Congrats for completing the walkthrough! We are here to deploy your image to a bare metal PC.
Download Windows 10 ADK from Microsoft. Follow the instructions for creating a Windows PE boot USB drive. You need to customize the image to include Powershell.
#todo #up_for_grabs Windows 10 PE build bsd.
Copy out your customized image (*.swm) to your USB drive. Let's put them in [USB]\osimage\
(create the folder) on your USB drive.
Copy out the C:\WindowsBuilder\provisioning
folder to your USB too.
Boot the PC you want to service using that USB drive. You should boot into Windows PE.
Once you are in:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
# Assuming D: is the USB drive
ipmo D:\provisioning\WindowsProvisioning.psm1
# Take note of the disk number of the PC's boot disk. Be very careful!
# The boot disk is normally disk 0, but double check, because that disk will be formatted.
Install-WindowsImage -ImagePath D:\osimage\surfacepro.swm -Index 3 -DiskNumber 0 -UEFI -Compact -Verbose
# The `UEFI` parameter is recommended for newer PC that supports UEFI firmware.
# The `Compact` parameter is recommended when the boot disk is a SSD.
# The `-Verbose` parameter is optional, but we want to see what it is doing for this exercise
Use [USB Drive]/provisioning/customizer.ps1
to generate oemcustom.json
and unattend.xml
. Then copy the files:
. D:\provisioning\customizer.ps1
# Answer the questions
# Assuming I: is the new drive letter of the Windows volume
copy D:\provisioning\oemcustom.json I:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\ -Force
copy D:\provisioning\unattend.xml I:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\ -Force
You should now unplug the USB drive from your PC.
Reboot the PC for installation to continue. The PC should reboot 3 times, finishing at the logon screen.
Three accounts are created by default. The super account is an administrative account, another one with your customized name is a normal user
account, and a Friend
account for guest access.
Logon using the super account, using the password provided in the preboot customization stage. You can get the passwords for 2 additiona accounts
created from [USB drive]\provisioning\unattend.xml
, or just set new passwords for these accounts using the super account.
We recommend using the normal user account for daily work.
The default accounts created can be fully customized by editing the following files:
- provisioning\customizer.ps1
- provisioning\Unattend.xml.tmpl
In addition, edit the oemcustom-ref.json
to automate the customizer. If you provide all fields in the referance JSON file, the customizer will not
prompt for anything.