This release was originally published by SonarSource. The binary for download is a new build based on the original sources (same Git hash). Following is a verbatim copy of the original SonarSource release notes:
- [SONARCHKST-8] - Support the Checkstyle JUnitTestCase rule
- [SONARCHKST-23] - headerFile property is missing from "Header" rule
- [SONARCHKST-18] - Deprecate the rule "*imports.IllegalImportCheck" in favor of squid:S1191
- [SONARCHKST-21] - Upgrade to checkstyle 6.4.1
- [SONARCHKST-22] - Support SuppressWarningsFilter
- [SONARCHKST-26] - Enable ImportControl Check
- [SONARCHKST-16] - The SQALE remediation function on Checkstyle rules is often highly overestimated
- [SONARCHKST-19] - Update Confluence URL in pom.xml
- [SONARCHKST-24] - Upgrade to latest parent pom: Plugin requires Java 7