This directory contains Jupyter and Rstudio notebooks used in the publication.
If you are interested in analysing wastewater samples, you should refer to repository COWWID.
It contains a detailed description of the latest up-to-date procedure used to generate the plots visible on the dashboard Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 genomic variants in wastewater and displayed on CoV-Spectrum.
Notebook to assess the prevalence of signature mutation defining the lineages B.1.1.7 and 501.V2 in all 5758 non-B.1.1.7 and non-501.V2 consensus sequences from clinical samples collected in Switzerland before December 24.
ShoRAH normally calls SNV by combining the results of three overlapping local windows. Given the nature of our sample, we are lucky if a single windows can cover our mutations. So this Notebook instead calls mutation based on the local haplotype on single ShoRAH windows. We lose some confidence by only using a single windows per SVN, but because variants of concern are detected based on multiple mutations simultaneously.
Combines a list of SNV from the precedent Notebook with a reads counts, so we can also estimate mutation frequency.
Produce smoothed curves of B.1.1.7 frequency for wastewater and clinical samples.
Produce fitted logistic growth curves of B.1.1.7 frequency for wastewater and clinical samples. Produce online estimates of fitness advantage.
Produce plots of Delta prevalence in clinical samples and cojac detections in wastewater.