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CDK - Zero Dependency Container Penetration Toolkit

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Legal Disclaimer

Usage of CDK for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. CDK is for security testing purposes only.


CDK is an open-sourced container penetration toolkit, designed for offering stable exploitation in different slimmed containers without any OS dependency. It comes with useful net-tools and many powerful PoCs/EXPs helps you to escape container and takeover K8s cluster easily.

Currently still under development, submit issues or mail [email protected] if you need any help.


Drop executable files into target container and start testing.


Container DucK
Zero-dependency docker/k8s penetration toolkit by <[email protected]>
Find tutorial, configuration and use-case in

  cdk evaluate [--full]
  cdk run (--list | <exploit> [<args>...])
  cdk <tool> [<args>...]

  cdk evaluate                              Gather information to find weekness inside container.
  cdk evaluate --full                       Enable file scan during information gathering.

  cdk run --list                            List all available exploits.
  cdk run <exploit> [<args>...]             Run single exploit, docs in

  vi <file>                                 Edit files in container like "vi" command.
  ps                                        Show process information like "ps -ef" command.
  nc [options]                              Create TCP tunnel.
  ifconfig                                  Show network information.
  kcurl	(get|post) <url> <data>             Make request to K8s api-server.
  ucurl (get|post) <socket> <uri> <data>    Make request to docker unix socket.
  probe <ip> <port> <parallel> <timeout-ms> TCP port scan, example: cdk probe 80,8080-9443 50 1000

  -h --help     Show this help msg.
  -v --version  Show version.


CDK have three modules:

  1. Evaluate: gather information inside container to find potential weakness.
  2. Exploit: for container escaping, persistance and lateral movement
  3. Tool: network-tools and APIs for TCP/HTTP requests, tunnels and K8s cluster management.

Evaluate Module


cdk evaluate [--full]

This command will run the scripts below without local file scanning, using --full to enable all.

Tactics Script Supported Usage/Example
Information Gathering OS basic info link
Information Gathering Available capabilities link
Information Gathering Available Linux commands link
Information Gathering Mounts link
Information Gathering Sensitive ENV link
Information Gathering Sensitive process link
Information Gathering Sensitive local files link
Discovery K8s api-server info link
Discovery K8s service-account info link

Exploit Module

List all available exploits:

cdk run --list

Run targeted exploit:

cdk run <script-name> [options]
Tactics Exploit Callable Name Supported Usage/Example
Escaping docker-runc CVE-2019-5736
Escaping dirtycow CVE-2016-5159
Escaping docker.sock PoC (DIND attack) docker-sock-check link
Escaping docker.sock Backdoor Image Deploy docker-sock-deploy link
Escaping Device Mount Escaping mount-disk link
Escaping Cgroups Escaping mount-cgroup link
Escaping Procfs Escaping mount-procfs link
Escaping Ptrace Escaping PoC check-ptrace link
Discovery K8s Component Probe service-probe link
Lateral Movement K8s Service Account Control
Lateral Movement Attack K8s api-server
Lateral Movement Attack K8s Kubelet
Lateral Movement Attack K8s Dashboard
Lateral Movement Attack K8s Helm
Lateral Movement Attack K8s Etcd
Lateral Movement Attack Private Docker Registry
Remote Control Reverse Shell reverse-shell link
Credential Access Access Key Scanning ak-leakage link
Credential Access Dump K8s Secrets k8s-secret-dump
Credential Access Dump K8s Config k8s-configmap-dump
Persistence Deploy WebShell
Persistence Deploy Backdoor Pod
Persistence Deploy Shadow K8s api-server
Persistence Deploy K8s Cronbob
Defense Evasion Disable K8s Audit

Tool Module

Running commands like in Linux, little different in input-args, see the usage link.

cdk nc [options]
cdk ps
Command Description Supported Usage/Example
nc TCP Tunnel link
ps Process Information link
ifconfig Network Information link
vi Edit Files link
kcurl Request to K8s api-server link
dcurl Request to Docker HTTP API
ucurl Request to Docker Unix Socket link
rcurl Request to Docker Registry API
probe IP/Port Scanning link


  1. Echo loader for delivering CDK into target container via Web RCE.
  2. EDR defense evasion.
  3. Compile optimization.
  4. Dev docs
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