This is the final version of the SonarQube Checkstyle Plugin produced by SonarSource. After that, the project was transferred to the Checkstyle team.
The following release notes are a verbatim copy of the original release notes by SonarSource:
- [SONARCHKST-1] - Leak of file descriptors in Checkstyle Plugin
- [SONARCHKST-9] - Cardinality of checkstyle rules having "tokens" or "scope" parameter should be updated to multiple
- [SONARCHKST-10] - Invalid import of checkstyle.xml when using modules with severity "ignore"
- [SONARCHKST-28] - Rule to be marked as deprecated: *annotation.MissingDeprecatedCheck
- [SONARCHKST-29] - Deprecate checkstyle rule *coding.AvoidInlineConditionalsCheck in favor of S1774
- [SONARCHKST-31] - Property file with version of the plugin does not contain the version
- [SONARCHKST-33] - RegexpSingleline should mention properly the default value of rule
- [SONARCHKST-36] - Upgrade to checkstyle 6.12.1
- [SONARCHKST-25] - Upgrade to checkstyle 6.5
- [SONARCHKST-34] - Upgrade to Parent pom 24 (OSS projects) and update groupId
- [SONARCHKST-35] - Remove usage of ProjectClasspath and move dependency of java plugin to 3.7
- [SONARCHKST-37] - Change SonarQube minimum compatibility to 4.5.2