Duration: 1 month
Election cycle consists of
- Appointment of Election Officer
- Initial announcement kicking of the election cycle
- Nomination period
- Voting period
- Announcement of elected individuals
Emails and Slack announcements will be sent out 1 month prior to the nomination period to the relevant subscription lists and channels. If you are not subscribed to a voting class’ email list or Slack you will not receive these announcements. Please confirm your subscription by visiting CDF Lists and reviewing “Your Groups”. Please also make sure your spam filters are set to receive emails from these groups.
Elections will be conducted by CDF Staff. To increase the transparency, elections will be observed by the community member who is appointed as the Election Officer.
Nomination period is open for two weeks prior to the election cycle.
The nomination phase is 2 weeks
Individuals interested in running for these positions or individuals interested to nominate others must record the nominations under corresponding GitHub issues with the name of the candidate, their biography and statement of intent on why they would be a good person to hold the position.
If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please confirm their interest privately BEFORE you nominate them publicly. It is also required that individuals nominated by others accept their nominations directly under GitHub issues.
Nominations are dependent on the position up for election. Please see the list below for information on who is eligible to vote and nominate.
- Nominations: Governing Board
- Voting: Governing Board
- Nominations: End User and General Members
- Voting: End User and General Members
- Nominations: anyone in CDF Community
- Voting: Governing Board
- Nominations: Governing Board
- Voting: Governing Board
- Nominations: CDF TOC Voting Members
- Voting: CDF TOC Voting Members
- Nominations: Each CDF project will elect their own project representative
- Nominations: anyone in CDF Community
- Eligibility: anyone who represents an end user organization regardless of their CDF membership
- Voting: End User Members
- Nominations: TOC, GB
- Voting: Governing Board
- Nominations: Anyone representing a member company may be nominated
- Voting: Member company representatives and project appointed representatives
- Nominations: Anyone currently holding a voting positions on any CDF committee may be nominated
- Voting: Anyone currently holding a voting positions on any CDF committee may vote
- Nominations
- Voting
Nominees will be announced on the CDF website the day prior to the start of the Voting Phase and the links to the announcement will be shared on corresponding Slack Channels and maillists. Ballots will be distributed via Google Form links.
The Voting Phase is 1 week
At the completion of the Nomination Period eligible voters will be sent a ballot link. These links are unique to a voting class and should not be shared with anyone. Each member of the voting class is entitled to one vote per open position.
Voters should review the bios and statements of intent for each candidate before making their selection.
Voters should keep their selections private to ensure the integrity of the election is maintained.
Voting classes differ depending on the charter statements of the open position. Please select the position you would like to vote on from the list above for information on who is eligible to vote and nominate.
Winners will be determined by a majority vote of the established voting class and announced the Monday following the Election Phase via Email, Slack, Social, and the CDF Website.
##AddingIndividual to Relevant Channels, Email lists and website.
Elected officals will be added to committee Slack Channels, Email lists, Zoom Accounts, and the CDF Website (if applicable)