UI for Lantern.
A live demo is deployed to http://lantern-ui.jit.su/app/index.html running against the bundled mock server, which simulates a real Lantern backend. The real backend serves lantern-ui only over localhost, where minification, concatenation, and other speedups appropriate for remotely hosted files are not necessary. Please keep that in mind when accessing the public demo.
This is the repository for the UI of Lantern. It is maintained as a separate repository to facilitate development. This code can be run independently of Lantern's Java backend with a lightweight node.js http server using Faye to implement Lantern's bayeux server.
See SPECS.md for specifications of the state and the state transitions developed for the UI (work in progress).
Install required dependencies (sudo
as necessary):
- Node.js:
brew install node
or equivalent for your system
For working on the stylesheets:
compass 0.12.2:
gem install compass --version '= 0.12.2'
. -
gem install compass_twitter_bootstrap --version '='
Tell compass to watch for changes in the sass stylesheets and
automatically compile them into css in the directory specified by the compass
config file (config/compass.rb
$ scripts/start-compass.sh &
>>> Compass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to Stop.
Start up the Node.js mock server simulating the Lantern backend:
$ scripts/web-server.js
Bayeux-attached http server running at...
The UI should now be available at http://localhost:8000/app/index.html
To skip the setup process and go straight to an already set up instance, run:
$ scripts/web-server.js --skip-setup
You should then see something like this when you load the app:
Globally install required Node.js packages (sudo
as necessary):
npm install -g karma
Check out .travis.yml
and referenced files for examples of running the
unit tests and end-to-end tests.
TODO: expand this
The UI is implemented as an AngularJS app. Using the
AngularJS Batarang
Chrome extension (especially the performance tab) is highly recommended for
development. As recommended, this repo was started with the
angular-seed. The
script has been modified to attach a bayeux server
and a work-in-progress http API to simulate the Lantern backend.
Specs are currently being developed to represent the full state of the application at any given time, as well as transitions between states. The specs are being developed in parallel to the UI and are currently changing frequently to meet its needs.