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The Buildkite Migration tool's currently supported (βœ…), partially supported (⚠️) and unsupported (❌) properties in translation of CircleCI pipelines to Buildkite pipelines are listed below.

Logical Operators/Helper Keys


The Buildkite Migration tool supports the use of YAML aliases - re-usable snippets of configuration to apply to a specific point in a CircleCI pipeline. These are defined with a & (anchor) within the top-level aliases key and substituted into CircleCI pipeline configuration with *: for example, *tests. Configuration defined by an alias will be respected and parsed accordingly at the specified section of the pipeline.

Key Supported? Notes
and ⚠️ Logical operator for denoting all inputs required to be true. Supported with the utilisation of the when key within setting up conditional workflow runs.
or ⚠️ Logical operator for describing if any of the inputs are true. Supported with the utilisation of the when key within setting up conditional workflow runs.
not ⚠️ Logical operator for negating input. Supported with the utilisation of the when key within setting up conditional workflow runs.

Commands (commands)

Key Supported? Notes
commands βœ… A command defined in a CircleCI pipeline is a reusable set of instructions with parameters that can be inserted into required job executions. Commands can have their own set list of steps that are translated through to the generated command step's commands. If a command contains a parameters key, they are respected when used in jobs/workflows and their defaults values used when not specified.

Executors (executors)

Key Supported? Notes
executors βœ… The executor key defined at topmost-level in a CircleCI workflow maps to the use of the executor key specificed within a specific job. Supported execition environments include machine, docker, macos and windows; further information can be found in the Jobs table below. The execution environment in Buildkite is specified with each environment's applied tags in their generated command step, for which can be targeted when creating builds.

Jobs (jobs)


Key Supported? Notes
jobs βœ… A collection of steps that are run on a single worker unit: whether that is on a host directly, or on a virtualised host (such as within a Docker container). Orchestrated with workflows.
jobs.<name> βœ… The named, induvidual jobs that makes up part of a given workflow.
jobs.<name>.environment βœ… The job level environment variables of a CircleCI pipeline. Applied in the generated command step as step level environment variables with the env key.
jobs.<name>.parallelism ❌ A parallelism parameter (if defined greater than 1) will create a seperate execution environment and will run the steps of the specific job in parallel. In Buildkite - a similar parallelism key can be set to a command step which will run the defined command over seperate jobs (sharing the same agent queues/tags targets).
jobs.<name>.parameters βœ… Reusable keys that are used within step definitions within a job. Default parameters that are specified in a parameters block are passed through into the command step's commands if specified.
jobs.<name>.shell ❌ The shell property sets the default shell that is used across all commands within all steps. This should be configured on the agent - or by defining the shell option when starting a Buildkite agent: which will set the shell command used to interpret all build commands.
jobs.<name>.steps βœ… A collection of non-orb jobs commands that are executed as part of a CircleCI job. Steps can be defined within an alias. All steps within a singular job are translated to the commands of a shared command step within the generated Buildkite pipeline to ensure they share the same execution environment.
jobs.<name>.working_directory βœ… The location of the executor where steps are run in. If set, a change directory (cd) command is created within the shared commands of a Buildkite command step to the desired location.



While the Buildkite Migration Tool will translate the below executor types listed; the prerequisite of using the generated steps will require the relevant OS, dependencies and tooling (for example, Docker, XCode etc) on targeted agents. Buildkite offers the Elastic CI Stack for AWS as a fully scalable Buildkite agent fleet on AWS with a suite of tooling installed by default. Additionally, customised agents can be setup to target builds that require specific OSes/tooling.

Key Supported? Notes
jobs.<name>.docker βœ… Specifies that the job will run within a Docker container (by its image property) with the use of the Docker Buildkite Plugin or Docker Compose Buildkite Plugin. Additionally, the Docker Login Plugin is appended if an auth property is defined, or the ECR Buildkite Plugin if an aws-auth property is defined within the docker property. Sets the agent targeting for the generated command step to executor_type: docker.
jobs.<name>.executor βœ… Specifies the execution environment based from an executor definition supplied in the top-level executors key.
jobs.<name>.macos βœ… Specifies that the job will run on a macOS bases execution environment. The agent targeting tags for the generated command step will be set to executor_type: osx, as well as the specified version of xcode from the macos parameters as executor_xcode: <version>.
jobs.<name>.machine βœ… Specifies that the job will run on a machine execution environment. This translates to agent targeting for the generated command step through the tags of executor_type: machine and executor_image: self-hosted.
jobs.<name>.resource_class βœ… The specification of compute that the executor will require in running a job. This is used to specify the resource_class agent targeting tag for the corresponding command step.
jobs.<name>.windows βœ… Specifies that the job will run on a Windows based execution environment. The agent targeting tags for the generated command step will be set to executor_type: windows.

Orbs (orbs)

Key Supported? Notes
orbs ❌ Orbs are currently not supported by the Buildkite Migration tool, and should be translated by hand if required to utilise within a Buildkite pipeline. The Buildkite platform has reusable plugins that provide a similar experience for integrating various common (and third party integration) tasks throughout a Buildkite pipeline, such as logging into ECR, running a step within a Docker container, running multiple Docker images through a compose file, triggering builds in a monorepo setup and more.

Parameters (parameters)

Key Supported? Notes
parameters ❌ Pipeline-level parameters that allow for utilisation in the pipeline level configuration. Pipeline level environment variables allow for utilising variables in Buildkite pipeline configuration with conditionals.

Setup (setup)

Key Supported? Notes
setup ❌ Allows for the conditional configuration trigger from outside the .circleci directory - not applicable with Buildkite. Buildkite offers trigger steps that allow for triggering builds from another pipeline.

Version (version)

Key Supported? Notes
version ❌ The version of the CircleCI pipeline configuration applied to this pipeline. No equivalent mapping exists in Buildkite. Attributes for required and optional attributes in the various step types supported in Buildkite are listed in the docs.

Workflows (workflows)

Key Supported? Notes
workflows βœ… A a collection of jobs, whose ordering defines how a CircleCI pipeline is run.
workflows.<name> βœ… An induvidual named workflow that makes up part of the CircleCI pipeline's definition. If a CircleCI pipeline has more than 1 workflow specified, each will be transitioned to a group step.
workflows.<name>.jobs βœ… The induvidually named, non-orb jobs that make up part of this specific workflow.

Customised jobs defined as part of a workflow will be translated to a Buildkite command step within the generated pipeline, and jobs with the approval type will be translated to a Buildkite block step.
workflows.<name>.jobs.<name>.branches ❌ The branches that will be allowed/blocked for a singular job. Presently, the Buildkite Migration tool supports setting filters within workflows: and in particular, branches and tags sub-properties in setting a step conditional in the generated pipeline.
workflows.<name>.jobs.<name>.filters βœ… The branches and tag filters that will determine the eligibility for a CircleCI to run.
workflows.<name>.jobs.<name>.filters.branches βœ… The specific branches that are applicable to the job's filter. Translated to a step conditional.
workflows.<name>.jobs.<name>.filters.tags βœ… The specific tags that are applicable to the job's filter. Translated to a step conditional.
workflows.<name>.jobs.<name>.matrix βœ… The matrix key allows running a specific job as part of a workload with different values. Translated to a build matrix setup within a command step.
workflows.<name>.jobs.<name>.requires βœ… A list of jobs that require this job to start. Translated to explicit step dependencies with the depends_on key.
workflows.<name>.when βœ… Conditionals that allow for running a workflow under certain conditions. The Buildkite Migration tool allows for the speicification using Logical operators and, or and not in creating command conditionals.