This command validates that the remote server is on the given network and returns its response time.
$ cncli ping --help
cncli-ping 6.0.0
cncli ping [OPTIONS] --host <host>
--help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-h, --host <host> cardano-node hostname to connect to
--network-magic <network-magic> network magic. [default: 764824073]
-p, --port <port> cardano-node port [default: 3001]
-t, --timeout-seconds <timeout-seconds> connect timeout in seconds [default: 2]
$ cncli ping --host
"status": "ok",
"host": "",
"port": 3001,
"networkProtocolVersion": 11,
"dnsDurationMs": 33,
"connectDurationMs": 131,
"handshakeDurationMs": 130,
"durationMs": 296
$ cncli ping --host --port 9999
"status": "error",
"host": "",
"port": 9999,
"errorMessage": "connect timeout"
$ cncli ping --host
"status": "error",
"host": "",
"port": 3001,
"errorMessage": "Refused(11, \"version data mismatch: NodeToNodeVersionData {networkMagic = NetworkMagic {unNetworkMagic = 1}, diffusionMode = InitiatorAndResponderDiffusionMode, peerSharing = PeerSharingDisabled, query = False} /= NodeToNodeVersionData {networkMagic = NetworkMagic {unNetworkMagic = 764824073}, diffusionMode = InitiatorAndResponderDiffusionMode, peerSharing = PeerSharingDisabled, query = False}\")"
$ cncli ping --host --port 3001 --network-magic 1
"status": "ok",
"host": "",
"port": 3001,
"networkProtocolVersion": 11,
"dnsDurationMs": 2,
"connectDurationMs": 47,
"handshakeDurationMs": 57,
"durationMs": 107
This command connects to a remote node and synchronizes blocks to a local sqlite database. The validate
and leaderlog
commands require a synchronized database.
Note: to setup cncli sync
as a systemd
service, please refer to the installation guide. When enabled as systemd
service, sync
will continuously keep the cncli.db
database synchronized.
$ cncli sync --help
cncli-sync 6.0.0
cncli sync [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --host <host>
--help Prints help information
--no-service Exit at 100% sync'd.
-V, --version Prints version information
-d, --db <db> sqlite database file [default: ./cncli.db]
-h, --host <host> cardano-node hostname to connect to
--network-magic <network-magic> network magic. [default: 764824073]
-p, --port <port> cardano-node port [default: 3001]
-s, --shelley-genesis-hash <shelley-genesis-hash>
shelley genesis hash value [default: 1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81]
$ cncli sync --host
2024-01-04T17:21:11.298Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::sync > get_intersect_blocks took: 308.175µs
2024-01-04T17:21:15.805Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::sync > block 9762075 of 9762081: 99.99% sync'd
2024-01-04T17:21:16.811Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::sync > block 9762081 of 9762081: 100.00% sync'd
2024-01-04T17:22:24.287Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::sync > block 9762082 of 9762082: 100.00% sync'd
2024-01-04T17:22:38.313Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::sync > block 9762083 of 9762083: 100.00% sync'd
This simple command gives you an ok if the database is fully synced. It will return a status of error if not.
$ cncli status --help
cncli-status 6.0.0
cncli status [OPTIONS] --byron-genesis <byron-genesis> --shelley-genesis <shelley-genesis>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--byron-genesis <byron-genesis> byron genesis json file
-d, --db <db> sqlite database file [default: ./cncli.db]
--shelley-genesis <shelley-genesis> shelley genesis json file
--shelley-transition-epoch <shelley-transition-epoch>
Epoch number where we transition from Byron to Shelley. -1 means guess based on genesis files [env:
SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH=] [default: -1]
$ cncli status --byron-genesis ~/haskell/local/byron-genesis.json --shelley-genesis ~/haskell/local/shelley-genesis.json
"status": "ok"
$ cncli status --byron-genesis ~/haskell/local/byron-genesis.json --shelley-genesis ~/haskell/local/shelley-genesis.json --db dummy.db
"status": "error",
"errorMessage": "db not fully synced!"
This command validates that a block hash or partial block hash is on-chain. You must run sync
command separately to build up the database and have it sync to 100%.
