude ::= INTEGER (-1799999999..1800000001) 

MinuteOfTheYear ::= INTEGER (0..527040) 

MsgCount ::= INTEGER (0..127)

NodeID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

OffsetLL-B12 ::= INTEGER (-2048..2047) 

OffsetLL-B14 ::= INTEGER (-8192..8191) 

OffsetLL-B16 ::= INTEGER (-32768..32767) 

OffsetLL-B18 ::= INTEGER (-131072..131071) 

OffsetLL-B22 ::= INTEGER (-2097152..2097151) 

OffsetLL-B24 ::= INTEGER (-8388608..8388607) 

ParticipantType ::= ENUMERATED {

PhaseID ::= INTEGER (0..255)

PositionConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {

Priority ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1))

Radius ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

RadiusOfCurvature ::= INTEGER (-32767..32767) 

ReferenceLanes ::= BIT STRING {
} (SIZE (16))	

ResponseType ::= ENUMERATED {
	notInUseOrNotEquipped (0),

RoadRegulatorID ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

SemiMajorAxisAccuracy ::= INTEGER (0..255)

SemiMajorAxisOrientation ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

SemiMinorAxisAccuracy ::= INTEGER (0..255)

SignType ::= INTEGER (0..65535)

SirenInUse ::= ENUMERATED {
	notInUse (1),
	inUse (2),

SourceType ::= ENUMERATED {

Speed ::= INTEGER (0..8191)

SpeedConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {

SpeedLimitType ::= ENUMERATED {

StabilityControlStatus ::= ENUMERATED {

SteeringWheelAngle ::= INTEGER (-126..127)

SteeringWheelAngleConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {

TimeConfidence ::= ENUMERATED {

TimeMark ::= INTEGER (0..36001) 

TimeOffset ::= INTEGER (1..65535) 

TractionControlStatus ::= ENUMERATED {

TransmissionState ::= ENUMERATED {
	reserved1 (4),
	reserved2 (5),
	reserved3 (6),

VehicleEventFlags ::= BIT STRING {
	eventHazardLights (0),
	eventABSactivated (2),
	eventTractionControlLoss (3),
	eventStabilityControlactivated (4),
	eventHazardousMaterials (5),
	eventReserved1 (6),
	eventHardBraking (7),
	eventLightsChanged (8),
	eventWipersChanged (9),
	eventFlatTire (10),
	eventAirBagDeployment (12)
	} (SIZE (13, ...))

VehicleHeight ::= INTEGER (0..127)

VehicleLength ::= INTEGER (0.. 4095)

VehicleWidth ::= INTEGER (0..1023) 

VerticalAcceleration ::= INTEGER (-127..127)

VertOffset-B07 ::= INTEGER (-64..63) 

VertOffset-B08 ::= INTEGER (-128..127) 

VertOffset-B09 ::= INTEGER (-256..255) 

VertOffset-B10 ::= INTEGER (-512..511) 

VertOffset-B11 ::= INTEGER (-1024..1023) 

VertOffset-B12 ::= INTEGER (-2048..2047) 

YawRate ::= INTEGER (-32767..32767)


chemikadze added a commit that referenced this issue Oct 12, 2022
ExtensionAndException is not handled for component type lists, and simple changes
did not make it work.
Grammar seems to contain quite a bit shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conficts, will
need to inspect more closely.
chemikadze added a commit that referenced this issue Oct 12, 2022
Accepts extension additions syntax, however extension fields are not propagated to AST and codegen.

Bug: #2
chemikadze added a commit that referenced this issue Oct 12, 2022
Adds proper handling for CHOICE extensions during parsing.
Code generation still needs to be updated.

Bug: #2
chemikadze added a commit that referenced this issue Oct 12, 2022
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