In the :doc:`previous chapter<functions>`, we saw how to combine the traditional control flow idioms seen in :doc:`chapter 3<control>` to create blocks of reusable code, called functions. In this chapter, we'll see how to combine the basic data types seen in :ref:`chapter 2<primitive-types>`, in order to create complex data types.
Go comes with some primitive types: ints, floats, complex numbers, booleans, and strings. Fair enough, but you'll notice as you start to write complex programs that you'll need more advanced forms of data.
Let's begin with an example.
In the previous chapter, we wrote the MAX(A, B int)
function to find out
the bigger value between two integers A, and B. Now, suppose that A, and B are
actually the ages of persons whose names are respectively Tom and Bob. We need
our program to output the name of the older person, and by how many years he is
Sure, we still can use the MAX(A, B int)
function by giving it as input
parameters, the ages of Tom and Bob. But it'd be nicer to write a function
for people. And not for integers.
People! I said people! Thus the need to create a custom type to represent
people, and this type will be used for the input parameters of the Older
function we'd like to write.
In Go, as in C and other languages, we can declare new types that act as
containers for attributes or fields of some other types. For example, we can
create a custom type called person
to represent the attributes of a
person. In our example these attributes will be the person's
name and age.
.. graphviz:: digraph person { rankdir=LR; graph [bgcolor=transparent, resolution=96, fontsize="10" ]; edge [arrowsize=.5, arrowtail="dot", color="#FF6600"]; node [shape=record, fontsize=8, height=.1, penwidth=.4] person[label="<f0>Tom|<f1>25"]; node[shape=plaintext]; pName [label=""]; pAge [label="P.age"]; pName->person:f0; pAge->person:f1; }
A type like this is called a struct
, which is short for structure.
type person struct {
name string // Field name of type string.
age int // Field age of type int.
See? It's easy. A person struct
is a container of two fields:
- The person's name: a field of type
. - The person's age: a field of type
To declare a person
variable we do exactly as we learned in
:doc:`chapter 2<basic>` for basic variable types.
Thus, writing things like:
type person struct {
name string
age int
var P person // P will be a variable of type person. How quaint!
We access and assign a struct's fields (attributes) with the dot nottation.
That is, if P
is a variable of type person
, then we access its fields like
this: = "Tom" // Assign "Tom" to P's name field.
P.age = 25 // Set P's age to 25 (an int).
fmt.Println("The person's name is %s", // Access P's name field.
There's even two short-form assignment statement syntaxes:
- By providing the values for each (and every) field in order:
//declare a variable P of type person and initialize its fields
//name to "Tom" and age to 25.
P := person{"Tom", 25}
- By using field:value initializers for any number of fields in any order:
//declare a variable P of type person and initialize its fields
//name to "Tom" and age to 25.
//Order, here, doesn't count since we specify the fields.
P := person{age:24, name:"Tom"}
Good. Let's write our Older
function that takes two input parameters of type
, and returns the older one and the difference in their ages.
package main
import "fmt"
// We declare our new type
type person struct {
name string
age int
// Return the older person of p1 and p2
// and the difference in their ages.
func Older(p1, p2 person) (person, int) {
if p1.age>p2.age { // Compare p1 and p2's ages
return p1, p1.age-p2.age
return p2, p2.age-p1.age
func main() {
var tom person, tom.age = "Tom", 18
// Look how to declare and initialize easily.
bob := person{age:25, name:"Bob"} //specify the fields and their values
paul := person{"Paul", 43} //specify values of fields in their order
tb_Older, tb_diff := Older(tom, bob)
tp_Older, tp_diff := Older(tom, paul)
bp_Older, bp_diff := Older(bob, paul)
fmt.Printf("Of %s and %s, %s is older by %d years\n",,,, tb_diff)
fmt.Printf("Of %s and %s, %s is older by %d years\n",,,, tp_diff)
fmt.Printf("Of %s and %s, %s is older by %d years\n",,,, bp_diff)
And that's about it! struct
types are handy, easy to declare and to use!
Ready for another problem?
Now, suppose that we'd like to retrieve the older of, not 2, but 10 persons!
Would you write a Older10
function that would take 10 input person
Sure you can! But, seriously, that would be one ugly, very ugly function! Don't
write it, just picture it in your brain. Still not convinced? Ok, imagine a
function with 100 input parameters! Convinced, now?
Ok, let's see how to solve these kinds of problems using arrays.
An array of size n is a block of n consecutive objects of the same type. That is a finite set of indexed objects, where you can enumerate them: object number 1, object number 2, etc...
In fact, in Go as in C and other languages, the indexing starts from 0, so you actually say: object number 0, object number 1... object number n-1
.. graphviz:: digraph array_s { rankdir=LR; graph [bgcolor=transparent, resolution=96, fontsize="10" ]; edge [arrowsize=.5, arrowtail="dot", color="#555555"]; node [shape=record, fontsize=8, height=.1, penwidth=.4] array[label="{<f0>A[0]|<f1>[A]1|<f2>A[2]|<f4>A[3]|...|<fn>A[n-1]}"]; }
Here's how to declare an array of 10 int
s, for example:
//declare an array A of 10 ints
var A [10]int
And here's how to declare an array of 10 person
//declare an array A of 10 persons
var people [10]person
We can access the x th element of an array A
, with the syntax:
Specifically we say: A[0]
, A[1]
, ..., A[n]
For example, the name of the 3 rd person is:
// Declare an array A of 10 persons:
var people [10]person
// Remember indices start from 0!
third_name := people[2].name //use the dot to access the third 'name'.