$ cncli validate --help
cncli-validate 6.0.0
cncli validate [OPTIONS] --hash <hash>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-d, --db <db> sqlite database file [default: ./cncli.db]
--hash <hash> full or partial block hash to validate
$ cncli validate --hash 0c4b73
"status": "ok",
"block_number": "4891104",
"slot_number": "12597768",
"pool_id": "89af15a1c2b8e379aa8ca6d4d9b0134e373122f84f6f45fac2e26c47",
"hash": "0c4b730183ab2533d423f9af56ed99efd8121f716f82aa95caa3e6c11f10dc8d",
"prev_hash": "2142685e0912f1956c99551431270c1e199b85cde57fe56554d23ce111504fe9",
"leader_vrf": "000111925d12aea26b1705ef244fe8930f437be294180b418fba47ebf386e73d5ec7bbd397df5ba44d085171a66266089fba10a089442e207d7ad730849f9293"
$ cncli validate --hash ab7095
"status": "orphaned",
"block_number": "9762067",
"slot_number": "112822212",
"pool_id": "ec736597797c68044b8fccd4e895929c0a842f2e9e0a9e221b0a3026",
"hash": "ab70958f10aac7399453a257b00377dd64615d36544d9a4c44abacc1ac66bf4f",
"prev_hash": "b84c068276492628bb373f0d1a67a55675f80e692a3767fbffaccc2fd08757e4",
"leader_vrf": "000130f59c1a9ed0129abea4ba2c1a8a175f0259ce94ef77efa2fc2724638202"
$ cncli validate --hash ba53ba11
"status": "error",
"errorMessage": "Query returned no rows"
This command calculates the epoch nonce value. This command requires that you use the sync
command above to build a 100% synchronized cncli.db
database file.
$ cncli nonce --help
cncli-nonce 6.2.0
cncli nonce [OPTIONS] --byron-genesis <byron-genesis> --shelley-genesis <shelley-genesis>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--byron-genesis <byron-genesis> byron genesis json file
-c, --consensus <consensus>
Consensus algorithm - Alonzo and earlier uses tpraos, Babbage uses praos, Conway uses cpraos [default:
-d, --db <db> sqlite database file [default: ./cncli.db]
--epoch <epoch>
Provide a specific epoch number to calculate for and ignore --ledger-set option
--extra-entropy <extra-entropy> hex string of the extra entropy value
--ledger-set <ledger-set>
Which ledger data to use. prev - previous epoch, current - current epoch, next - future epoch [default:
--shelley-genesis <shelley-genesis> shelley genesis json file
--shelley-transition-epoch <shelley-transition-epoch>
Epoch number where we transition from Byron to Shelley. -1 means guess based on genesis files [env:
SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH=] [default: -1]
$ cncli nonce --byron-genesis ~/haskell/local/byron-genesis.json --shelley-genesis ~/haskell/local/shelley-genesis.json --ledger-set next
This command calculates a stake pool's expected slot list. prev
and current
logs are available as long as you have a synchronized database. next
logs are only available 1.5 days before the end of the epoch. You need to use .poolStakeMark
and .activeStakeMark
for next
, .poolStakeSet
and .activeStakeSet
for current
, .poolStakeGo
and .activeStakeGo
for prev
Example usage with the stake-snapshot
echo "BCSH"
SNAPSHOT=$(/home/westbam/.local/bin/cardano-cli query stake-snapshot --stake-pool-id 00beef0a9be2f6d897ed24a613cf547bb20cd282a04edfc53d477114 --mainnet)
/home/westbam/.cargo/bin/cncli sync --host --port 6000 --no-service
POOL_STAKE=$(echo "$SNAPSHOT" | grep -oP '(?<= "poolStakeMark": )\d+(?=,?)')
ACTIVE_STAKE=$(echo "$SNAPSHOT" | grep -oP '(?<= "activeStakeMark": )\d+(?=,?)')
BCSH=`/home/westbam/.cargo/bin/cncli leaderlog --pool-id 00beef0a9be2f6d897ed24a613cf547bb20cd282a04edfc53d477114 --pool-vrf-skey ./bcsh.vrf.skey --byron-genesis /home/westbam/haskell/local/byron-genesis.json --shelley-genesis /home/westbam/haskell/local/shelley-genesis.json --pool-stake $POOL_STAKE --active-stake $ACTIVE_STAKE --consensus praos --ledger-set next`
EPOCH=`jq .epoch <<< $BCSH`
echo "\`Epoch $EPOCH\` 🧙🔮:"
SLOTS=`jq .epochSlots <<< $BCSH`
IDEAL=`jq .epochSlotsIdeal <<< $BCSH`
PERFORMANCE=`jq .maxPerformance <<< $BCSH`
echo "\`BCSH - $SLOTS \`🎰\`, $PERFORMANCE% \`🍀max, \`$IDEAL\` 🧱ideal"
Note: to automate calculating your assigned slots and sending them to PoolTool, please refer to the installation guide.
