This is a helm chart that deploys targeted application and a Tyk API.
- In
section, configure the application image tag. Alternatively, modifyappVersion
repository: kennethreitz/httpbin
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
- In
section, configure listenPath of the Tyk API and also operator context to use.
listenPath: /httpbin
name: tyk-operator-ctx-dev
namespace: tyk-operator-system
- To install manually using Helm
kubectl create ns httpbin-app
helm install httpbin . -n httpbin-app -f values-dev.yaml
- To roll out a new version of your application on Dev / Staging / Production environment
Modify values.yaml of the target environment with which application version (image tag) to be deployed. The API manifests could also be templated for different environments easily.
- To test the API
curl {GATEWAY_URL}/httpbin/get