Changelog - see for conventions
- upgraded Lombok (to 1.18.24) to enable building with jdk 17
- PR 65 : finer logs to avoid cluttering when nothing gets analyzed - thanks @Treehopper !!
- various log related changes
- PR 67 : fix when parsing java file content - thanks @Treehopper !!
- fixed potential bug in DontReturnNullCollectionTest using isAssignableTo instead of isAssignableFrom. see also TNG/ArchUnit#872
- simplified code in TestClassesNamingRuleTest
- optimized implementation of DontReturnNullCollectionTest, according to TNG/ArchUnit#872 (comment)
- PR 62 : ApplyOn and ConfigurableRule are now serializable
- PR 63 : changed the implementation for DontReturnNullCollectionTest rule
- somehow, the published 2.9.1 jar seemed to NOT contain the ifx it was supposed to contain (see societe-generale#61). Performed a new release, and it seemed to be OK now.
- now publishing to most recent Nexus OSS server (see
- PR 59 : fixed regression : now all rules allow empty class lists without failing
- PR 54 : upgrading to ArchUnit 0.23.1 - there may be breaking changes due to this
- PR 55 : tweak in DontReturnNullCollectionTest to avoid failing on lambdas.
- PR 58 : exception on serialVersionUID in ConstantsAndStaticNonFinalFieldsNamesRuleTest
- PR-49 : BREAKING RuleInvokerService constructor signature has changed + some new logging methods need to be implemented. Can exclude generated source code that will be merged with the rest of the code later, based on a directory. thanks @KayWeinert !!
- PR-50 : upgrading to ArchUnit 0.20.1
- upgrading to ArchUnit 0.17
- PR-48 : upgrading to Guava 30.1.1-jre
- PR-47 : ExclusionImportOption supports package excludes - thanks @KayWeinert !!
- upgrading to ArchUnit 0.16
- PR-45 : replacing dots in path only for the package path - thanks @markusschaefer !!
- PR-43 : upgrading to ArchUnit 0.15 - thanks @nvervelle !!
- logging properly the full path when we fail to load the resources to analyze
- PR-39 : BREAKING change in some interfaces. Introducing
for strong typing, and using it as return type in ScopePathProvider. - PR-38 : BREAKING change in
- PR-18 : naming rule for constants
- PR-20 : final fields should be static
- PR-22 : test classes should follow naming convention
- PR-23 : test method should follow naming convention
- PR-25 : fields ending by "Date" should not be String
- PR 17 : avoiding System.out calls, and enabling rules to log properly
- bug fixed : excludedPaths not taken into account for preConfiguredRules
- PR #11 - HexagonalArchitectureTest now validates that no Dto / Vo classes are present in domain
- PR #14 - Possibility to exclude some classes from being analyzed - new config element is available from now on
- PR #8 - HexagonalArchitectureTest now validates that no prohibited annotation is used
- PR #9 - Taking into account Junit5 @Disabled in the rules that were checking Junit4 @Ignore
- PR #5 - introduced ScopePathProvider concept to allow build specific plugins to use their own
- Enabling to run provided ArchUnit rules like GeneralCodingRules by enabling the instantiation of classes with private constructor
- PR #3 - new rule : HexagonalArchitectureTest
- PR #4 - new rule : DontReturnNullCollectionTest
- PR #2 : upgraded to ArchUnit 0.12.0
- we extracted the code from and aligned the version