diff --git a/static/sass/styles.scss b/static/sass/styles.scss index 05184ecb..06bb73bc 100644 --- a/static/sass/styles.scss +++ b/static/sass/styles.scss @@ -84,6 +84,15 @@ $breakpoint-navigation-threshold: $breakpoint-large; } } +.homepage-tabs-content { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + height: 100%; +} + +.tabs-content-wrapper { + flex: 1; +} .p-icon--github-white { background-image: url(""); diff --git a/templates/jaasai/index.html b/templates/jaasai/index.html index 72c40d6d..4635579a 100644 --- a/templates/jaasai/index.html +++ b/templates/jaasai/index.html @@ -251,8 +251,21 @@

Add visibility, auditing and compliance controls to your Juju deployment

- {{ image( +
+ {{ image( + url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", + alt="", + height="588", + width="1031", + hi_def=True, + loading="auto", + ) | safe + }} +

Drill down to view the details of everything that is deployed inside a model, such as applications, integrations, units, and more.

+ {{ image( url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", alt="", height="588", @@ -260,73 +273,62 @@

Add visibility, auditing and compliance controls to your Juju deployment

Drill down to view the details of everything that is deployed inside a model, such as applications, integrations, units, and more.

+ }} +

Execute Juju action from the UI and view the resulting logs to confirm their status.

+ {{ image( + url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", + alt="", + height="588", + width="1031", + hi_def=True, + loading="auto", + ) | safe + }} +

Perform common administrative operations and apply machine configurations.

+ {{ image( + url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", + alt="", + height="588", + width="1031", + hi_def=True, + loading="auto", + ) | safe + }} +

Onboard controllers and add, remove or manage user access to models and controllers.

+ {{ image( + url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", + alt="", + height="588", + width="1031", + hi_def=True, + loading="auto", + ) | safe + }} +

Access the logs from your deployment in a single, centralised location.

+ {{ image( + url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", + alt="", + height="588", + width="1031", + hi_def=True, + loading="auto", + ) | safe + }} +

Perform complex searches/filters through your entire deployment and share the result through a unique URL.

- {{ image( - url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", - alt="", - height="588", - width="1031", - hi_def=True, - loading="auto", - ) | safe - }} -

Execute Juju action from the UI and view the resulting logs to confirm their status.

- {{ image( - url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", - alt="", - height="588", - width="1031", - hi_def=True, - loading="auto", - ) | safe - }} -

Perform common administrative operations and apply machine configurations.

- {{ image( - url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", - alt="", - height="588", - width="1031", - hi_def=True, - loading="auto", - ) | safe - }} -

Onboard controllers and add, remove or manage user access to models and controllers.

- {{ image( - url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", - alt="", - height="588", - width="1031", - hi_def=True, - loading="auto", - ) | safe - }} -

Access the logs from your deployment in a single, centralised location.

- {{ image( - url="https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg", - alt="", - height="588", - width="1031", - hi_def=True, - loading="auto", - ) | safe - }} -

Perform complex searches/filters through your entire deployment and share the result through a unique URL.

@@ -534,7 +536,7 @@

Contact us

}); }); - const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.homepage-tabs-content > .row:not(.homepage-tabs-button)'); + const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.homepage-tabs-content .tabs-content-wrapper > .row'); const navItems = document.querySelectorAll('.p-side-navigation__item'); const images = [ 'https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/216e92c6-jass_side_navigation.svg', @@ -550,24 +552,24 @@

Contact us

} function handlePrevious() { - if (currentTab > 0) { - currentTab--; - showTab(currentTab); + if (currentTab > 0) { + currentTab--; + showTab(currentTab); - const targetPanelLink = document.querySelector(`[data-js='panel-link'][href='#${tabs[currentTab].id}']`); - activatePanel(targetPanelLink); - } + const targetPanelLink = document.querySelector(`[data-js='panel-link'][href='#${tabs[currentTab].id}']`); + activatePanel(targetPanelLink); } + } function handleNext() { - if (currentTab < tabs.length - 1) { - currentTab++; - showTab(currentTab); + if (currentTab < tabs.length - 1) { + currentTab++; + showTab(currentTab); - const targetPanelLink = document.querySelector(`[data-js='panel-link'][href='#${tabs[currentTab].id}']`); - activatePanel(targetPanelLink); - } + const targetPanelLink = document.querySelector(`[data-js='panel-link'][href='#${tabs[currentTab].id}']`); + activatePanel(targetPanelLink); } + } function updateNavigation(index) { navItems.forEach(item => item.classList.remove('is-active')); @@ -586,6 +588,5 @@

Contact us

prevBtn.addEventListener('click', handlePrevious); nextBtn.addEventListener('click', handleNext); - {% endblock content %}