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File metadata and controls

239 lines (162 loc) · 8.5 KB

FileProvider (experimental)

This Swift library provide a swifty way to deal with local and remote files and directories in a unified way.

Swift Version License Platform CocoaPods Compatible codebeat badge

This library provides implementaion of WebDav and SMB/CIFS (incomplete) and local files.

All functions are async calls and it wont block your main thread.


  • LocalFileProvider a wrapper around NSFileManager with some additions like searching and reading a portion of file.
  • WebDAVFileProvider WebDAV protocol is usual file transmission system on Macs.
  • SMBFileProvider SMB/CIFS and SMB2/3 are file and printer sharing protocol which is originated from IBM & Microsoft and SMB2/3 is now replacing AFP protocol on MacOS. I implemented data types and some basic functions but main interface is not implemented yet!
  • DropboxFileProvider
  • FTPFileProvider
  • AmazonS3FileProvider


  • Swift 2.2
  • iOS 8.0 , OSX 10.10
  • XCode 7.3


Cocoapods / Carthage / Swift Package Manager

FileProvider supports both CocoaPods.

Add this line to your pods file:

pod "FileProvider"


To have latest updates with ease, use this command on terminal to get a clone:

git clone FileProvider

You can update your library using this command in FileProvider folder:

git pull

if you have a git based project, use this command in your projects directory to add this project as a submodule to your project:

git submodule add FileProvider


Copy Source folder to your project and Voila!


Each provider has a specific class which conforms to FileProvider protocol and share same syntax


For LocalFileProvider if you want to deal with Documents folder

let documentsProvider = LocalFileProvider()

is equal to:

let documentPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask, true);
let documentsURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: documentPath);
let documentsProvider = LocalFileProvider(baseURL: documentsURL)

You can't change the base url later. and all paths are related to this base url by default.

For remote file providers authentication may be necessary:

let credential = NSURLCredential(user: "user", password: "pass", persistence: NSURLCredentialPersistence.Permanent)
let webdavProvider = WebDAVFileProvider(baseURL: "", credential: credential)

For interaction with UI, set delegate variable of FileProvider object


For updating User interface please consider using delegate method instead of completion handlers. Delegate methods are guaranteed to run in main thread to avoid bugs.

It's simply tree method which indicated whether the operation failed, succeed and how much of operation has been done (suitable for uploading and downloading operations).

Your class should conforms FileProviderDelegate class:

override func viewDidLoad() {
	documentsProvider.delegate = self

func fileproviderSucceed(fileProvider: FileProvider, operation: FileOperation) {
	switch operation {
	case .Copy(source: let source, destination: let dest):
		NSLog("\(source) copied to \(dest).")
	case .Remove(path: let path):
		NSLog("\(path) has been deleted.")

func fileproviderFailed(fileProvider: FileProvider, operation: FileOperation) {
	switch operation {
	case .Copy(source: let source, destination: let dest):
		NSLog("copy of \(source) failed.")
	case .Remove(path: let path):
		NSLog("\(path) can't be deleted.")

func fileproviderProgress(fileProvider: FileProvider, operation: FileOperation, progress: Float) {
	switch operation {
	case .Copy(source: let source, destination: let dest):
		NSLog("Copy\(source) to \(dest): \(progress * 100) completed.")

Note: fileproviderProgress() delegate method is not called by LocalFileProvider.

It's recommended to use completion handlers for error handling or result processing.

Directory contents and file attributes

There is a FileObject class which holds file attributes like size and creation date. You can retrieve information of files inside a directory or get information of a file directly

documentsProvider.attributesOfItemAtPath(path: "/file.txt", completionHandler: {
    (attributes: LocalFileObject?, error: ErrorType?) -> Void} in
	if let attributes = attributes {
		print("File Size: \(attributes.size)")
		print("Creation Date: \(attributes.createdDate)")
		print("Modification Date: \(modifiedDate)")
		print("Is Read Only: \(isReadOnly)")

documentsProvider.contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(path: "/", 	completionHandler: {
    (contents: [LocalFileObject], error: ErrorType?) -> Void} in
	for file in contents {
		print("Name: \(")
		print("Size: \(attributes.size)")
		print("Creation Date: \(attributes.createdDate)")
		print("Modification Date: \(modifiedDate)")

Change current directory

documentsProvider.currentPath = "/New Folder"
// now path is ~/Documents/New Folder

Creating File and Folders

Creating new directory:

documentsProvider.createFolder(folderName: "new folder", atPath: "/", completionHandler: nil)

Creating new file from data stream:

let data = "hello world!".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let file = FileObject(name: "old.txt", createdDate: NSDate(), modifiedDate: NSDate(), isHidden: false, isReadOnly: true)
documentsProvider.createFile(fileAttribs: file, atPath: "/", contents: data, completionHandler: nil)

Copy and Move/Rename Files

// Copy file old.txt to new.txt in current path
documentsProvider.copyItemAtPath(path: "new folder/old.txt", toPath: "new.txt", overwrite: false, completionHandler: nil)

// Move file old.txt to new.txt in current path
documentsProvider.moveItemAtPath(path: "new folder/old.txt", toPath: "new.txt", overwrite: false, completionHandler: nil)

Delete Files

documentsProvider.removeItemAtPath(path: "new.txt", completionHandler: nil)

Caution: This method will not delete directories with content.

Retrieve Content of File

THere is two method for this purpose, one of them loads entire file into NSData and another can load a portion of file.

documentsProvider.contentsAtPath(path: "old.txt:, completionHandler: {
	(contents: NSData?, error: ErrorType?) -> Void
	if let contents = contents {
		print(String(data: contents, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)) // "hello world!"

If you want to retrieve a portion of file you should can contentsAtPath method with offset and length arguments. Please note first byte of file has offset: 0.

documentsProvider.contentsAtPath(path: "old.txt", offset: 2, length: 5, completionHandler: {
	(contents: NSData?, error: ErrorType?) -> Void
	if let contents = contents {
		print(String(data: contents, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)) // "llo w"

Write Data To Files

let data = "What's up Newyork!".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
documentsProvider.writeContentsAtPath(path: "old.txt", contents data: data, atomically: true, completionHandler: nil)

Monitoring FIle Changes


We would love for you to contribute to FileProvider, check the LICENSE file for more info.


Amir-Abbas Mousavia – @amosavian

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.