+ ]
+ }
+### Search example
+Querying for the first three user tasks with certain criteria sorted by state could look as follows:
+ POST /v2/user-tasks/search
+ "filter": {
+ "assignee": {"$eq": "demo"},
+ "candidateGroups": { "$in": ["groupA", "groupB"] },
+ "variables" : {
+ "orderVolume": 10000,
+ "foo": {"$lt": 500},
+ "bar": {"$exists": false}
+ },
+ "$or": [
+ { "priority": {"$eq": "high"}, "dueDate": { "$lt": "" } },
+ { "priority": {"$eq": "low"}, "followUpDate": { "$lt": "" } }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sort": [
+ { "state": "ASC" }
+ ],
+ "page": {
+ "limit": 3
+ }
+This could yield the following example result:
+ 200 OK
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "state": "CREATED",
+ "processInstanceKey": 22456786958,
+ "userTaskKey": 22456786345,
+ ...
+ },
+ {
+ "state": "CREATED",
+ "processInstanceKey": 22456786958,
+ "userTaskKey": 22456786456,
+ ...
+ },
+ {
+ "state": "COMPLETED",
+ "processInstanceKey": 22456786958,
+ "userTaskKey": 22456786678,
+ ...
+ }
+ ],
+ "page": {
+ "totalItems": 345,
+ "firstSortValues": [ "CREATED", 22456786345 ]
+ "lastSortValues": [ "COMPLETED", 22456786678 ]
+ }
+A follow-up request to receive the next three items could then look as follows:
+ POST /v2/user-tasks/search
+ "filter": {
+ "assignee": {"$eq": "demo"},
+ "candidateGroups": { "$in": ["groupA", "groupB"] },
+ "variables" : {
+ "orderVolume": 10000,
+ "foo": { "$lt": 500 },
+ "bar": { "$exists": false }
+ },
+ "$or": [
+ { "priority": { "$eq": "high" }, "dueDate": { "$lt": "" } },
+ { "priority": { "$eq": "low" }, "followUpDate": { "$lt": "" } }
+ ]
+ },
+ "sort": [
+ { "state": "ASC" }
+ ],
+ "page": {
+ "limit": 3,
+ "searchAfter": [ "COMPLETED", 22456786678 ]
+ }
+This yields the next three user task items after the last one from the first search request’s result.
+## Date values
+All date values in the REST API endpoints follow the [RFC 3339](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339) notation. This includes all requests and responses. Endpoints must validate requests and transform responses accordingly.
+## Variables
+Variables in the REST API endpoints are proper JSON objects, where the key defines the variable name and the value specifies the variable value. This includes all requests and responses. Endpoints must validate requests and transform responses accordingly.
diff --git a/docs/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/sidebar-schema.js b/docs/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/sidebar-schema.js
index 465f7ac2831..29277a1c229 100644
--- a/docs/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/sidebar-schema.js
+++ b/docs/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/sidebar-schema.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module.exports = {
"Camunda 8 API (REST)": [
+ "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/camunda-api-rest-guidelines",
Specifications: require("./specifications/sidebar.js"),
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/camunda-api-rest-guidelines.md b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/camunda-api-rest-guidelines.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4182b40ef6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/camunda-api-rest-guidelines.md
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+id: camunda-api-rest-guidelines
+title: "Guidelines"
+description: "Learn about the basic guidelines, structures, and conventions of the Camunda 8 REST API."
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+Camunda follows a mix of proposed standards and best practices for RESTful design and consistent implementation across all components.
+## Naming conventions
+Naming is simple, intuitive, and consistent across Camunda 8 APIs to reduce friction when working across multiple APIs.
+The API overall applies the following naming conventions:
+- **Nouns** over verbs, for example, `assignment` over `assign`.
+- **Plural terms** for top-level resources, for example, `user-tasks`.
+- **Kebab-case** for multiple words in path parameters, and a hyphen (-) where a space would exist, for example, `user-tasks`.
