This REAPER extension is distributed via ReaPack through the default ReaTeam Extensions repository.
Software requirements:
- Meson (1.1 or newer)
- C++20 compiler* (C++17 is supported for Linux and macOS builds)
- PHP (optional, for preprocessing of gfx2imgui.lua)
(* The C++ compiler must be ABI-compatible with MSVC on Windows)
Library requirements:
By default these will be picked up from the system or downloaded if missing.
- Boost (1.81 or newer)
- fmt (only if C++20 is not available)
- FreeType
- GoogleTest
- libjpeg-turbo
- libpng
- md4c
- zlib
Additional system dependencies on Linux:
- Fontconfig
- GDK3 (3.22 or newer)
- libepoxy
Fetch the repository including submodules:
$ git clone --recursive --shallow-submodules
Build ReaImGui using Meson:
$ meson setup build
$ cd build
$ ninja
The change the installation directory to a portable install:
$ meson configure -Dresource_path=~/path/to/your/portable/install/
Downgrade to C++17 if compiling on macOS with Xcode older than 14:
$ meson configure -Dcpp_std=c++17
Run the test suite using:
$ meson test
Install ReaImGui into your REAPER resource path using:
$ meson install --tags runtime
QEMU is used to run compiled binaries for binding generation and tests.
meson setup build/i686 --cross-file cross/i686-linux-gnu.ini
meson setup build/armv7l --cross-file cross/arm-linux-gnueabihf.ini
meson setup build/aarch64 --cross-file cross/aarch64-linux-gnu.ini
macOS 10.14 (or older) and Xcode 9 are required for producing 32-bit builds. Xcode 12 is required to compile for ARM64.
meson setup build/i386 --cross-file cross/i386-darwin.ini
meson setup build/arm64 --cross-file cross/arm64-darwin.ini