透過 Minio 實現物件式儲存。
Implement object storage mechanism with Minio.
配置 appsettings.json
Configure appsettings.json
"Storage": { "Minio": { "Endpoint": "", "AccessKey": "", "SecretKey": "", "Timeout": 0, "EnableSsl": false } }
- Endpoint:Url to object storage service.
- AccessKey:Access key is the user ID that uniquely identifies your account.
- SecretKey:Secret key is the password to your account.
- Timeout:Set timeout for all requests. (Timeout in milliseconds)
- EnableSsl:Connects to object storage service with https.
新增 Minio 儲存實例至 DI 容器中。
Add minio storage instance to DI container
// Section name from settings is defaulted, you can change your prefer naming, but field structure must be the same! builder.Services.Configure<Settings>(settings => builder.Configuration.GetSection(Settings.SectionName).Bind(settings)); builder.Services.AddSingleton<IObjectStorage, MinioStorage>();
- Inject
to operate object.