+- **camelCase** for multiple words in query parameters. Camunda capitalizes the first letter of words after the first. The first letter in the first word is lowercase, for example, `userTaskKey`.
+These conventions can be observed in the following endpoint example:
+`POST /user-tasks/{userTaskKey}/assignment`
+For IDs or similar short 2- or 3-letter words or acronyms, Camunda only capitalizes the first letter. If standalone, all letters are lowercase.
+| Term | Usage |
+| ---- | ------------------------------------------ |
+| ID | `id` (standalone) or `processDefinitionId` |
+| URL | `url` (standalone) or `externalUrl` |
+| UUID | `uuid` (standalone) or `clusterUuid` |
+Identifiers follow a naming rule in parameters and data attributes alike:
+- Unique technical identifiers are suffixed with **key**, for example, `userTaskKey`, `processInstanceKey`, or `userKey`. These are numeric values in most cases.
+- Other identifiers, such as copied identifiers from the BPMN XML, may be arbitrarily named but are usually suffixed with **id**, for example, `processDefinitionId`.
+## Versioning
+Camunda uses the term “major version number” from [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/), but does not follow semantic versioning for APIs outright. Instead, Camunda provides updates to the API in place and only increments the version number for a major, breaking change.
+New attributes and endpoints are not considered breaking changes.
+The API version number does not match the product version (8.x.x). An API’s version is rather defined by the API version number and the product version, for example, `_POST /v2/user-tasks/search_ in Camunda 8.7.0`.
+Camunda does API versioning rather than endpoint versioning, for example, the version changes for all endpoints if there is a breaking change in at least one endpoint. Multiple versions of an API can exist in a product version to allow for a migration period, for example, `POST /v2/user-tasks/search and POST /v3/user-tasks/search in Camunda 8.7.0`.
+## HTTP status codes & error handling
+Handling errors is consistent across all endpoints, using well-known HTTP status codes and clear descriptions. This includes the information about errors and the use of a problem details object.
+Camunda follows the proposed standard from [RFC 9457](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9457) for problem details. The problem object contains at least the following members:
+- Type
+- Status
+- Title
+- Detail
+- Instance
+Camunda uses the following error codes and descriptions across our APIs:
+| Error code | Meaning |
+| ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| 200 | OK |
+| 204 | No content |
+| 400 | Bad request. Generic error that contains further description in the problem detail. |
+| 401 | Unauthorized. The client is not authenticated yet. The client should try again with a modified authorization header. |
+| 403 | Forbidden. The client has incorrect or insufficient permissions for the request. |
+| 404 | Not found |
+| 409 | Conflict. The request is trying to modify a resource that is currently not in the right state. |
+| 412 | Precondition failed. The client should check the cluster status. |
+| 429 | Rate limit exceeded. The client exceeds a defined limit of requests, for example, Zeebe signaling backpressure due to more requests than the broker can currently process. |
+| 500 | Internal server error. Generic error that contains further description in the problem detail. |
+## Data fetching
+Most resources provide at least one endpoint to fetch related data. Most of those endpoints provide data with near-real time consistency queried from exported records, if records for the respective resource are exported by the engine. If resources are not based on exported records, for example license data or topology information, the data returned by those endpoints can reflect real time insights or static content.
+For most resources, there are search endpoints to query by POST method and a given query request object where applicable. The structure of such query requests always follows the same schema and so does the response, always returning a list of items matching the query criteria.
+[Search requests](#search-requests) are forwarded as queries to the datastores that hold the exported records and the query results are returned in the format described in [search responses](#search-responses).
+Resources can also support querying subordinate resources. For example, for users and groups, with user search being available at `POST /v2/users/search`, a user's groups can be retrieved using `POST /v2/users/{userKey}/groups/search`. Each resource determines independently if subordinate resources can be accessed this way.
