Keep track of your favorite shows to know what you need to watch!
Some shows are on Hulu, some are on Netflix, some are on, who knows where else the other shows are. A simple little webapp to let you add all of the shows you are watching and keep track of which episodes you've already watched. That way you always know what you need to see.
It also integrated with Facebook OpenGraph API so that you can post that you've watched episodes. For fun, you can search for movies and post that to your Facebook watched history as well.
Thanks to the contributes at for all their hard work keeping episode information up to date.
It's deployed on Google App Engine here:
mvn verify - verify the build
mvn appengine:devserver - run the dev server
mvn eclipse:eclipse - create proper eclipse profile if you've added libraries
mvn appengine:update - upload the latest build to Google App Engine
The application connects through both and to get back information on television shows and movies.
For this to work you need your own APIs keys (both free) which are expected to be set into environment variables:
- thetvdbapikey=...
- themoviedbkey=...
curl -A "facebookexternalhit/1.1" https://localhost:8080/showdetails/73730/1/1
curl -b [email protected]:false:18580476422013912411 http://localhost:8080/api/v1/data/series
curl -b [email protected]:false:18580476422013912411 http://localhost:8080/api/v1/data/watched
curl -d seriesId=205281 -b [email protected]:false:18580476422013912411 http://localhost:8080/api/v1/data/series
curl -X DELETE -b [email protected]:false:18580476422013912411 http://localhost:8080/api/v1/data/series/205281
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7`