Please include a summary of the changes made in this pull request. Provide context and describe why this change is necessary.
Fixes # (issue number)
Please mark the type of change that applies:
- Bug fix (non-breaking change that fixes an issue)
- New feature (non-breaking change that adds functionality)
- Documentation update (updates or changes to documentation)
Please ensure you've completed the following tasks. Mark them with an x
inside the brackets:
- I have checked the CADET Developer Guide
- My code follows the project's code style and RSE guidelines.
- I have run relevant tests and verified that my changes do not break existing functionality.
- I have updated documentation as needed.
- I have reviewed my code for security considerations and potential vulnerabilities.
- I have added necessary comments or descriptions for maintainers and reviewers.
Include any additional comments or considerations here. Mention other PRs or issues that might be relevant or related.