+Search endpoints can also be used to directly access entity instances with a unique identifier. As an alternative, resources can also provide GET method endpoints for fetching the data of single instances. In most cases, this is done by a specific key parameter in the URL path, for example `GET /v2/users/{userKey}`.
+### Search requests
+Query requests consist of the components for **filter**, **sort**, and **page**.
+The filter object defines which fields should match. Only items that match the given fields will be returned. The available fields vary by object and are described in the respective search endpoint. Filtering by a unique identifier is usually available in filtering options. Beyond that, the filter options don’t have to comprise all the returned items’ attributes.
+The sort object specifies which fields of the object should be sorted and whether they are sorted in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.
+The page object details how to slice the result set. An initial search request can omit the page object or define the limit. This specifies the maximum number of results to retrieve per request. Subsequent requests can use the value of the returned firstItemSortValues and lastItemSortValues of the [search responses](#search-responses) to page through the items by copying that array into one of the attributes searchAfter or searchBefore.
+ Example
+ "filter": {
+ },
+ "sort": [
+ { "": "" },
+ { "": "" }
+ ],
+ "page": {
+ "searchAfter": [ … , … ],
+ "searchBefore": [ … , … ],
+ "limit":
+ }
+### Search responses
+Query responses consist of the components **items** and **page**.
+The **items** object is an array of instances of the respective endpoint’s resource. The attributes of those instances vary by endpoint and are described in the endpoint’s documentation.
+The **page** object contains the pagination information that can be used for subsequent search requests to page through the results. The `totalItems` attribute specifies the overall number of results for the query to be retrieved (note: for ES/OS, this is limited to 10,000, even if more results are available).
+The `firstSortValues` field lists the criteria identifying the **first** entry of this page to allow paging backward in the result set by copying them into a respective page attribute like `searchBefore` in a [search request](#search-requests). The `lastSortValues` field provides the same for the **last** entry of this page to allow paging forward using `searchAfter`. In detail, those arrays contain the values of the first or last item’s attributes corresponding to the attributes defined in the request’s `sort` object, in the same order. The last element of the array is the item’s value of our internal tiebreaker attribute, typically the internal record’s key.
+ "items": [
+ { : , : ... }
+ { : , : ... }
+ ],
+ "page": {
+ "totalItems": ,
+ "firstSortValues": [
+ ,
+ ,
+ ... ,
+ ],
+ "lastSortValues": [
+ ,
+ ,
+ ... ,
+ ]
+ }
+### Search example
+Querying for the first three user tasks with certain criteria sorted by state could look as follows:
+ POST /v2/user-tasks/search
+ "filter": {
+ "assignee": "demo",
+ "variables" : {
+ "orderVolume": 10000
+ }
+ },
+ "sort": [
+ { "state": "ASC" }
+ ],
+ "page": {
+ "limit": 3
+ }
+This could yield the following example result:
+ 200 OK
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "state": "CREATED",
+ "processInstanceKey": 22456786958,
+ "userTaskKey": 22456786345,
+ ...
+ },
+ {
+ "state": "CREATED",
+ "processInstanceKey": 22456786958,
+ "userTaskKey": 22456786456,
+ ...
+ },
+ {
+ "state": "COMPLETED",
+ "processInstanceKey": 22456786958,
+ "userTaskKey": 22456786678,
+ ...
+ }
+ ],
+ "page": {
+ "totalItems": 345,
+ "firstSortValues": [ "CREATED", 22456786345 ]
+ "lastSortValues": [ "COMPLETED", 22456786678 ]
+ }
+A follow-up request to receive the next three items could then look as follows:
+ POST /v2/user-tasks/search
+ "filter": {
+ "assignee": "demo",
+ "variables" : {
+ "orderVolume": 10000
+ }
+ },
+ "sort": [
+ { "state": "ASC" }
+ ],
+ "page": {
+ "limit": 3,
+ "searchAfter": [ "COMPLETED", 22456786678 ]
+ }
+This yields the next three user task items after the last one from the first search request’s result.
