Version 0.4.1
Released 2023/12/07
Version 0.4.1 is a bugfix and minor feature update to Celeritas, primarily to
support CMSSW integration.
Key enhancements compared to version 0.4.0 are:
- A new
interface to Celeritas from Geant4 - Support for using a GDML-free VecGeom installation
- Improved provenance and reporting in JSON output for apps
- The ability to use stdin/stdout to drive
with JSON
Important bug fixes:
can now be used with Celeritas offload enabled.
New features
- Write celer-g4 input to output file or screen (@sethrj, #1034)
- Support sorting tracks by particle types (@esseivaju, #1044)
- Improve JSON I/O for celer-g4/sim apps (@sethrj, #1045)
- Support JSON via stdin for celer-g4 (@sethrj, #1048)
- Support using VecGeom without VGDML (@sethrj, #1046)
- Implement jump ahead for XORWOW RNG (@amandalund, #1049)
- Implement offload to Celeritas from Geant4 using G4VTrackingManager hook (@drbenmorgan, #1050)
Reviewers: @amandalund (3), @sethrj (3), @whokion (1)
Bug fixes
- Fix GeantSimpleCalo output when Celeritas is enabled (@sethrj, #1040)
- Uniquify ROOT file name when output is directed to stdout (@pcanal, #1051)
- Fix ROOT dictionary paths (@pcanal, #1054)
Reviewers: @sethrj (2), @amandalund (1)
Documentation improvements
- Update tests to pass with cuRAND (@amandalund, #1052)
Reviewers: @sethrj (1)
Minor internal changes
- Fix Jenkins CI build and ccache use (@sethrj, #1036)
- Update Perlmutter CMake profile and env script (@esseivaju, #1041)
- Fix Jenkins CI (@sethrj, #1038)
- Update cuda build instructions (@esseivaju, #1043)
- Refactor TrackSortUtils (@esseivaju, #1047)
Reviewers: @sethrj (3), @pcanal (2)
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1