This is a demonstrator of the Garfield framework, based on the LEARN decentralized learning application.).
It is part of the C4DT Factory demonstrators, and can be viewed by clicking here.
The demonstrator runs as a web application, implemented in Python3 using Quart for the back-end and Vue.js, along with its Material widgets, for the front-end.
A Dockerfile
is provided to build a container:
$ docker build --file pytorch_impl/Dockerfile --tag garfield-demo .
When run, the container exposes the application on its port 8000:
$ docker run --name garfield-demo --rm garfield-demo
[in another terminal]
$ docker exec garfield-demo cat /etc/hosts
read the container IP address from the last line, and point your browser to
- Python 3.7
All commands are run from the top directory in the repository.
- Create a Python virtual environment:
$ python3.7 -m venv demo_venv
$ . ./demo_venv/bin/activate
- Install the Python dependencies:
$ pip install -r pytorch_impl/requirements.txt
- Run the application:
$ QUART_APP=pytorch_impl/applications/LEARN/demo:app quart run
The first time it is run, the system will compile the native imnplementations of the aggretators, which can take a few minutes.
Eventually, the console will show the following:
[...] Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
Point your browser to the above address, and you should see the demo.
The demo is contained in:
for the back-endpytorch_impl/applications/LEARN/templates/index.html
for the front-end
If you edit and save the back-end, Quart will automatically detect the changes and restart with the new code. The same is however not true for the front-end, so when you change it you will need to restart quart (CTRL-C and rerun).