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Vladimir Metelitsa edited this page May 19, 2015 · 38 revisions

This is our roadmap, feel free to add other things you consider important or necessary or help with existing ones.

This is a general list, a more detailed list of requirements to develop are the ones marked as [NFR] in the Issues list.

Description Version Status Due Date Issue #
Implement ViewModels 2.1.0 In Progress 476
Support for embedding blocks into other blocks in Volt 2.1.0 In Progress 329
Implement versioning in Assets Manager 2.1.0 In Progress 639
Subqueries in PHQL 2.0.2 Completed 2015-05-09 496
Add Filter(), getData() and clear() for Phalcon\Forms\Form 1.2.0 Completed 2013-07-09 602
Select only specific fields in ODM find() 1.2.0 Completed 2013-07-09 655
Separate variable spaces in view 1.2.0 Completed 2013-07-09 649
Implement method \Phalcon\Forms\Element::setMessage() 1.2.0 Completed 2013-07-09 576
Asset Manager - minify 1.2.0 Completed 2013-07-09 549
Phalcon\Http\Response can support send_file and getheader optimization? 1.2.0 Completed 2013-07-09 545
Volt support "with" 1.2.0 Completed 2013-07-09 282
About has and belongs to many 1.2.0 Completed 2013-07-09 225
Forms Builder/Validator component 1.0.0 Completed 246
Introduce Mail component 1.2.0 Not Implemented 72
Create Db Session save handler 0.8.x Completed (Incubator) 67
Common view and model view in multimodel app (working together) 0.8.x Completed 143
Independent column/properties in ORM (columnMap definition) 0.7.x Completed 95
Create interfaces for all components \Di, \Mvc, \Session, etc. 0.7.x Completed 136, 102
Support for MongoDb 0.6.x Completed 35
Define Classes in a Phalcon Namespace 0.5.0 Completed 2012-09-08
Introduce DI container 0.5.0 Completed 2012-09-08
Introduce Events Manager 0.5.0 Completed 2012-09-08
Introduce PHQL - Phalcon Query Language 0.5.0 Completed 2012-09-08
Switch DB access to PDO 0.5.0 Completed 2012-09-08
Support for PostgreSQL (DB) 0.4.2 Completed 2012-07-05
Persistent storage of model meta-data (ORM) 0.4.1 Completed 2012-07-05
Caching of result-sets with Memcached (ORM) 0.4.1 Completed 2012-07-05
Virtual foreign keys (ORM) 0.4.0 Completed 2012-07-05
Multilingual support with a component for Translation based on messages 0.4.0 Completed 2012-07-01
A router adapter based on regular expressions 0.4.0 Completed 2012-07-01
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