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Releases: brunomikoski/Animation-Sequencer

Unity 2021 Support

12 May 16:46
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.3.6

Exposing Values and Bug Fixing

06 Apr 10:50
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What's Changed

  • fix: exposed changes for tweaking and fixing infinity loops by @brunomikoski in #43

Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.3.5

QoL and Bug Fix

25 Mar 22:45
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  • Fixed InvokeCallbackStep adding the callback to the parent sequence
  • Fixed not allowing -1 as loop number for the DOTweenStep

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4

Bug fixes and Improvements

11 Jan 11:55
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  • Fixed issue in which the Animation Step's Delay was being applied to each Action individually, this was causing them to execute sequentially rather than simultaneously.
  • Fixed an issue in which joined Steps after an Invoke Callback Step with a delay were incorrectly delayed.
  • Added general defaults, previously defaults could only be set for Actions.
  • Worked around a Unity bug in which updating the colour of a Graphic does not cause any visual change outside of PlayMode (affects "Color Graphic" and "Fade Graphic" actions).
  • Improved Step naming for Invoke Callback to include the called function name and also support multiple callbacks.
  • Added RectTransformSizeDOTweenAction to tween the sizeDelta of a Graphic.
  • Fixed a bug in which exiting the prefab staging view with an active preview would cause a null ref and failure to reset the animation. This was due to the timing of EditorWIndow.OnDisable (it is is called after the prefab objects have already been destroyed) and has been fixed by hooking into PrefabStage.prefabSaving.
  • Added runtime playback speed.

Multiple improvements and bug fixes

12 Dec 22:02
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  • Added AutoplayType, this allows animations to trigger in either Awake or OnEnable (defaults to Awake to retain backwards compatibility)
  • Fixed issues with backward playback in Editor Preview Tool and at runtime.
  • Fixed callbacks not firing correctly when playing backward.
  • If AutoplayType is OnEnable, then OnDisable will kill the tweens and reset the animated objects to their initial states, this ensures that they are in the right state for the Tweens to be regenerated the next time the animation is enabled.
  • TimeScale slider in Preview Tool can now be used before playback commences.
  • Exposed getters for PlayOnAwake and PauseOnAwake, these can be used for asserts to catch incorrect setup of AniamtionSequenceControllers from the code's perspective.
  • Fixed an issue with "Move To Anchored Position" when using the IsRelative flag. It must be set when calling tween.From(isRelative) for it to work.
  • Fixed delays not working for Callback steps.
  • Fixed potential null refs in various DOTweenActions.
  • Allowed various parts of AnimationSequenceController and AnimationSequenceControllerCustomEditor to be overridden.
  • Play On Awake and Pause On Awake now alter their inspector label dependent on the selected AutoplayType.
  • Fixed a bug with the completion callbacks passed to Play, PlayForward and PlayBackwards, old callbacks were executing for subsequent plays. All listeners are now removed each time any playback function is executed.
  • Fixed typo in PlayForward bool.

Thanks for @nindim for all the improvements and bug fixes

Fix requests and small improvements

09 Dec 10:24
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  • Exposed AnimationSequencerController methods to be virtual, so they can be extended.
  • Removed the sealed from AnimationSequencerControllerCustomEditor so allow custom editors as well.
  • Refactor the Play / Forward / Backward setup, to be easier to understand and use
  • Added autoKill setting on the sequence settings, to allow back and forward play easily;

Small tweaks

02 Dec 22:49
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  • Added the SetProgress to be able to set the position of the sequencer by code.
  • Set the Play method to virtual so can be overwritten
  • Added DOTWeen from the UPM package dependency
  • Fixed Timescale slider greyed out before editor was playing
  • Added direction as a parameter of the Play method, so you can trigger to play backward and forward by code.

Fix OnStart Issue and preview QoL

13 Oct 13:51
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  • Fixed issue when OnStart event was been triggered inside the OnComplete event. JohnDesley
  • Automatically hide the Steps Panel when previewing to increase performance.

Tweaks and Improvements

11 Oct 09:20
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  • Removed the Play from the playtype, now is only Backward and Forward and Forward is the default one
  • Implement manual reset of editor changes to avoid issues while previewing animation and stop
  • Refactored the preview controllers to allow all the controllers to be able to play the animation when needed
  • Improved inspector performance


  • Implemented a bunch of feedback from nindim

Fix Sequence Join

19 Aug 13:27
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  • Fixed issue of Join sequences