The community governance meeting took place on 1030 pm Beijing time Sept 24th 2019
Taylor carboclanc Bowen Diane Shruti Future from blockbeats Toya Suji Minako Xiangxiang
Gather all possible resources to host Defi.WTF Summit Will discuss in subsections
We have 7 curated sections, 2-4 subsections udner each section. mostly still flexible.
similar to lightning talks. ie 8 minutes each. WTF talks are self proposed Option1 spread wtf talks whole day Option2 condense all wtf talks into 1 hour.
questions could be added to curated topics or wtf talks Need a standard format for question submission Poll of best questions will also be conducted through the quadratic voting system.
We now have 10 Type 1 curated sections. WTF talks will be hosted at lunch all together instead of spreading whole day. Therefore we need catering. Some of the Type 3 questions have already been added to Type 1 and Type 2 talks. Some other Type 3 questions will be asked at different panels
70% of the Type 1 talks have been finalized? Type 2 self proposal have amounted to 4 ? We have a limit of 6?
A specialized social media volunteer subgroup that inculdes Toya, Camila Bowen,Diane, Maybe Taylor, Xingxing?
——Taylor has already created the gif version of some of the posters with the lips moving
Bowen has a list. Some newsletters are every Friday, some are Monday. Proof of Work by Eric Meltzer on this Friday has already been sent out.
Popular subreddits are r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/ethfinance, r/makerdao Bowen post threads Taylor be the first guy to upvote and reply?
Telegram group has already been created
Taylor will be the photographer if he makes it to Japan
Chainnews will provide coverage including audio recording, audio-to-transcript, video live coverage, post-event video documentary. Some could be outsourced to other media partners like Blockbeats or Real Satoshi.
Mingming will be the designer
Minako will be in charge of the billboard,both back and front end?