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377 lines (290 loc) · 7.45 KB

File metadata and controls

377 lines (290 loc) · 7.45 KB

Res -- так я называю аналог "error monad".

Лицензия -- "делайте что хотите", public domain.


type res 'a 'e =
  [= `Ok of 'a
  |  `Error of 'e

value return : 'a -> res 'a 'e

value fail : 'e -> res 'a 'e

value bind : ('a -> res 'b 'e) -> res 'a 'e -> res 'b 'e

value ( >>= ) : res 'a 'e -> ('a -> res 'b 'e) -> res 'b 'e

value catch : (unit -> res 'a 'e1) -> ('e1 -> res 'a 'e2) -> res 'a 'e2

value wrap1 : ('a -> 'z)
           -> ('a -> res 'z exn)

value wrap2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'z)
           -> ('a -> 'b -> res 'z exn)

value wrap3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'z)
           -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> res 'z exn)

value wrap4 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'z)
           -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> res 'z exn)

value wrap5 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'z)
           -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> res 'z exn)

value res_exn : (unit -> 'a) -> res 'a exn

value res_opterr : option 'e -> res unit 'e

value res_optval : option 'r -> res 'r unit

(* Ловит реальные исключения, доводя их "fail exn".
   Отличие от res_exn в том, что тут функция возвращает уже res.
   "res_exn f" = "catch_exn (return % f)"
   = "catch_exn (fun () -> return (f ()))"
value catch_exn : (unit -> res 'a exn) -> res 'a exn

(* Ловит как реальные исключения, так и res-ошибки (обязанные иметь
   тип exn), обрабатывает. *)
value catch_all : (unit -> res 'a exn) -> (exn -> res 'a exn) -> res 'a exn

value exn_res : res 'a exn -> 'a

value map_err : ('e1 -> 'e2) -> res 'a 'e1 -> res 'a 'e2

value foldres_of_fold :
        ( ('a -> 'i ->     'a   ) -> 'a -> 'v ->     'a    ) ->
        ( ('a -> 'i -> res 'a 'e) -> 'a -> 'v -> res 'a 'e )

value rprintf : Pervasives.format 'a Pervasives.out_channel unit -> res 'a exn

value rprintf :
  'a unit string (res unit exn) -> 'a

value reprintf :
  'a unit string (res unit exn) -> 'a

value wrap_with1 :
   ( 'a -> ('r ->     'z    ) ->     'z     ) ->
   ( 'a -> ('r -> res 'z exn) -> res 'z exn )

value wrap_with3 :
   ( 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> ('r ->     'z    ) ->     'z     ) ->
   ( 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> ('r -> res 'z exn) -> res 'z exn )

(* sequential. *)
value list_map_all :
   ( 'a -> res 'b 'e ) -> list 'a -> res (list 'b) ('a * 'e)

value array_map_all :
   ( 'a -> res 'b 'e ) -> array 'a -> res (array 'b) ('a * 'e)

value list_fold_left_all :
   ( 'a -> 'i -> res 'a 'e ) -> 'a -> list 'i
   -> res 'a ('i * list 'i * 'a * 'e)

value list_iter_all :
   ( 'a -> res unit 'e ) -> list 'a -> res unit ('a * list 'a * 'e)

(* error contains: (the_occured_error, count_of_repeats_made) *)
value repeat : int -> ( 'a -> res 'a 'e ) -> 'a -> res 'a ('e * int)

type res 'a 'e =
  [= `Ok of 'a
  |  `Error of 'e

value return r = `Ok r

value fail e = `Error e

value bind f m =
  match m with
  [ `Ok a -> f a
  | (`Error _) as e -> e

value ( >>= ) m f = bind f m

value catch func handler =
  match func () with
  [ (`Ok _) as r -> r
  | `Error e -> handler e

value wrap1 f = fun a ->
  try `Ok (f a)
  with [ e -> `Error e ]

value wrap2 f = fun a b ->
  try `Ok (f a b)
  with [ e -> `Error e ]

value wrap3 f = fun a b c ->
  try `Ok (f a b c)
  with [ e -> `Error e ]

value wrap4 f = fun a b c d ->
  try `Ok (f a b c d)
  with [ e -> `Error e ]

value wrap5 f = fun a b c d e ->
  try `Ok (f a b c d e)
  with [ e' -> `Error e' ]

value catch_exn func =
    func ()
  [ e -> fail e ]

value catch_all f handler =
  catch (fun () -> catch_exn f) handler

value exn_res r =
  match r with
  [ `Ok x -> x
  | `Error e -> raise e

value map_err f r =
  match r with
  [ (`Ok _) as r -> r
  | `Error e -> `Error (f e)

value res_opterr oe =
  match oe with
  [ None -> `Ok ()
  | Some e -> `Error e

value res_optval ov =
  match ov with
  [ None -> `Error ()
  | Some v -> `Ok v

value ( & ) f x = f x

value ( % ) f g = fun x -> f (g x)

value res_exn func =
  catch_exn (return % func)

exception Foldres_exit

value (foldres_of_fold :
         ( ('a -> 'i ->     'a   ) -> 'a -> 'v ->     'a    ) ->
         ( ('a -> 'i -> res 'a 'e) -> 'a -> 'v -> res 'a 'e )
fold =
  fun f init v ->
    let opt_err = ref None in
    let new_f a v =
      match f a v with
      [ `Ok new_a -> new_a
      | `Error e -> (opt_err.val := Some e; raise Foldres_exit)
      `Ok (fold new_f init v)
    [ Foldres_exit ->
        match opt_err.val with
        [ None -> assert False
        | Some e -> `Error e

value rprintf fmt =
    (fun str ->
         return & output_string stdout str
       [ e -> `Error e ]

value reprintf fmt =
    (fun str ->
         return & (output_string stderr str; flush stderr)
       [ e -> `Error e ]

value wrap_with1 =
  fun with1 ->
    fun a f ->
      res_exn & fun () ->
        with1 a (exn_res % f)

value wrap_with3 =
  fun with3 ->
    fun a b c f ->
      res_exn & fun () ->
        with3 a b c (exn_res % f)

value list_map_all func lst =
  inner [] lst
  where rec inner rev_acc lst =
    match lst with
    [ [] -> return & List.rev rev_acc
    | [h :: t] ->
        match func h with
        [ `Ok x -> inner [x :: rev_acc] t
        | `Error e -> `Error (h, e)

value array_map_all func arr =
  let lst = Array.to_list arr in
  list_map_all func lst >>= fun res_lst ->
  return & Array.of_list res_lst

value list_fold_left_all func init lst =
  inner init lst
  where rec inner init lst =
    match lst with
    [ [] -> return init
    | [h :: t] ->
        match func init h with
        [ `Ok x -> inner x t
        | `Error e -> `Error (h, t, init, e)

value list_iter_all func lst =
    (fun () ->
    (fun () x -> ((func x) : res unit _))
    (fun (h, t, (), e) -> fail (h, t, e))

value repeat n f a =
  inner 0 a
  where rec inner made a =
    if made >= n
      `Ok a
      match f a with
      [ `Ok a -> inner (made + 1) a
      | `Error e -> `Error (e, made)

2011-03-26 13:08