This is an example of an Android App who uses coroutines flow to retrieve a list of but retrieve the data one per one and be added to the RecyclerView.
- Add screen to see the detail of the post (you need to tap an item on the RecyclerView)
- Update Gradle Version to 4.0.1 (you need Android Studio 4.0.1 or upper)
- Update dependencies
- Change Layouts for Compose :)
- Materialversion: '1.2.0'
- LifeCycleKtx version: '2.2.0'
- Koin version: '2.0.1'
- Coroutines version: '1.3.7'
- Coroutines Test version '1.3.2'
- Retrofit version: '2.7.2'
- Gson version:'2.7.2'
- OkHttp 3 version: '4.2.2'
- Mockk version: '1.9.3'
- Arch Testing version: '1.1.1'
- JUnit version: '4.12'
Asynchronous development in Android: RxJava Vs. Kotlin Flow
LiveData with Coroutines and Flow (Android Dev Summit '19)
Reactive scrabble benchmarks
Unit-testing LiveData and other common observability problems
MVVM Testing w/Coroutines
Carlos Ugaz |
Jose Diaz |