$ cncli leaderlog --help
cncli-leaderlog 6.2.0
cncli leaderlog [OPTIONS] --active-stake <active-stake> --byron-genesis <byron-genesis> --pool-id <pool-id> --pool-stake <pool-stake> --pool-vrf-skey <pool-vrf-skey> --shelley-genesis <shelley-genesis>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--active-stake <active-stake> total active stake snapshot value in lovelace
--byron-genesis <byron-genesis> byron genesis json file
-c, --consensus <consensus>
Consensus algorithm - Alonzo and earlier uses tpraos, Babbage uses praos, Conway uses cpraos [default:
--d <d> decentralization parameter [default: 0]
-d, --db <db> sqlite database file [default: ./cncli.db]
--epoch <epoch>
Provide a specific epoch number to calculate for and ignore --ledger-set option
--extra-entropy <extra-entropy> hex string of the extra entropy value
--ledger-set <ledger-set>
Which ledger data to use. prev - previous epoch, current - current epoch, next - future epoch [default:
--nonce <nonce>
Provide a nonce value in lower-case hex instead of calculating from the db
--pool-id <pool-id> lower-case hex pool id
--pool-stake <pool-stake> pool active stake snapshot value in lovelace
--pool-vrf-skey <pool-vrf-skey> pool's vrf.skey file
--shelley-genesis <shelley-genesis> shelley genesis json file
--shelley-transition-epoch <shelley-transition-epoch>
Epoch number where we transition from Byron to Shelley. -1 means guess based on genesis files [env:
SHELLEY_TRANS_EPOCH=] [default: -1]
--tz <timezone>
TimeZone string from the IANA database -
[default: America/Los_Angeles]
$ cncli leaderlog --pool-id 00beef0a9be2f6d897ed24a613cf547bb20cd282a04edfc53d477114 --pool-vrf-skey ./bcsh.vrf.skey --byron-genesis /home/westbam/haskell/local/byron-genesis.json --shelley-genesis /home/westbam/haskell/local/shelley-genesis.json --pool-stake $POOL_STAKE --active-stake $ACTIVE_STAKE --consensus tpraos --ledger-set current
"status": "ok",
"epoch": 227,
"epochNonce": "0e534dd41bb80bfff4a16d038eb52280e9beac7545cc32c9bfc253a6d92010d1",
"poolId": "00beef284975ef87856c1343f6bf50172253177fdebc756524d43fc1",
"sigma": 0.0028306163817569175,
"d": 0,
"assignedSlots": [
"slot": 13083245,
"slotInEpoch": 382445,
"at": "2020-11-05T23:58:56-08:00"
"slot": 13106185,
"slotInEpoch": 405385,
"at": "2020-11-06T06:21:16-08:00"
$ cncli leaderlog --pool-id 00beef0a9be2f6d897ed24a613cf547bb20cd282a04edfc53d477114 --pool-vrf-skey ./bcsh.vrf.skey --byron-genesis /home/westbam/haskell/local/byron-genesis.json --shelley-genesis /home/westbam/haskell/local/shelley-genesis.json --pool-stake $POOL_STAKE --active-stake $ACTIVE_STAKE --ledger-set next
"status": "error",
"errorMessage": "Query returned no rows"
The sendtip command is used to communicate with so you can have a green badge on their website with your current tip height.
It is important to point this command at your core nodes. This will help pooltool capture any orphan blocks. There is no guarantee that an orphan block you make will be seen by pooltool. Pointing to your core nodes should help with that.
Note: to setup cncli sendtip
as a systemd
service, please refer to the installation guide. When enabled as systemd
service, sendtip
will continuously send your stake pool tip
to PoolTool.
$ cncli sendtip --help
cncli-sendtip 6.0.0
cncli sendtip [OPTIONS] --cardano-node <cardano-node>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--cardano-node <cardano-node> path to cardano-node executable for gathering version info
--config <config> pooltool config file for sending tips [default: ./pooltool.json]
You need to create a pooltool.json file so that the sendtip command knows what node(s) to connect to. It also contains your pooltool configuration. Your pooltool api key can be found on your pooltool profile page.
