A complete list of RxJS operators with clear explanations, relevant resources, and executable examples.
Prefer a split by operator type?
- ajax ⭐
- audit
- auditTime
- buffer
- bufferCount
- bufferTime ⭐
- bufferToggle
- bufferWhen
- catch / catchError ⭐
- combineAll
- combineLatest ⭐
- concat ⭐
- concatAll
- concatMap ⭐
- concatMapTo
- create
- debounce
- debounceTime ⭐
- defaultIfEmpty
- defer
- delay
- delayWhen
- distinct
- distinctUntilChanged ⭐
- distinctUntilKeyChanged
- endWith
- tap / do ⭐
- empty
- every
- exhaustMap
- expand
- filter ⭐
- finalize / finally
- find
- first
- forkJoin
- from ⭐
- fromEvent
- generate
- groupBy
- iif
- ignoreElements
- interval
- last
- let
- map ⭐
- mapTo
- merge ⭐
- mergeAll
- mergeMap / flatMap ⭐
- mergeScan
- multicast
- of ⭐
- partition
- pluck
- publish
- race
- range
- repeat
- repeatWhen
- retry
- retryWhen
- sample
- scan ⭐
- sequenceequal
- share ⭐
- shareReplay ⭐
- single
- skip
- skipUntil
- skipWhile
- startWith ⭐
- switchMap ⭐
- switchMapTo
- take ⭐
- takeLast
- takeUntil ⭐
- takeWhile
- throttle
- throttleTime
- throw
- timeInterval
- timeout
- timeoutWith
- timer
- toArray
- toPromise
- window
- windowCount
- windowTime
- windowToggle
- windowWhen
- withLatestFrom ⭐
- zip
⭐ - commonly used
- What Are Operators? 📰 - Official Docs
- What Operators Are 🎥 💵 - André Staltz