+## Date values
+All date values in the REST API endpoints follow the [RFC 3339](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339) notation. This includes all requests and responses. Endpoints must validate requests and transform responses accordingly.
+## Variables
+Variables in the REST API endpoints are proper JSON objects, where the key defines the variable name and the value specifies the variable value. This includes all requests and responses. Endpoints must validate requests and transform responses accordingly.
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/sidebar-schema.js b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/sidebar-schema.js
index 465f7ac2831..29277a1c229 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/sidebar-schema.js
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/sidebar-schema.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module.exports = {
"Camunda 8 API (REST)": [
+ "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/camunda-api-rest-guidelines",
Specifications: require("./specifications/sidebar.js"),
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/sidebar.js b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/sidebar.js
index 5aae0ea5757..1cbf7aaaced 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/sidebar.js
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/sidebar.js
@@ -5,235 +5,205 @@ module.exports = [
type: "category",
- label: "Cluster",
+ label: "Clock",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-cluster-topology",
- label: "Get cluster topology",
- className: "api-method get",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/pin-internal-clock-alpha",
+ label: "Pin internal clock (alpha)",
+ className: "api-method put",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "doc",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/reset-internal-clock-alpha",
+ label: "Reset internal clock (alpha)",
+ className: "api-method post",
type: "category",
- label: "License",
+ label: "Cluster",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-status-of-camunda-license",
- label: "Get status of Camunda license",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-cluster-topology",
+ label: "Get cluster topology",
className: "api-method get",
type: "category",
- label: "Job",
+ label: "Decision definition",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/activate-jobs",
- label: "Activate jobs",
- className: "api-method post",
- },
- {
- type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/fail-job",
- label: "Fail job",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-definitions-alpha",
+ label: "Query decision definitions (alpha)",
className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/report-error-for-job",
- label: "Report error for job",
- className: "api-method post",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-decision-definition-xml-alpha",
+ label: "Get decision definition XML (alpha)",
+ className: "api-method get",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/complete-job",
- label: "Complete job",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/evaluate-decision",
+ label: "Evaluate decision",
className: "api-method post",
- {
- type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-a-job",
- label: "Update a job",
- className: "api-method patch",
- },
type: "category",
- label: "Incident",
+ label: "Decision instance",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/resolve-incident",
- label: "Resolve incident",
- className: "api-method post",
- },
- {
- type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-incidents-alpha",
- label: "Query incidents (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-instances-alpha",
+ label: "Query decision instances (alpha)",
className: "api-method post",
- {
- type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-incident-by-key-alpha",
- label: "Get incident by key (alpha)",
- className: "api-method get",
- },
type: "category",
- label: "User task",
+ label: "Decision requirements",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/complete-user-task",
- label: "Complete user task",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-requirements-alpha",
+ label: "Query decision requirements (alpha)",
className: "api-method post",
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ type: "category",
+ label: "Documents",
+ items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/assign-user-task",
- label: "Assign user task",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/upload-document-alpha",
+ label: "Upload document (alpha)",
className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-user-task",
- label: "Update user task",
- className: "api-method patch",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/download-document-alpha",
+ label: "Download document (alpha)",
+ className: "api-method get",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/unassign-user-task",
- label: "Unassign user task",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/delete-document-alpha",
+ label: "Delete document (alpha)",
className: "api-method delete",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-user-tasks-alpha",
- label: "Query user tasks (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/create-document-link-alpha",
+ label: "Create document link (alpha)",
className: "api-method post",
type: "category",
- label: "Clock",
+ label: "Element instance",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/pin-internal-clock-alpha",
- label: "Pin internal clock (alpha)",
- className: "api-method put",
- },
- {
- type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/reset-internal-clock-alpha",
- label: "Reset internal clock (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-element-instance-variables",
+ label: "Update element instance variables",
className: "api-method post",
type: "category",
- label: "Process instance",
