API Test Development
Fill in the initial tests based on the public API of AstroHACK specified in https://astrohack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html. User stories and test cases will be defined for the test development.
User stories will be collected in here https://github.com/casangi/astrohack/wiki/Test-Development#unit-tests.
This milestone contains the issues to be impleme…
Fill in the initial tests based on the public API of AstroHACK specified in https://astrohack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html. User stories and test cases will be defined for the test development.
User stories will be collected in here https://github.com/casangi/astrohack/wiki/Test-Development#unit-tests.
This milestone contains the issues to be implemented in branches for the API test development.