diff --git a/.github/workflows/adoc_build.yml b/.github/workflows/adoc_build.yml
index 0eb366dd..6c12c33a 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/adoc_build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/adoc_build.yml
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Build cf-conventions.pdf
uses: Analog-inc/asciidoctor-action@v1.2
- shellcommand: 'asciidoctor-pdf --verbose ${FINAL_TAG} -d book cf-conventions.adoc -D conventions_build'
+ shellcommand: 'asciidoctor-pdf --verbose ${FINAL_TAG} -d book -a pdf-theme=default-theme-CF-version.yml --trace cf-conventions.adoc -D conventions_build'
# Upload artifact containing cf-conventions.html, cf-conventions.pdf
- name: Upload cf-conventions doc preview
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 2b310dac..d73bd9c4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-# Do not store generated HTML files
+# Do not store generated HTML and PDF files
diff --git a/cf-conventions.adoc b/cf-conventions.adoc
index fd721256..0ab503e7 100644
--- a/cf-conventions.adoc
+++ b/cf-conventions.adoc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
= NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions
-Brian{nbsp}Eaton; Jonathan{nbsp}Gregory; Bob{nbsp}Drach; Karl{nbsp}Taylor; Steve{nbsp}Hankin; Jon{nbsp}Blower; John{nbsp}Caron; Rich{nbsp}Signell; Phil{nbsp}Bentley; Greg{nbsp}Rappa; Heinke{nbsp}Höck; Alison{nbsp}Pamment; Martin{nbsp}Juckes; Martin{nbsp}Raspaud; Randy{nbsp}Horne; Timothy{nbsp}Whiteaker; David{nbsp}Blodgett; Charlie{nbsp}Zender; Daniel{nbsp}Lee; David{nbsp}Hassell; Alan{nbsp}D.{nbsp}Snow; Tobias{nbsp}Kölling; Dave{nbsp}Allured; Aleksandar{nbsp}Jelenak; Anders{nbsp}Meier{nbsp}Soerensen; Lucile{nbsp}Gaultier; Sylvain{nbsp}Herlédan; Fernando{nbsp}Manzano; Lars{nbsp}Bärring; Chris{nbsp}Barker
-Version {current-version}, 31 August, 2022
+Brian{nbsp}Eaton; Jonathan{nbsp}Gregory; Bob{nbsp}Drach; Karl{nbsp}Taylor; Steve{nbsp}Hankin; Jon{nbsp}Blower; John{nbsp}Caron; Rich{nbsp}Signell; Phil{nbsp}Bentley; Greg{nbsp}Rappa; Heinke{nbsp}Höck; Alison{nbsp}Pamment; Martin{nbsp}Juckes; Martin{nbsp}Raspaud; Randy{nbsp}Horne; Timothy{nbsp}Whiteaker; David{nbsp}Blodgett; Charlie{nbsp}Zender; Daniel{nbsp}Lee; David{nbsp}Hassell; Alan{nbsp}D.{nbsp}Snow; Tobias{nbsp}Kölling; Dave{nbsp}Allured; Aleksandar{nbsp}Jelenak; Anders{nbsp}Meier{nbsp}Soerensen; Lucile{nbsp}Gaultier; Sylvain{nbsp}Herlédan; Fernando{nbsp}Manzano; Lars{nbsp}Bärring
+Version {current-version}, 31 August, 2022: See https://cfconventions.org for further information
:doctype: book
:pdf-folio-placement: physical
@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ The extensions include metadata that provides a precise definition of each varia
Since climate and forecast data are often not simply representative of points in space/time, other extensions provide for the description of coordinate intervals, multidimensional cells and climatological time coordinates, and indicate how a data value is representative of an interval or cell.
This standard also relaxes the COARDS constraints on dimension order and specifies methods for reducing the size of datasets.
