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bytebutcher edited this page Nov 27, 2022 · 17 revisions


Name: Decoder++
Command: dpp --dialog -f %F
[ ] Run in background
[ ] Run in terminal
[X] Output should replace selection
[ ] Show preview


The diff tool of Burp is quite nice. However, if you prefer an external tool e.g. meld you might find this setup quite interesting.

We define three send-to context menu entries.

  • One for writing the path of the file containing the selected request into burp-send-to.stack
  • One for starting meld to compare the files stored in burp-send-to.stack
  • One for clearing burp-send-to.stack
Name: add Request/Response
Group: stack
Command: echo %R >> $HOME/burp-send-to.stack
[X] Run in background
[ ] Run in terminal
[ ] Output should replace selection
[ ] Show preview
Name: clear
Group: stack
Command: echo -n '' > $HOME/burp-send-to.stack
[X] Run in background
[ ] Run in terminal
[ ] Output should replace selection
[ ] Show preview
Name: diff
Group: stack
Command: meld $(paste -sd' ' $HOME/burp-send-to.stack)
[X] Run in background
[ ] Run in terminal
[ ] Output should replace selection
[ ] Show preview

Header Format

Some tools require a specific header format which is not directly supported by the Burp Send-To extension. However, with a wrapper-script we can work around it:

Name: header format
Group: misc
Command: %U %E
[ ] Run in background
[X] Run in terminal
[ ] Output should replace selection
[X] Show preview

headers="$(sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' ${2})" # Replace newlines in header-file with a literal "\n"
/path/to/tool -u "${url}" --headers "${headers}"

while read header || [ -n "${header}" ]; do
        header_options+=" -H '${header}'"
done< <(tail -n+2 "${headers_file}")
/path/to/tool -u "${url}" ${header_options}

Header Values

Sometimes you might require a specific header value which is not directly supported by the Burp Send-To extension. However, with a wrapper-script we can work around it:

Name: headers
Group: misc
Command: %E "Content-Length"
[ ] Run in background
[X] Run in terminal
[ ] Output should replace selection
[X] Show preview
function extract_header_value_by_key() {
        while read line; do
                key="$(echo "${line}" | cut -f1 -d':')"
                value="$(echo "${line}" | cut -f2- -d' ')"
                if [ "${key}" = "${_key}" ]; then
                        # Prints value on matching key ...
                        echo "${value}"
        done< "${_header_file}"
extract_header_value_by_key "${header_file}" "${key}"


If you are on Windows and you want to make use of the Linux Subsystem you may run into problems when you want to pass filenames (e.g. the %R placeholder).

To solve this issue you can use a wrapper script as described below:

  1. Place a file (e.g. named "ffuf-wrapper") into /home/yourname/work/bin/ with the following content:
# 1. Transform windows path to wsl path 
# >>> wslpath -a 'C:\\aaa\\bbb\\ccc\\'
# /mnt/c/aaa/bbb/ccc/
request_path="$(wsl -a "${1}")"
# 2. Call ffuf with the correct request path
/home/yourname/work/bin/ffuf -w "${request_path}" -X POST -d "username=admin\&password=FUZZ" -u https://target/login.php -fc 401

Remember to set the executable-flag for this script:

chmod +x  /home/yourname/work/bin/ffuf-wrapper

Create a send-to context menu entry with the following parameters:

* name: wsl ffuf
* command: wsl /home/yourname/work/bin/ffuf-wrapper %R
* group:
* [ ] Run in background
* [X] Run in terminal
* [ ] Output should replace selection
* [X] Show preview prior to execution

URL Extract and Execute Script

import sys
import re
import argparse
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError

def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
    print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)

    from urlextract import URLExtract
    eprint("ERROR: urlextract not found! Use the following command to fix this error:")
    eprint("       > pip3 install urlextract")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extract urls from file and execute user specified program to handle ')
parser.add_argument('-f','--filter', help='Regex filter for urls', required=False)
parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbosely output.', required=False)
parser.add_argument('-d','--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Prints commands instead of executing them.')
parser.add_argument('-c','--command', help='The command to execute. Use {{URL}} to specify where extracted URLs should be placed.', required=True)
parser.add_argument('input_file', help='The file to parse.')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())

input_file = args['input_file']
url_filter = re.compile(args['filter']) if 'filter' in args else ''
dry_run = True if args['dry_run'] else False
verbose = True if args['verbose'] else False

with open(input_file) as f: 
    data = " ".join(line.strip() for line in f)
    for url in URLExtract().find_urls(data):
        if verbose:
            eprint('URL: ' + url)
        if url_filter and not url_filter.match(url):
        command = args['command'].replace('{{URL}}', url)
        if verbose or dry_run:
            eprint('CMD: ' + command)
        if not dry_run:
            with Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p:
                for line in p.stdout:
                    print(line, end='')



urls like and but also
things like and


# Process all urls in input.txt and execute 'echo {{URL}}'
python3 -c 'echo {{URL}}' input.txt 
# Define a filter to only process certain types of urls
python3 -f '^http(s)?://.*' -c 'echo {{URL}}' input.txt 

Note: This script also includes a -d | --dry-run option which prints commands instead of executing them.

Create two send-to context menu entries with the following parameters:

* name: URL extract and execute (preview)
* command: python3 /path/to/ -d -c 'echo {{URL}}' %R
* group:
* [ ] Run in background
* [X] Run in terminal
* [ ] Output should replace selection
* [X] Show preview prior to execution
* name: URL extract and execute
* command: python3 /path/to/ -c 'echo {{URL}}' %R
* group:
* [ ] Run in background
* [X] Run in terminal
* [ ] Output should replace selection
* [X] Show preview prior to execution
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