+ label: "Flow node Instance",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/create-process-instance",
- label: "Create process instance",
- className: "api-method post",
- },
- {
- type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-process-instances-alpha",
- label: "Query process instances (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-flow-node-instances-alpha",
+ label: "Query flow node instances (alpha)",
className: "api-method post",
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ type: "category",
+ label: "Incident",
+ items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/cancel-process-instance",
- label: "Cancel process instance",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/resolve-incident",
+ label: "Resolve incident",
className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/migrate-process-instance",
- label: "Migrate process instance",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-incidents-alpha",
+ label: "Query incidents (alpha)",
className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/modify-process-instance",
- label: "Modify process instance",
- className: "api-method post",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-incident-by-key-alpha",
+ label: "Get incident by key (alpha)",
+ className: "api-method get",
type: "category",
- label: "Flow node Instance",
+ label: "Job",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-flow-node-instances-alpha",
- label: "Query flow node instances (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/activate-jobs",
+ label: "Activate jobs",
className: "api-method post",
- ],
- },
- {
- type: "category",
- label: "Decision definition",
- items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-definitions-alpha",
- label: "Query decision definitions (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/fail-job",
+ label: "Fail job",
className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-decision-definition-xml-alpha",
- label: "Get decision definition XML (alpha)",
- className: "api-method get",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/report-error-for-job",
+ label: "Report error for job",
+ className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/evaluate-decision",
- label: "Evaluate decision",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/complete-job",
+ label: "Complete job",
className: "api-method post",
- ],
- },
- {
- type: "category",
- label: "Decision requirements",
- items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-requirements-alpha",
- label: "Query decision requirements (alpha)",
- className: "api-method post",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-a-job",
+ label: "Update a job",
+ className: "api-method patch",
type: "category",
- label: "Decision instance",
+ label: "License",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-instances-alpha",
- label: "Query decision instances (alpha)",
- className: "api-method post",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-status-of-camunda-license",
+ label: "Get status of Camunda license",
+ className: "api-method get",
@@ -257,42 +227,36 @@ module.exports = [
type: "category",
- label: "Documents",
+ label: "Process instance",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/upload-document-alpha",
- label: "Upload document (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/create-process-instance",
+ label: "Create process instance",
className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/download-document-alpha",
- label: "Download document (alpha)",
- className: "api-method get",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-process-instances-alpha",
+ label: "Query process instances (alpha)",
+ className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/delete-document-alpha",
- label: "Delete document (alpha)",
- className: "api-method delete",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/cancel-process-instance",
+ label: "Cancel process instance",
+ className: "api-method post",
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/create-document-link-alpha",
- label: "Create document link (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/migrate-process-instance",
+ label: "Migrate process instance",
className: "api-method post",
- ],
- },
- {
- type: "category",
- label: "User",
- items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/find-all-users",
- label: "Query users (alpha)",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/modify-process-instance",
+ label: "Modify process instance",
className: "api-method post",
@@ -317,24 +281,60 @@ module.exports = [
type: "category",
- label: "Element instance",
+ label: "Signal",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-element-instance-variables",
- label: "Update element instance variables",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/broadcast-signal",
+ label: "Broadcast signal",
className: "api-method post",
type: "category",
- label: "Signal",
+ label: "User",
items: [
type: "doc",
- id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/broadcast-signal",
- label: "Broadcast signal",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/find-all-users",
+ label: "Query users (alpha)",
+ className: "api-method post",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ type: "category",
+ label: "User task",
+ items: [
+ {
+ type: "doc",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/complete-user-task",
+ label: "Complete user task",
+ className: "api-method post",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "doc",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/assign-user-task",
+ label: "Assign user task",
+ className: "api-method post",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "doc",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-user-task",
+ label: "Update user task",
+ className: "api-method patch",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "doc",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/unassign-user-task",