diff --git a/default-theme-CF-version.yml b/default-theme-CF-version.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6983f21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/default-theme-CF-version.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+ catalog:
+ # Noto Serif supports Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A, Greek, Cyrillic, Vietnamese & an assortment of symbols
+ Noto Serif:
+ normal: GEM_FONTS_DIR/notoserif-regular-subset.ttf
+ bold: GEM_FONTS_DIR/notoserif-bold-subset.ttf
+ italic: GEM_FONTS_DIR/notoserif-italic-subset.ttf
+ bold_italic: GEM_FONTS_DIR/notoserif-bold_italic-subset.ttf
+ # M+ 1mn supports ASCII and the circled numbers used for conums
+ M+ 1mn:
+ normal: GEM_FONTS_DIR/mplus1mn-regular-subset.ttf
+ bold: GEM_FONTS_DIR/mplus1mn-bold-subset.ttf
+ italic: GEM_FONTS_DIR/mplus1mn-italic-subset.ttf
+ bold_italic: GEM_FONTS_DIR/mplus1mn-bold_italic-subset.ttf
+ background_color: FFFFFF
+ layout: portrait
+ initial_zoom: FitH
+ margin: [0.5in, 0.67in, 0.67in, 0.67in]
+ # margin_inner and margin_outer keys are used for recto/verso print margins when media=prepress
+ margin_inner: 0.75in
+ margin_outer: 0.59in
+ size: A4
+ text_align: justify
+ font_color: 333333
+ font_family: Noto Serif
+ font_size: 10.5
+ # line_height_length is really just a vertical spacing variable; it's not actually the height of a line
+ line_height_length: 12
+ # The Noto font family has a built-in line height of 1.36
+ # With this line_height, a line of text will occupy a height of 15.78pt
+ line_height: $base_line_height_length / 10.5
+ font_size_large: round($base_font_size * 1.25)
+ font_size_small: round($base_font_size * 0.85)
+ font_size_min: $base_font_size * 0.75
+ font_style: normal
+ border_color: EEEEEE
+ border_radius: 4
+ border_width: 0.5
+ lead:
+ font_size: $base_font_size_large
+ line-through:
+ text_decoration: line-through
+ underline:
+ text_decoration: underline
+ big:
+ font_size: 1.2em
+ small:
+ font_size: 0.8em
+ subtitle:
+ font_color: 999999
+ font_size: 0.8em
+ font_style: normal_italic
+vertical_rhythm: $base_line_height_length
+horizontal_rhythm: $base_line_height_length
+ font_color: 428BCA
+# codespan is currently used for monospaced phrases and table cells
+ font_color: B12146
+ font_family: M+ 1mn
+ content: "[\u2009%s\u2009]"
+ font_style: bold
+ background_color: F5F5F5
+ border_color: CCCCCC
+ border_offset: 2
+ border_radius: 2
+ border_width: 0.5
+ font_family: $codespan_font_family
+ separator: "\u202f+\u202f"
+ background_color: FFFF00
+ border_offset: 1
+ caret_content: " \u203a "
+ font_style: bold
+ text_align: left
+ font_color: $base_font_color
+ font_style: bold
+ # h1 is used for part titles (book doctype) or the doctitle (article doctype)
+ h1_font_size: floor($base_font_size * 2.6)
+ # h2 is used for chapter titles (book doctype only)
+ h2_font_size: floor($base_font_size * 2.15)
+ h3_font_size: round($base_font_size * 1.7)
+ h4_font_size: $base_font_size_large
+ h5_font_size: $base_font_size
+ h6_font_size: $base_font_size_small
+ # rely on built-in line height in Noto
+ line_height: 1
+ margin_top: $vertical_rhythm * 0.4
+ margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm * 0.9
+ min_height_after: $base_line_height_length * 1.5
+ align: right
+ logo:
+ top: 10%
+ title:
+ top: 55%
+ font_size: $heading_h1_font_size
+ font_color: $role_subtitle_font_color
+ line_height: 0.9
+ subtitle:
+ font_size: $heading_h3_font_size
+ font_style: bold_italic
+ line_height: 1
+ authors:
+ margin_top: $base_font_size * 1.25
+ font_size: $base_font_size_large
+ font_color: 181818
+ revision:
+ margin_top: $base_font_size * 1.25
+ margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm
+ align: left
+ font_size: $base_font_size * 0.95
+ font_style: italic
+ # FIXME perhaps set line_height instead of / in addition to margins?
