diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
index e2a08f9..d4c89df 100644
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -33,46 +33,24 @@ use egui::{epaint, style, Color32};
 /// Apply the given theme to a [`Context`](egui::Context).
 pub fn set_theme(ctx: &egui::Context, theme: Theme) {
     let old = ctx.style().visuals.clone();
-    ctx.set_visuals(egui::Visuals {
-        override_text_color: Some(theme.text),
-        hyperlink_color: theme.rosewater,
-        faint_bg_color: theme.surface0,
-        extreme_bg_color: theme.crust,
-        code_bg_color: theme.mantle,
-        warn_fg_color: theme.peach,
-        error_fg_color: theme.maroon,
-        window_fill: theme.base,
-        panel_fill: theme.base,
-        window_stroke: egui::Stroke {
-            color: theme.overlay1,
-            ..old.window_stroke
-        },
-        widgets: style::Widgets {
-            noninteractive: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.noninteractive, &theme, theme.base),
-            inactive: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.inactive, &theme, theme.surface0),
-            hovered: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.hovered, &theme, theme.surface2),
-            active: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.active, &theme, theme.surface1),
-            open: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.open, &theme, theme.surface0),
-        },
-        selection: style::Selection {
-            bg_fill: theme
-                .blue
-                .linear_multiply(if theme == LATTE { 0.4 } else { 0.2 }),
-            stroke: egui::Stroke {
-                color: theme.overlay1,
-                ..old.selection.stroke
-            },
-        },
-        window_shadow: epaint::Shadow {
-            color: theme.base,
-            ..old.window_shadow
-        },
-        popup_shadow: epaint::Shadow {
-            color: theme.base,
-            ..old.popup_shadow
-        },
-        ..old
-    });
+    ctx.set_visuals(theme.visuals(old));
+/// Apply the given theme to a [`Style`](egui::Style).
+/// # Example
+/// ```rust
+/// # use egui::__run_test_ctx;
+/// # __run_test_ctx(|ctx| {
+/// let mut style = (*ctx.style()).clone();
+/// catppuccin_egui::set_style_theme(&mut style, catppuccin_egui::MACCHIATO);
+/// ctx.set_style(style);
+/// # });
+/// ```
+pub fn set_style_theme(style: &mut egui::Style, theme: Theme) {
+    let old = style.visuals.clone();
+    style.visuals = theme.visuals(old);
 fn make_widget_visual(
@@ -126,6 +104,51 @@ pub struct Theme {
     pub crust: Color32,
+impl Theme {
+    fn visuals(&self, old: egui::Visuals) -> egui::Visuals {
+        egui::Visuals {
+            override_text_color: Some(self.text),
+            hyperlink_color: self.rosewater,
+            faint_bg_color: self.surface0,
+            extreme_bg_color: self.crust,
+            code_bg_color: self.mantle,
+            warn_fg_color: self.peach,
+            error_fg_color: self.maroon,
+            window_fill: self.base,
+            panel_fill: self.base,
+            window_stroke: egui::Stroke {
+                color: self.overlay1,
+                ..old.window_stroke
+            },
+            widgets: style::Widgets {
+                noninteractive: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.noninteractive, self, self.base),
+                inactive: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.inactive, self, self.surface0),
+                hovered: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.hovered, self, self.surface2),
+                active: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.active, self, self.surface1),
+                open: make_widget_visual(old.widgets.open, self, self.surface0),
+            },
+            selection: style::Selection {
+                bg_fill: self
+                    .blue
+                    .linear_multiply(if *self == LATTE { 0.4 } else { 0.2 }),
+                stroke: egui::Stroke {
+                    color: self.overlay1,
+                    ..old.selection.stroke
+                },
+            },
+            window_shadow: epaint::Shadow {
+                color: self.base,
+                ..old.window_shadow
+            },
+            popup_shadow: epaint::Shadow {
+                color: self.base,
+                ..old.popup_shadow
+            },
+            ..old
+        }
+    }
 pub const LATTE: Theme = Theme {
     rosewater: Color32::from_rgb(220, 138, 120),
     flamingo: Color32::from_rgb(221, 120, 120),