Every subroutine and macro should have an header like this:
/** * @brief This macro copies a block of memory from one location to another using page relocation. * * @details This macro also handles the page relocation of the memory block during the copy operation. * It's slower than @sa copyFast but it uses much less memory, especially for large memory blocks copy. * * @param[in] source The starting address of the memory block to be copied. * @param[in] destination The starting address of the location where the memory block will be copied to. * @param[in] count The number of bytes to be copied. * * @note Usage: copyWithRelocation($C000, $C100, 256) // Copies 256 bytes from memory location $C000 to $C100 with relocation * @note Use c128lib_copyWithRelocation in mem-global.asm * * @since 0.6.0 */
- a @brief keyword with a short description (typically one or two line)
- a @details keyword (optional) with a longer description, with some hint about code used and comparison with similar code
- a @param keyword for every parameter, with [in], [out] or [inout] attribute to specify if parameter is an input or output value
- a @remark keyword for indicating if registers or flags are affrected
- a @note keyword for "non-global" macros to suggest to use global macro definition
- a @since keyword to specify from which version this code is available
- a @example keyword (optional) for pointing to other source code where method is used
- a @note keyword (optional) for a simple usage code