CWTool offers the abstract Block
class to use for defining the various parts of a block (hook) in one place.
To start you need to subclass Block
and add the minimum configuration necessary:
class MyBlock extends Block {
const DELTA = 'myblock';
public static function getDelta() {
return self::DELTA;
public static function getInfo() {
return [
'info' => t('My super block'),
function getRenderArray() {
return [
'subject' => t('My block'),
'content' => 'It works',
And second this class needs to be connected in the Drupal block hooks:
function core_block_info() {
$info = [];
\CW\Util\ArrayUtil::mergeCollection($info, [
// ...
return $info;
function mymodule_block_view($delta = '') {
switch ($delta) {
// ...
case MyBlock::DELTA:
return MyBlock::getHookBlockViewArray();
return [];