"pools": [
"name": "TCKR",
"pool_id": "a7398d649be2f6d897ed24a613cf547bb20cd282a04edfc53d477114",
"host" : "",
"port": 3001
"name": "TCKR1",
"pool_id": "b73d891285526062d41cd7293746048c6a9a13ab8b591920cf40c706",
"host" : "",
"port": 3001
$ cncli sendtip --cardano-node /usr/local/bin/cardano-node --config /root/scripts/pooltool.json
2020-11-08T18:37:52.323Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::protocols::mux_protocol > Connecting to
2020-11-08T18:37:52.358Z WARN cncli::nodeclient::protocols::transaction_protocol > TxSubmissionProtocol::State::Done
2020-11-08T18:37:52.358Z WARN cncli::nodeclient::protocols::chainsync_protocol > rollback to slot: 4492799
2020-11-08T18:37:52.359Z WARN cncli::nodeclient::protocols::chainsync_protocol > rollback to slot: 13294373
2020-11-08T18:37:54.402Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::protocols::chainsync_protocol > Pooltool (TCKR, a7398d64): (4925270, 4d65b09dc1d5c6c2), json: {"success":true,"message":null}
2020-11-08T18:38:36.323Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::protocols::chainsync_protocol > Pooltool (TCKR, a7398d64): (4925271, 47d6beb189f24c9e), json: {"success":true,"message":null}
2020-11-08T18:38:37.424Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::protocols::chainsync_protocol > Pooltool (TCKR, a7398d64): (4925272, defe4ba88985c305), json: {"success":true,"message":null}
The sendslots command securely sends pooltool the number of slots you have assigned for an epoch and validates the correctness of your past epochs. You must have a synchronized cncli.db
database and have calculated leader logs for every pool in pooltool.json
before calling this command. It should be called within the first 10 minutes of the epoch cutover.
Note: to automate sending your pool assigned slots to PoolTool, please refer to the installation guide.
$ cncli sendslots --help
cncli-sendslots 6.0.0
cncli sendslots [OPTIONS] --byron-genesis <byron-genesis> --shelley-genesis <shelley-genesis>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--byron-genesis <byron-genesis> byron genesis json file
--config <config> pooltool config file for sending slots [default: ./pooltool.json]
-d, --db <db> sqlite database file [default: ./cncli.db]
--shelley-genesis <shelley-genesis> shelley genesis json file
$ cncli sendslots --byron-genesis ~/haskell/local/byron-genesis.json --shelley-genesis ~/haskell/local/shelley-genesis.json
2020-12-01T03:34:33.883Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::leaderlog > Sending: {"apiKey":"d67822d0-0008-4eb5-9e1e-9c30bdb8d82d","poolId":"00beef0a9be2f6d897ed24a613cf547bb20cd282a04edfc53d477114","epoch":232,"slotQty":25,"hash":"d15b6c8d4c81fe48cff0650c5b59ab20da9765374c58c933dacd058eb38bb670"}
2020-12-01T03:34:33.969Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::leaderlog > Pooltool Response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json","Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*"},"body":"{\"success\":true,\"message\":\"We have updated your assigned slots for epoch 232 to be 25 with a hash of d15b6c8d4c81fe48cff0650c5b59ab20da9765374c58c933dacd058eb38bb670. You must provide an array of slots that matches this hash to have your performance counted.\"}"}
2020-12-01T03:34:33.971Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::leaderlog > Sending: {"apiKey":"d67822d0-0008-4eb5-9e1e-9c30bdb8d82d","poolId":"00beef8710427e328a29555283c74b202b40bec9a62630a9f03b1e18","epoch":232,"slotQty":24,"hash":"97655646efcfe8a569508d70e6fc46135488fc5600bb95233c3f005106a7f5a3"}
2020-12-01T03:34:34.051Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::leaderlog > Pooltool Response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json","Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*"},"body":"{\"success\":true,\"message\":\"We have updated your assigned slots for epoch 232 to be 24 with a hash of 97655646efcfe8a569508d70e6fc46135488fc5600bb95233c3f005106a7f5a3. You must provide an array of slots that matches this hash to have your performance counted.\"}"}
2020-12-01T03:34:34.053Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::leaderlog > Sending: {"apiKey":"d67822d0-0008-4eb5-9e1e-9c30bdb8d82d","poolId":"00beef9385526062d41cd7293746048c6a9a13ab8b591920cf40c706","epoch":232,"slotQty":54,"hash":"f12dff6eb3786d04cb2d7f666e92876faa7d5f2a26de77d3affc1aaffa6d81a5"}
2020-12-01T03:34:34.149Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::leaderlog > Pooltool Response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json","Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*"},"body":"{\"success\":true,\"message\":\"We have updated your assigned slots for epoch 232 to be 54 with a hash of f12dff6eb3786d04cb2d7f666e92876faa7d5f2a26de77d3affc1aaffa6d81a5. You must provide an array of slots that matches this hash to have your performance counted.\"}"}
2020-12-01T03:34:34.150Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::leaderlog > Sending: {"apiKey":"d67822d0-0008-4eb5-9e1e-9c30bdb8d82d","poolId":"00beef284975ef87856c1343f6bf50172253177fdebc756524d43fc1","epoch":232,"slotQty":42,"hash":"30c92d028c99af5ca51dd58293a575b14671d56cd6c846bd1c21126a2addd9ac"}
2020-12-01T03:34:34.222Z INFO cncli::nodeclient::leaderlog > Pooltool Response: {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json","Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*"},"body":"{\"success\":true,\"message\":\"We have updated your assigned slots for epoch 232 to be 42 with a hash of 30c92d028c99af5ca51dd58293a575b14671d56cd6c846bd1c21126a2addd9ac. You must provide an array of slots that matches this hash to have your performance counted.\"}"}
This command signs an arbitrary message string with the pool's vrf.skey. The output signature can be used to verify that the message came from the pool operator.