+ label: "Unassign user task",
+ className: "api-method delete",
+ },
+ {
+ type: "doc",
+ id: "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-user-tasks-alpha",
+ label: "Query user tasks (alpha)",
className: "api-method post",
diff --git a/versioned_sidebars/version-8.6-sidebars.json b/versioned_sidebars/version-8.6-sidebars.json
index 11ae4143419..247c91bdd78 100644
--- a/versioned_sidebars/version-8.6-sidebars.json
+++ b/versioned_sidebars/version-8.6-sidebars.json
@@ -887,6 +887,7 @@
"Camunda 8 API (REST)": [
+ "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/camunda-api-rest-guidelines",
"Specifications": [
@@ -896,235 +897,205 @@
"type": "category",
- "label": "Cluster",
+ "label": "Clock",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-cluster-topology",
- "label": "Get cluster topology",
- "className": "api-method get"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/pin-internal-clock-alpha",
+ "label": "Pin internal clock (alpha)",
+ "className": "api-method put"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "doc",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/reset-internal-clock-alpha",
+ "label": "Reset internal clock (alpha)",
+ "className": "api-method post"
"type": "category",
- "label": "License",
+ "label": "Cluster",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-status-of-camunda-license",
- "label": "Get status of Camunda license",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-cluster-topology",
+ "label": "Get cluster topology",
"className": "api-method get"
"type": "category",
- "label": "Job",
+ "label": "Decision definition",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/activate-jobs",
- "label": "Activate jobs",
- "className": "api-method post"
- },
- {
- "type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/fail-job",
- "label": "Fail job",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-definitions-alpha",
+ "label": "Query decision definitions (alpha)",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/report-error-for-job",
- "label": "Report error for job",
- "className": "api-method post"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-decision-definition-xml-alpha",
+ "label": "Get decision definition XML (alpha)",
+ "className": "api-method get"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/complete-job",
- "label": "Complete job",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/evaluate-decision",
+ "label": "Evaluate decision",
"className": "api-method post"
- },
- {
- "type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-a-job",
- "label": "Update a job",
- "className": "api-method patch"
"type": "category",
- "label": "Incident",
+ "label": "Decision instance",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/resolve-incident",
- "label": "Resolve incident",
- "className": "api-method post"
- },
- {
- "type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-incidents-alpha",
- "label": "Query incidents (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-instances-alpha",
+ "label": "Query decision instances (alpha)",
"className": "api-method post"
- },
- {
- "type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-incident-by-key-alpha",
- "label": "Get incident by key (alpha)",
- "className": "api-method get"
"type": "category",
- "label": "User task",
+ "label": "Decision requirements",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/complete-user-task",
- "label": "Complete user task",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-requirements-alpha",
+ "label": "Query decision requirements (alpha)",
"className": "api-method post"
- },
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "category",
+ "label": "Documents",
+ "items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/assign-user-task",
- "label": "Assign user task",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/upload-document-alpha",
+ "label": "Upload document (alpha)",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-user-task",
- "label": "Update user task",
- "className": "api-method patch"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/download-document-alpha",
+ "label": "Download document (alpha)",
+ "className": "api-method get"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/unassign-user-task",
- "label": "Unassign user task",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/delete-document-alpha",
+ "label": "Delete document (alpha)",
"className": "api-method delete"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-user-tasks-alpha",
- "label": "Query user tasks (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/create-document-link-alpha",
+ "label": "Create document link (alpha)",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "category",
- "label": "Clock",
+ "label": "Element instance",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/pin-internal-clock-alpha",
- "label": "Pin internal clock (alpha)",
- "className": "api-method put"
- },
- {
- "type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/reset-internal-clock-alpha",
- "label": "Reset internal clock (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-element-instance-variables",
+ "label": "Update element instance variables",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "category",
- "label": "Process instance",
+ "label": "Flow node Instance",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/create-process-instance",
- "label": "Create process instance",
- "className": "api-method post"
- },
- {
- "type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-process-instances-alpha",
- "label": "Query process instances (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-flow-node-instances-alpha",
+ "label": "Query flow node instances (alpha)",
"className": "api-method post"
- },
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "category",
+ "label": "Incident",
