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Tinkoff Online Cashier Driver

cashier provider tinkoff online

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To get the latest version of Tinkoff Online Cashier Driver, simply require the project using Composer:

$ composer require cashier-provider/tinkoff-online

Or manually update require block of composer.json and run composer update.

    "require": {
        "cashier-provider/tinkoff-online": "^1.0"



This project is the driver for Cashier.

Terminal Key and Secret must be provided by the bank manager in response to the agreement concluded with the bank.


Add your driver information to the config/cashier.php file:

use App\Models\Payment;
use App\Payments\Tinkoff as TinkoffOnlineDetails;
use CashierProvider\Core\Constants\Driver;
use CashierProvider\Tinkoff\Online\Driver as TinkoffOnlineDriver;

return [
    'payment' => [
        'map' => [
            Payment::TYPE_TINKOFF_ONLINE => 'tinkoff_online'

    'drivers' => [
        'tinkoff_online' => [
            Driver::DRIVER  => TinkoffOnlineDriver::class,
            Driver::DETAILS => TinkoffOnlineDetails::class,

            Driver::CLIENT_ID       => env('CASHIER_TINKOFF_CLIENT_ID'),


Create a model resource class inheriting from CashierProvider\Core\Resources\Model in your application.

Use the $this->model link to refer to the payment model. When executed, the $model parameter will contain the payment instance.

namespace App\Payments;

use CashierProvider\Core\Resources\Model;

class Tinkoff extends Model
    protected function paymentId(): string
        return (string) $this->model->id;

    protected function sum(): float
        return (float) $this->model->sum;

    protected function currency(): int
        return $this->model->currency;

    protected function createdAt(): Carbon
        return $this->model->created_at;

Custom Authentication

In some cases, the application can send requests to the bank from different terminals. For example, when one application serves payments of several companies.

In order for the payment to be authorized with the required authorization data, you can override the clientId and clientSecret methods:

namespace App\Payments;

use App\Models\Payment;
use CashierProvider\Core\Resources\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class Tinkoff extends Model
    protected $bank;

    protected function clientId(): string
        return $this->bank()->client_id;

    protected function clientSecret(): string
        return $this->bank()->client_secret;

    protected function paymentId(): string
        return (string) $this->model->id;

    protected function sum(): float
        return (float) $this->model->sum;

    protected function currency(): int
        return $this->model->currency;

    protected function createdAt(): Carbon
        return $this->model->created_at;

    protected function bank()
        if (! empty($this->bank)) {
            return $this->bank;

        return $this->bank = $this->model->types()
            ->where('type', Payment::TYPE_TINKOFF_ONLINE)


All requests to the bank and processing of responses are carried out by the Cashier project.

To get a link, contact him through the cast:

use App\Models\Payment;

public function getOnlineUrl(Payment $payment): string
    return $payment->cashier->details->getUrl();

Available Methods And Details Data

// Returns the bank's transaction ID for this operation

$payment->cashier->details->getStatus(): ?string
// Returns the text status from the bank
// For example, `NEW`.

$payment->cashier->details->getUrl(): ?string
// If the request to get the link was successful, it will return the URL
// For example, `<hash>`

$payment->cashier->details->toArray(): array
// Returns an array of status and URL.
// For example,
// [
//     'url' => '<hash>',
//     'status' => 'NEW'
// ]