LatteDB, an application (Python) of EspressoDB that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations and analysis.
The main page of LatteDB
is hosted on
Clone the repo and install via pip
pip install [--user] [-e] .
You must set up the db-config.yaml
and settings.yaml
These files specify in which setup you want to use and how run the database connection.
For a general setup, take a look at the EspressoDB documentation.
If you want to connect to a specific database, contact the admin of this instance.
docker-compose up
To build and run the local docker image (needs Docker installation).
You can interface with the image by running
docker-compose run app <bash command like lattedb --version>
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
in the repo root to run the tests.
After configuration you can launch a local server with
lattedb runserver
and visit (once the server is running.)
Note that the address might change (look at the output of lattedb runserver
Or connect your scripts with LatteDB
from lattedb.project.formfac.models import DiskConcatenatedFormFactor4DFile as DCFF4DF
files = DCFF4DF.objects.filter(exists=False)