diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/self-managed/setup/deploy/amazon/amazon-eks/eksctl.md b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/self-managed/setup/deploy/amazon/amazon-eks/eksctl.md
index 23e6f3381f..7c18ce1cd9 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/self-managed/setup/deploy/amazon/amazon-eks/eksctl.md
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/self-managed/setup/deploy/amazon/amazon-eks/eksctl.md
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ For more information, see the [Amazon OpenSearch Service fine-grained access con
    aws opensearch create-domain --domain-name $OPENSEARCH_NAME \
      --engine-version OpenSearch_2.15 \
-     --cluster-config  "InstanceType=t3.medium.search,InstanceCount=3,ZoneAwarenessEnabled=true,ZoneAwarenessConfig={AvailabilityZoneCount=3}" \
+     --cluster-config  "InstanceType=m7i.large.search,InstanceCount=3,ZoneAwarenessEnabled=true,ZoneAwarenessConfig={AvailabilityZoneCount=3}" \
      --node-to-node-encryption-options Enabled=true \
      --ebs-options "EBSEnabled=true,VolumeType=gp3,VolumeSize=50,Iops=3000,Throughput=125" \
      --encryption-at-rest-options Enabled=true \
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ For more information, see the [Amazon OpenSearch Service fine-grained access con
    - **Domain Name**: `$OPENSEARCH_NAME` is the name of the OpenSearch domain being created.
    - **Engine Version**: Uses OpenSearch version `2.15`.
    - **Cluster Configuration**:
-     - `InstanceType=t3.medium.search` specifies the instance type for the domain.
+     - `InstanceType=m7i.large.search` specifies the instance type for the domain.
      - `InstanceCount=3` creates a cluster with 3 instances.
      - `ZoneAwarenessEnabled=true` and `ZoneAwarenessConfig={AvailabilityZoneCount=3}` enable zone awareness and spread the instances across 3 availability zones to improve fault tolerance.
    - **Node-to-Node Encryption**: Encryption for traffic between nodes in the OpenSearch cluster is enabled (`Enabled=true`).
@@ -956,6 +956,12 @@ For more information, see the [Amazon OpenSearch Service fine-grained access con
    This configuration creates a secure OpenSearch domain with encryption both in transit (between nodes) and at rest, zonal fault tolerance, and sufficient storage performance using `gp3` volumes. The access is restricted to resources in the VPC of the EKS cluster and is governed by the specified security group.
+The instance type `m7i.large.search` in the above example is just a suggestion and can be changed at your discretion depending on your needs.
 6. Wait for the OpenSearch domain to be active:
diff --git a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/self-managed/setup/deploy/amazon/amazon-eks/terraform-setup.md b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/self-managed/setup/deploy/amazon/amazon-eks/terraform-setup.md
index 40fe91e4dc..8c4c0e3f5c 100644
--- a/versioned_docs/version-8.6/self-managed/setup/deploy/amazon/amazon-eks/terraform-setup.md
+++ b/versioned_docs/version-8.6/self-managed/setup/deploy/amazon/amazon-eks/terraform-setup.md
@@ -418,6 +418,12 @@ Using Amazon OpenSearch Service requires [setting up a new Camunda installation]
 1. Customize the cluster setup using various input options. For a full list of available parameters, see the [OpenSearch module documentation](https://github.com/camunda/camunda-tf-eks-module/blob/2.6.0/modules/opensearch/README.md).
+The instance type `m7i.large.search` in the above example is just a suggestion and can be changed at your discretion depending on your needs.
 ### Define outputs
 **Terraform** allows you to define outputs, which make it easier to retrieve important values generated during execution, such as database endpoints and other necessary configurations for Helm setup.