diff --git a/docs/components/modeler/reference/modeling-guidance/rules/httl-required b/docs/components/modeler/reference/modeling-guidance/rules/httl-required
index 3840e0010ee..9e98a2b0c87 100644
--- a/docs/components/modeler/reference/modeling-guidance/rules/httl-required
+++ b/docs/components/modeler/reference/modeling-guidance/rules/httl-required
@@ -1,28 +1,14 @@
id: httl-required
-title: HTTL (History Time To Live) required
-description: XXX.
+title: HTTL required
+description: HTTL (History Time To Live) is required in BPMN, DMN, and CMMN models for History Clean up.
+Each execution of a model resource (BPMN, DMN, and CMMN) generates historic data during execution that is stored in the database. The Camunda 7 History Cleanup removes this historic data from the database based on the HTTL (History Time To Live) defined. If using the History Cleanup in Camunda 7 the HTTL must be defined in one of the following ways:
+- Define HTTL per model directly in the Camunda Modeller
+- Set a default HTTL for the engine that is applied to all deployed model resources on the engine
+- Switch off the HTTL check for the deployment if History Cleanup is not used
-import MarkerGuideline from "@site/src/mdx/MarkerGuideline";
-An [escalation event](../../../../bpmn/escalation-events/) must reference an escalation defined in the process. The referenced escalation must have a defined escalation code. To fix this problem, open the **Escalation** group in the properties panel, select or create an escalation, and specify its escalation code.
-Camunda 8.2 and later support catch-all events and do not require an escalation reference.
-## No escalation selected
-![No escalation selected](./img/escalation-reference/wrong-no-escalation-reference.png)
-## No escalation code specified
-![No escalation code specified](./img/escalation-reference/wrong-no-escalation-code.png)
-## Escalation selected and escalation code specified
-![Escalation selected and escalation code specified](./img/escalation-reference/right.png)
## Reference
-- [Escalation events](../../../../bpmn/escalation-events/)
-- [Rule source](https://github.com/camunda/bpmnlint-plugin-camunda-compat/blob/main/rules/camunda-cloud/escalation-reference.js)
+- [Camunda 7 - Enforce History Time To Live](https://docs.camunda.org/manual/develop/update/minor/719-to-720/#enforce-history-time-to-live)
+- [Camunda 7 - History Cleanup](https://docs.camunda.org/manual/latest/user-guide/process-engine/history/#history-cleanup-by-example)