+ margin_inside: $vertical_rhythm / 3
+ margin_outside: 0
+ font_color: 5C6266
+ font_size: $role_lead_font_size
+ line_height: 1.4
+ font_style: italic
+ first_line_font_style: bold
+ title:
+ text_align: center
+ font_color: $heading_font_color
+ font_size: $heading_h4_font_size
+ font_style: $heading_font_style
+ column_rule_color: $base_border_color
+ column_rule_width: $base_border_width
+ padding: [$vertical_rhythm / 3.0, $horizontal_rhythm, $vertical_rhythm / 3.0, $horizontal_rhythm]
+ label:
+ text_transform: uppercase
+ font_style: bold
+ font_size: $base_font_size_large
+ border_color: $base_border_color
+ border_width: 0
+ border_left_width: $horizontal_rhythm / 3
+ padding: [$vertical_rhythm / 4, $horizontal_rhythm, $vertical_rhythm / 4, $horizontal_rhythm + $quote_border_left_width / 2]
+ cite:
+ font_size: $base_font_size_small
+ font_color: $role_subtitle_font_color
+ font_size: $quote_font_size
+ border_color: $quote_border_color
+ border_width: $quote_border_width
+ border_left_width: $quote_border_left_width
+ padding: $quote_padding
+ cite:
+ font_size: $quote_cite_font_size
+ font_color: $quote_cite_font_color
+# code is used for literal, listing, and source blocks and literal table cells
+ font_color: $base_font_color
+ font_family: $codespan_font_family
+ font_size: ceil($base_font_size)
+ padding: $code_font_size
+ line_height: 1.25
+ # line_gap is an experimental property to control how a background color is applied to an inline block element
+ line_gap: 3.8
+ background_color: F5F5F5
+ border_color: CCCCCC
+ border_radius: $base_border_radius
+ border_width: 0.75
+ font_family: $codespan_font_family
+ font_color: $codespan_font_color
+ font_size: $base_font_size
+ line_height: 4 / 3
+ glyphs: circled
+ border_color: $base_border_color
+ border_radius: $base_border_radius
+ border_width: 0.75
+ background_color: $page_background_color
+ padding: [$vertical_rhythm, $horizontal_rhythm, $vertical_rhythm, $horizontal_rhythm]
+ align: left
+ margin_bottom: $block_margin_bottom
+ background_color: EEEEEE
+ border_color: E1E1E1
+ border_radius: $base_border_radius
+ border_width: $base_border_width
+ padding: [$vertical_rhythm, $vertical_rhythm * 1.25, $vertical_rhythm, $vertical_rhythm * 1.25]
+ title:
+ text_align: center
+ font_color: $heading_font_color
+ font_size: $heading_h4_font_size
+ font_style: $heading_font_style
+ border_color: $base_border_color
+ border_style: solid
+ border_width: $base_border_width
+ padding: [$vertical_rhythm * 0.5, 0]
+ indent: $horizontal_rhythm * 1.5
+ #marker_font_color: 404040
+ # NOTE list_item_spacing only applies to list items that do not have complex content
+ item_spacing: $vertical_rhythm / 2
+ term_font_style: bold
+ term_spacing: $vertical_rhythm / 4
+ description_indent: $horizontal_rhythm * 1.25
+ margin_top_after_code: -$block_margin_bottom / 2
+ background_color: $page_background_color
+ border_color: DDDDDD
+ border_width: $base_border_width
+ grid_width: $base_border_width
+ cell_padding: 3
+ head:
+ font_style: bold
+ border_bottom_width: $base_border_width * 2.5
+ body:
+ stripe_background_color: F9F9F9
+ foot:
+ background_color: F0F0F0
+ indent: $horizontal_rhythm
+ line_height: 1.4
+ dot_leader:
+ #content: ". "
+ font_color: A9A9A9
+ #levels: 2 3
+ font_size: round($base_font_size * 0.75)
+ item_spacing: $list_item_spacing / 2
+ column_gap: $vertical_rhythm
+ font_size: $base_font_size_small
+ # NOTE if background_color is set, background and border will span width of page
+ border_color: DDDDDD
+ border_width: 0.25
+ height: $base_line_height_length * 2.5
+ line_height: 1
+ vertical_align: middle
+ recto:
+ center:
+ content: '{doctitle} - {current-version}'
+ verso:
+ center:
+ content: '{doctitle} - {current-version}'
+ font_size: $base_font_size_small
+ # NOTE if background_color is set, background and border will span width of page
+ border_color: DDDDDD
+ border_width: 0.25
+ height: $base_line_height_length * 2.5
+ line_height: 1
+ padding: [$base_line_height_length / 2, 1, 0, 1]
+ vertical_align: top
+ recto:
+ right:
+ content: '*{page-number}*'
+ left:
+ content: 'See https://cfconventions.org for further information'
+ verso:
+ left:
+ content: '*{page-number}*'
+ right:
+ content: 'See https://cfconventions.org for further information'
diff --git a/no-lead-theme.yml b/no-lead-theme.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 80ea824e..00000000
--- a/no-lead-theme.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# A modified copy of the 'default-theme.yml' file that is shipped with
-# asciidoctor-pdf v1.5.0.alpha.10.