+ "items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/cancel-process-instance",
- "label": "Cancel process instance",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/resolve-incident",
+ "label": "Resolve incident",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/migrate-process-instance",
- "label": "Migrate process instance",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-incidents-alpha",
+ "label": "Query incidents (alpha)",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/modify-process-instance",
- "label": "Modify process instance",
- "className": "api-method post"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-incident-by-key-alpha",
+ "label": "Get incident by key (alpha)",
+ "className": "api-method get"
"type": "category",
- "label": "Flow node Instance",
+ "label": "Job",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-flow-node-instances-alpha",
- "label": "Query flow node instances (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/activate-jobs",
+ "label": "Activate jobs",
"className": "api-method post"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "type": "category",
- "label": "Decision definition",
- "items": [
+ },
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-definitions-alpha",
- "label": "Query decision definitions (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/fail-job",
+ "label": "Fail job",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-decision-definition-xml-alpha",
- "label": "Get decision definition XML (alpha)",
- "className": "api-method get"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/report-error-for-job",
+ "label": "Report error for job",
+ "className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/evaluate-decision",
- "label": "Evaluate decision",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/complete-job",
+ "label": "Complete job",
"className": "api-method post"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "type": "category",
- "label": "Decision requirements",
- "items": [
+ },
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-requirements-alpha",
- "label": "Query decision requirements (alpha)",
- "className": "api-method post"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-a-job",
+ "label": "Update a job",
+ "className": "api-method patch"
"type": "category",
- "label": "Decision instance",
+ "label": "License",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-decision-instances-alpha",
- "label": "Query decision instances (alpha)",
- "className": "api-method post"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/get-status-of-camunda-license",
+ "label": "Get status of Camunda license",
+ "className": "api-method get"
@@ -1148,42 +1119,36 @@
"type": "category",
- "label": "Documents",
+ "label": "Process instance",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/upload-document-alpha",
- "label": "Upload document (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/create-process-instance",
+ "label": "Create process instance",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/download-document-alpha",
- "label": "Download document (alpha)",
- "className": "api-method get"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-process-instances-alpha",
+ "label": "Query process instances (alpha)",
+ "className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/delete-document-alpha",
- "label": "Delete document (alpha)",
- "className": "api-method delete"
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/cancel-process-instance",
+ "label": "Cancel process instance",
+ "className": "api-method post"
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/create-document-link-alpha",
- "label": "Create document link (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/migrate-process-instance",
+ "label": "Migrate process instance",
"className": "api-method post"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "type": "category",
- "label": "User",
- "items": [
+ },
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/find-all-users",
- "label": "Query users (alpha)",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/modify-process-instance",
+ "label": "Modify process instance",
"className": "api-method post"
@@ -1208,24 +1173,60 @@
"type": "category",
- "label": "Element instance",
+ "label": "Signal",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-element-instance-variables",
- "label": "Update element instance variables",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/broadcast-signal",
+ "label": "Broadcast signal",
"className": "api-method post"
"type": "category",
- "label": "Signal",
+ "label": "User",
"items": [
"type": "doc",
- "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/broadcast-signal",
- "label": "Broadcast signal",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/find-all-users",
+ "label": "Query users (alpha)",
+ "className": "api-method post"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "category",
+ "label": "User task",
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "type": "doc",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/complete-user-task",
+ "label": "Complete user task",
+ "className": "api-method post"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "doc",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/assign-user-task",
+ "label": "Assign user task",
+ "className": "api-method post"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "doc",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/update-user-task",
+ "label": "Update user task",
+ "className": "api-method patch"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "doc",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/unassign-user-task",
+ "label": "Unassign user task",
+ "className": "api-method delete"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "doc",
+ "id": "apis-tools/camunda-api-rest/specifications/query-user-tasks-alpha",
+ "label": "Query user tasks (alpha)",
"className": "api-method post"