// Or more verbosely:
third_person := people[2]
thirdname :=
.. graphviz:: digraph array_s { //rankdir=LR; graph [bgcolor=transparent, resolution=96, fontsize="10" ]; edge [arrowsize=.5, arrowhead="dot", color="#555555"]; node [shape=record, fontsize=8, height=.1, penwidth=.4] people[label="<f0>people[0]|<f1>[people1]|<f2>people[2]|<f3>people[3]|...|<fn>people[n-1]"]; p2[shape=circle, penwidth=1, color=crimson, fontcolor=black, label=< <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" VALIGN="MIDDLE"> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="lightyellow">Tom</TD> <TD BGCOLOR="lightblue">25</TD> </TR> </TABLE>>] p2->people:f2 [label=" Zoom on people[2]", fontsize=6, color=crimson, fontcolor=crimson] }
The idea now is to write a function Older10
that takes an array of 10
s as its input, and returns the older person
in this array.
package main
import "fmt"
//Our struct
type person struct {
name string
age int
//return the older person in a group of 10 persons
func Older10(people [10]person) person {
older := people[0] // The first one is the older for now.
// Loop through the array and check if we could find an older person.
for index := 1; index < 10; index++ { // We skipped the first element here.
if people[index].age > older.age { // Current's persons age vs olderest so far.
older = people[index] // If people[index] is older, replace the value of older.
return older
func main() {
// Declare an example array variable of 10 person called 'array'.
var array [10]person
// Initialize some of the elements of the array, the others ar by
// default set to person{"", 0}
array[1] = person{"Paul", 23};
array[2] = person{"Jim", 24};
array[3] = person{"Sam", 84};
array[4] = person{"Rob", 54};
array[8] = person{"Karl", 19};
older := Older10(array) // Call the function by passing it our array.
fmt.Println("The older of the group is: ",
We could have declared and initialized the variable array
of the main()
function above in a single shot like this:
// Declare and initialize an array A of 10 person.
array := [10]person {
person{"", 0},
person{"Paul", 23},
person{"Jim", 24},
person{"Sam", 84},
person{"Rob", 54},
person{"", 0},
person{"", 0},
person{"", 0},
person{"Karl", 10},
person{"", 0}}
This means that to initialize an array, you put its elements between two braces, and you separate them with commas.
We can even omit the size of the array, and Go will count the number of elements given in the initialization for us. So we could have written the above code as:
// Declare and initialize an array of 10 persons, but let the compiler guess the size.
array := [...]person { // Substitute '...' instead of an integer size.
person{"", 0},
person{"Paul", 23},
person{"Jim", 24},
person{"Sam", 84},
person{"Rob", 54},
person{"", 0},
person{"", 0},
person{"", 0},
person{"Karl", 10},
person{"", 0}}
Specifically note the elipses [...]
However, the size of an array is an important part of its definition. They don't grow and they don't shrink. You can't, for example, have an array of 9 elements, and use it with a function that expects an array of 10 elements as an input. Simply because they are of different types. Rememeber this.
Some things to keep in mind:
- Arrays are values. Assigning one array to another, copies all of the elements
of the right hand array to the left hand array.
That is: if
, andB
are arrays of the same type, and we write:B = A
, thenB[0] == A[0]
,B[1] == A[1]
...B[n-1] == A[n-1]
. - When passing an array to a function, it is copied. i.e. The function recieves a copy of that array, and not a reference (pointer) to it.
- Go comes with a built-in function
that returns variables sizes. In the previous example:len(array) == 10
You can think to yourself: "Hey! I want an array of arrays!". Yes, that's possible, and often used in practice.
We can declare a 2-dimensional array like this:
//declare and initialize an array of 2 arrays of 4 ints
double_array := [2][4]int {[4]int{1,2,3,4}, [4]int{5,6,7,8}}
This is an array of (2 arrays (of 4 int
)). We can think of it as a matrix,
or a table of two lines each made of 4 columns.
.. graphviz:: digraph array_2 { rankdir=LR; graph [bgcolor=transparent, resolution=96, fontsize="10" ]; edge [arrowsize=.5, arrowtail="dot", color="#ff6600"]; node [shape=record, fontsize=8, height=.1, penwidth=.4] array[label="{<f00>1|<f01>2|<f02>3|<f03>4}|{<f10>5|<f11>6|<f12>7|<f13>8}"]; node[shape="plaintext", fixedsize="true"] exnode00 [label="A[0,0]"]; exnode01 [label="A[0,1]"]; exnode11 [label="A[1,1]"]; exnode13 [label="A[1,3]"]; exnode00->array:f00; exnode01->array:f01; exnode11->array:f11; exnode13->array:f13; }
The previous declaration may be simplified, using the fact that the compiler can count arrays' elements for us, like this:
//simplify the previous declaration, with the '...' syntax
double_array := [2][4]int {[...]int{1,2,3,4}, [...]int{5,6,7,8}}
Guess what? Since Go is about cleaner code, we can simplify this code even further:
//über simpifikation!
double_array := [2][4]int {{1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}}
Cool, eh? Now, we can combine multiple fields of different types to create a
and we can have array
s of, as many as we want, of objects of the
same type, and pass it as a single block to our functions. But this is just
the begining! In the next chapter, we will see how to create and use some
advanced composite data types with pointers.