-# The lead_font_size and lead_line_height properties are modified to
-# prevent the "List of Tables" and "List of Examples" content from
-# using a larger than normal font.
- catalog:
- # Noto Serif supports Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A, Greek, Cyrillic, Vietnamese & an assortment of symbols
- Noto Serif:
- normal: notoserif-regular-subset.ttf
- bold: notoserif-bold-subset.ttf
- italic: notoserif-italic-subset.ttf
- bold_italic: notoserif-bold_italic-subset.ttf
- # M+ 1mn supports ASCII and the circled numbers used for conums
- M+ 1mn:
- normal: mplus1mn-regular-ascii-conums.ttf
- bold: mplus1mn-bold-ascii.ttf
- italic: mplus1mn-italic-ascii.ttf
- bold_italic: mplus1mn-bold_italic-ascii.ttf
- # M+ 1p supports Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended, Greek, Cyrillic, Vietnamese, Japanese & an assortment of symbols
- # It also provides arrows for ->, <-, => and <= replacements in case these glyphs are missing from font
- M+ 1p Fallback:
- normal: mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf
- bold: mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf
- italic: mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf
- bold_italic: mplus1p-regular-fallback.ttf
- fallbacks:
- - M+ 1p Fallback
- background_color: ffffff
- layout: portrait
- margin: [0.5in, 0.67in, 0.67in, 0.67in]
- size: LETTER
- align: justify
- # color as hex string (leading # is optional)
- font_color: 333333
- # color as RGB array
- #font_color: [51, 51, 51]
- # color as CMYK array (approximated)
- #font_color: [0, 0, 0, 0.92]
- #font_color: [0, 0, 0, 92%]
- font_family: Noto Serif
- # choose one of these font_size/line_height_length combinations
- #font_size: 14
- #line_height_length: 20
- #font_size: 11.25
- #line_height_length: 18
- #font_size: 11.2
- #line_height_length: 16
- font_size: 10.5
- #line_height_length: 15
- # correct line height for Noto Serif metrics
- line_height_length: 12
- #font_size: 11.25
- #line_height_length: 18
- line_height: $base_line_height_length / $base_font_size
- font_size_large: round($base_font_size * 1.25)
- font_size_small: round($base_font_size * 0.85)
- font_size_min: $base_font_size * 0.75
- font_style: normal
- border_color: eeeeee
- border_radius: 4
- border_width: 0.5
-# FIXME vertical_rhythm is weird; we should think in terms of ems
-#vertical_rhythm: $base_line_height_length * 2 / 3
-# correct line height for Noto Serif metrics (comes with built-in line height)
-vertical_rhythm: $base_line_height_length
-horizontal_rhythm: $base_line_height_length
-# QUESTION should vertical_spacing be block_spacing instead?
-vertical_spacing: $vertical_rhythm
- font_color: 428bca
-# literal is currently used for inline monospaced in prose and table cells
- font_color: b12146
- font_family: M+ 1mn
- #font_color: 181818
- font_color: $base_font_color
- font_family: $base_font_family
- font_style: bold
- # h1 is used for part titles
- h1_font_size: floor($base_font_size * 2.6)
- # h2 is used for chapter titles
- h2_font_size: floor($base_font_size * 2.15)
- h3_font_size: round($base_font_size * 1.7)
- h4_font_size: $base_font_size_large
- h5_font_size: $base_font_size
- h6_font_size: $base_font_size_small
- #line_height: 1.4
- # correct line height for Noto Serif metrics (comes with built-in line height)
- line_height: 1.2
- margin_top: $vertical_rhythm * 0.2
- margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm * 0.8
- align: right
- logo:
- top: 10%
- title:
- top: 55%
- font_size: $heading_h1_font_size
- font_color: 999999
- line_height: 0.9
- subtitle:
- font_size: $heading_h3_font_size
- font_style: bold_italic
- line_height: 1
- authors:
- margin_top: $base_font_size * 1.25
- font_size: $base_font_size_large
- font_color: 181818
- revision:
- margin_top: $base_font_size * 1.25
- margin_top: 0
- margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm
- align: left
- font_style: italic
- # FIXME perhaps set line_height instead of / in addition to margins?
