Chef Workstation gives you everything you need to get started with Chef - ad hoc remote execution, remote scanning, configuration tasks, cookbook creation tools as well as robust dependency and testing software - all in one easy-to-install package.
Chef Workstation includes:
- Chef Infra Client
- Chef InSpec
- chef and knife command line tools
- Testing tools such as Test Kitchen, ChefSpec, and Cookstyle
- Everything else needed to author cookbooks and upload them to the Chef Infra Server
Minimum system requirements:
- RAM: 2GB
- Disk: 4GB
- Running minimum settings may limit your ability to take advantage of Chef Workstation tools such as Test Kitchen which creates and manages virtualized test environments.
Recommended system requirements:
- RAM: 4GB
- Disk 8GB
The Chef Workstation installer must run as a privileged user.
Chef Workstation installs to /opt/chef-workstation/ on macOS / Linux and C:\opscode\chef-workstation\ on Windows. These file locations should help avoid interference between these components and other applications that may be running on the target machine. Dependency: Xcode is recommended for running Chef Workstation on macOS. While Chef Workstation works without Xcode, it is required for native Ruby Gem installation. Run xcode-select --install from the terminal to install Xcode. Visit the Chef Workstation downloads page and select the appropriate package for your macOS version. Click on the Download button.
Alternately, install Chef Workstation using Homebrew:
brew cask install chef-workstation Visit the Chef Workstation downloads page and select the appropriate package for your Windows version. Click on the Download button. Follow the steps to accept the license and install Chef Workstation. You will have the option to change your install location; by default the installer uses the C:\opscode\chef-workstation\
directory. Optional: Set the default shell. On Microsoft Windows it is strongly recommended to use Windows PowerShell instead of cmd.exe.
Here are the steps to set up a Windows Chef Workstation for development.
PowerShell.exe -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))"
PowerShell.exe -Command "iex (irm ''); Install-Project -project chef-workstation -channel stable"
choco install googlechrome -y --no-progress --ignore-checksums
choco install vscode -y --no-progress
choco install cmder -y --no-progress
choco install git -y --no-progress
choco install openssh -y --pre --no-progress
Create a file called .gitconfig
in the directory C:\Users\chef\
with the following:
email = [email protected]
name = chef
Note: Feel free to use your own values.
a) Create a directoy for Chef. Run the PowerShell command:
chef generate repo c:\chef-repo --chef-license accept
b) The .pem
files you created when you configured the Chef Server need to be copied in the directory:
There will be 2 .pem files:
- chef_user.pem
- chef_organization.pem
In the C:\chef-repo\.chef
directory, create a file called config.rb
. To do this you can run the command code config.rb
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name "chef_user"
client_key "#{current_dir}/chef_user.pem"
chef_server_url "https://automate_hostname/organizations/chef_organization"
cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]
PS C:\chef-repo> knife user list
Note: The user you see will be the one you created on the Chef Server above.