This is a placeholder if there is the need of a workshop on Kubernetes API Group Versions and kubebuilder with webhooks.
- Audience Requirements: basic to medium understanding on Kubernetes. What is a kind cluster, control planel, worker nodes, service, pods, deployment, etc.
- What is an API Group Version?
- Step back: Native K8s objects versus CRDs
- Slide deck (just for reference):
kubectl api-resources
kubectl get crds
kubectl get --raw /apis | jq
- Native K8s example of Multi API group versions: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
- Resource belongs to an API group. example: horizontalautoscaling (resource) belongs to autoscaling (group)
kubectl get --raw /apis/autoscaling | jq
kubectl apply --validate=false -f
- kubectl get hpa -A # it creates a v2beta2 of hpa but the command gets me v1
- Introduce the concept of preferred + stable version for Kubernetes API server
- API deprecation:
- API Version Priority:
- Business Problem: you have deployed an API Group Version of your app in production but now you need to change the schema
- Example of hpa v2beta2 and v1 on autoscaling
- kubectl get hpa php-apache-autoscaler -n myexample -o yaml # v1
- kubectl get hpa.v2beta2.autoscaling php-apache-autoscaler -n myexample -o yaml
- Rockbands schema
- Concept of webhook
- Supporting multiple API Group Versions
- Multiple examples for Velero:
- Going over the step-by-step on the code if there is time
- If there is no time:
- deploy case C target and show the creation of objects
- Show the type and webhook code.