- margin_inside: $vertical_rhythm / 3
- #margin_inside: $vertical_rhythm / 4
- margin_outside: 0
- font_size: $base_font_size
- line_height: $base_line_height
- font_color: 5c6266
- font_size: $lead_font_size
- line_height: $lead_line_height
- font_style: italic
- border_color: $base_border_color
- border_width: $base_border_width
- padding: [0, $horizontal_rhythm, 0, $horizontal_rhythm]
- font_color: $base_font_color
- font_size: $base_font_size_large
- border_color: $base_border_color
- border_width: 5
- padding: [$vertical_rhythm / 2, $horizontal_rhythm, $vertical_rhythm / -2, $horizontal_rhythm + $blockquote_border_width / 2]
- cite_font_size: $base_font_size_small
- cite_font_color: 999999
-# code is used for source blocks (perhaps change to source or listing?)
- font_color: $base_font_color
- font_family: $literal_font_family
- font_size: ceil($base_font_size)
- padding: $code_font_size
- line_height: 1.25
- background_color: f5f5f5
- border_color: cccccc
- border_radius: $base_border_radius
- border_width: 0.75
- font_family: M+ 1mn
- font_color: $literal_font_color
- font_size: $base_font_size
- line_height: 4 / 3
- border_color: $base_border_color
- border_radius: $base_border_radius
- border_width: 0.75
- background_color: transparent
- # FIXME reenable margin bottom once margin collapsing is implemented
- padding: [$vertical_rhythm, $horizontal_rhythm, 0, $horizontal_rhythm]
- align: left
- margin_top: 0
- margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm
- border_color: $page_background_color
- border_radius: $base_border_radius
- border_width: $base_border_width
- background_color: eeeeee
- # FIXME reenable margin bottom once margin collapsing is implemented
- padding: [$vertical_rhythm, $vertical_rhythm * 1.25, 0, $vertical_rhythm * 1.25]
- title:
- align: center
- font_color: $heading_font_color
- font_family: $heading_font_family
- font_size: $heading_h4_font_size
- font_style: $heading_font_style
- border_color: $base_border_color
- border_style: solid
- border_width: $base_border_width
- margin_top: $vertical_rhythm * 0.5
- margin_bottom: $vertical_rhythm * 1.5
- term_font_style: italic
- term_spacing: $vertical_rhythm / 4
- description_indent: $horizontal_rhythm * 1.25
- indent: $horizontal_rhythm * 1.5
- # NOTE item_spacing applies to list items that do not have complex content
- item_spacing: $vertical_rhythm / 2
- #marker_font_color: 404040
- background_color: $page_background_color
- #head_background_color:
- #head_font_color: $base_font_color
- head_font_style: bold
- even_row_background_color: f9f9f9
- #odd_row_background_color:
- foot_background_color: f0f0f0
- border_color: dddddd
- border_width: $base_border_width
- # HACK accounting for line-height
- cell_padding: [3, 3, 6, 3]
- dot_leader_color: dddddd
- #dot_leader_content: '. '
- indent: $horizontal_rhythm
- line_height: 1.4
-# NOTE In addition to footer, header is also supported
- font_size: $base_font_size_small
- font_color: $base_font_color
- # NOTE if background_color is set, background and border will span width of page
- border_color: dddddd
- border_width: 0.25
- height: $base_line_height_length * 2.5
- line_height: 1
- padding: [$base_line_height_length / 2, 1, 0, 1]
- vertical_align: top
- #image_vertical_align: or
- # additional attributes for content:
- # * {page-count}
- # * {page-number}
- # * {document-title}
- # * {document-subtitle}
- # * {chapter-title}
- # * {section-title}
- # * {section-or-chapter-title}
- recto_content:
- #right: '{section-or-chapter-title} | {page-number}'
- #right: '{document-title} | {page-number}'
- right: '{page-number}'
- #center: '{page-number}'
- verso_content:
- #left: '{page-number} | {chapter-title}'
- left: '{page-number}'
- #center: '{page-number}'
diff --git a/pr01.adoc b/pr01.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c825da4..00000000
--- a/pr01.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-== Preface
-Home page: ::
-Contains links to: previous draft and current working draft documents; applications for processing CF conforming files; email list for discussion about interpretation, clarification, and proposals for changes or extensions to the current conventions.
-Revision history: ::
-This document will be updated to reflect agreed changes to the standard and to correct mistakes according to the rules of
-link:$$http://cfconventions.org/governance.html$$[CF governance].
-See <> for the full revision history.