$ cncli sign --help
cncli-sign 6.0.0
cncli sign --message <message> --pool-vrf-skey <pool-vrf-skey>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--message <message> text message to sign
--pool-vrf-skey <pool-vrf-skey> pool's vrf.skey file
$ cncli sign --message "" --pool-vrf-skey pool.vrf.skey
"status": "ok",
"signature": "8aff63e961aad02852dbb7905f9215d7b1d4ff63f734f7f1b82184004112cca798719941ccf54beca360f844632c2c070e6f8ef11ca177efa240c712ef3d7e9f283db68278088acbe1af381cc9673e08"
This command verifies the signature that was used to sign an arbitrary message string with the pool's vrf.skey. This command validates that the message came from the pool operator.
$ cncli verify --help
cncli-verify 6.0.0
cncli verify --message <message> --pool-vrf-vkey <pool-vrf-vkey> --pool-vrf-vkey-hash <pool-vrf-vkey-hash> --signature <signature>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--message <message> text message to verify
--pool-vrf-vkey <pool-vrf-vkey> pool's vrf.vkey file
--pool-vrf-vkey-hash <pool-vrf-vkey-hash>
pool's vrf hash in hex retrieved from 'cardano-cli query pool-params...'
--signature <signature> signature to verify in hex
$ cncli verify --message "" --pool-vrf-vkey pool.vrf.vkey --pool-vrf-vkey-hash f58bf0111f8e9b233c2dcbb72b5ad400330cf260c6fb556eb30cefd387e5364c --signature 8aff63e961aad02852dbb7905f9215d7b1d4ff63f734f7f1b82184004112cca798719941ccf54beca360f844632c2c070e6f8ef11ca177efa240c712ef3d7e9f283db68278088acbe1af381cc9673e08
"status": "ok"
This command retrieves the stake snapshot for the current epoch. The snapshot is saved to a CSV file. Each epoch has three snapshots: mark, set, and go. The mark snapshot is taken at the beginning of the epoch, the set snapshot is one epoch ago, and the go snapshot is two epochs ago.
$ cncli snapshot --help
cncli-snapshot 6.3.0
cncli snapshot [OPTIONS] --socket-path <socket-path>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--name <name> Snapshot name to retrieve (mark, set, go) [default: mark]
--network-id <network-id> The network identifier, (1 for mainnet, 0 for testnet) [default: 1]
--network-magic <network-magic> network magic. [default: 764824073]
--output-file <output-file> The name of the output file (CSV format) [default: mark.csv]
--socket-path <socket-path> cardano-node socket path
--stake-prefix <stake-prefix> The prefix for stake addresses, (stake for mainnet, stake_test for testnet)
[default: stake]
This command retrieves the pool stake distribution snapshot for the current epoch. The snapshot is saved to a CSV file. Each epoch has three snapshots: mark, set, and go. The mark snapshot is taken at the beginning of the epoch, the set snapshot is one epoch ago, and the go snapshot is two epochs ago.
$ cncli pool-stake --help
cncli-pool-stake 6.5.0
cncli pool-stake [OPTIONS] --socket-path <socket-path>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--name <name> PoolStake snapshot name to retrieve (mark, set, go) [default: mark]
--network-id <network-id> The network identifier, (1 for mainnet, 0 for testnet) [default: 1]
--network-magic <network-magic> network magic. [default: 764824073]
--output-file <output-file> The name of the output file (CSV format) [default: mark.csv]
--socket-path <socket-path> cardano-node socket path