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967 lines (737 loc) · 44.6 KB

File metadata and controls

967 lines (737 loc) · 44.6 KB

First Example: A Single Version of an API Group with one Kind.

As I mentioned before, this code is focused only to create the combination of CRD/webhook/controller from scratch. We will do minimum code to update or instrument the CRD, but the focus is managing the schema changes of CRD and how webhook will help us.

But, of course, you can use this tutorial to spring-board to a more serious controller for your business needs. In addition, I recommend you to look at our other controller example

The final result of this code is under single-gvk/music subdirectory. You can use it as reference, but we will start from an empty directory.

For the impatients

For the impatients who want to see the final result without running all steps:

# Remember to install the cert-manager first
# kubectl apply --validate=false -f

# install the controller and CRDs
$ kubectl apply --validate=false -f

# check the controller
$ kubectl get pods -n music-system

$ kubectl get crds

# create a CR
$ kubectl apply --validate=false -f created

# list the CRs
$ $ kubectl get rockbands -A -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: RockBand
    name: beatles
    namespace: default
    genre: 60s rock
    leadSinger: John Lennon
    numberComponents: 4
    lastPlayed: "2020"

The file single-gvk-v0.1.yaml points to the controller docker image .

For the step-by-step to create all the above, follow the next sections.


First step is using the kubebuilder scaffolding:

mkdir music; cd music
go mod init music
kubebuilder init --domain
kubebuilder create api --group music --version v1 --kind RockBand --resource=true --controller=true

It creates a directory structure.

Creating our own CRD business logic

Our CRD schema is created by scaffolding but does not have any business logic.

For this version v1, I will set the following fields on RockBand.Spec and RockBand.Status on the file music/api/v1/rockband_types.go:

// RockBandSpec defines the desired state of RockBand
type RockBandSpec struct {
	// +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
	Genre string `json:"genre"`
	// +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
	NumberComponents int32 `json:"numberComponents"`
	// +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
	LeadSinger string `json:"leadSinger"`

// RockBandStatus defines the observed state of RockBand
type RockBandStatus struct {
	LastPlayed string `json:"lastPlayed"`

// +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
// +kubebuilder:resource:shortName={"rb"}
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Genre",type=string,JSONPath=`.spec.genre`
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Number_Components",type=integer,JSONPath=`.spec.numberComponents`
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Lead_Singer",type=string,JSONPath=`.spec.leadSinger`

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:storageversion

// RockBand is the Schema for the rockbands API
type RockBand struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Spec   RockBandSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
	Status RockBandStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true


As you can see, this is really a simple and silly example. RockBand has genre, number of components and lead singer as part of the Spec struct.

And they are all optional. On Status struct, I decided to add on arbitrarily field called lastPlayed.

In this example, the Status field does not have a Spec counterpart. In real world, the Spec and Status fields are similar and controller reconciles them.

We want to use the latest CRD features, for such, please edit Makefile and set to the following line:

CRD_OPTIONS ?= "crd:preserveUnknownFields=false,crdVersions=v1,trivialVersions=true"

Attention: I had issues with the Makefile default CRD line, so make sure you change to the above.

Generating and Installing the CRD

Generate the CRD running:

$ make manifests && make generate

If you have issues, please refer to the original code of this directory.

Now inspect the file music/config/crd/bases/music.example.io_rockbands.yaml. If you apply this files as is on your cluster, you will deploy the CRD.

Alternatively, you can run:

$ make install
(...) created

Once installed, you can check the CRDs on your cluster running:

$ kubectl get crds
NAME                         CREATED AT   2020-10-29T02:37:21Z

Create one custom resource (CR) named "beatles" from the example here.

$ cat config/samples/music_v1_rockband.yaml 
kind: RockBand
  name: beatles
  # Add fields here
  genre: '60s rock'
  numberComponents: 4
  leadSinger: John

Let's create this CR:

$ kubectl create -f config/samples/music_v1_rockband.yaml -n default created

Let's list the CR:

$ kubectl get rockband beatles -o yaml
kind: RockBand
  creationTimestamp: "2020-10-29T02:50:16Z"
  generation: 1
  - apiVersion:
    fieldsType: FieldsV1
        .: {}
        f:genre: {}
        f:leadSinger: {}
        f:numberComponents: {}
    manager: kubectl
    operation: Update
    time: "2020-10-29T02:50:16Z"
  name: beatles
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "3167"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 0a7e5845-1f79-42f9-82d1-de5d3b45999b
  genre: 60s rock
  leadSinger: John
  numberComponents: 4

Please note that there is no Status set. This is because we do not have yet a controller. See next section.

Compiling and Starting the Controller

Since we do not care much about the business logic on the controller, the only thing my controller will do is setting the lastPlayed Status field with the current year.

Here is the snippet of the music/controllers/rockband_controller.go

package controllers

import (

	k8serr ""
	ctrl ""

	musicv1 "music/api/v1"

// RockBandReconciler reconciles a RockBand object
type RockBandReconciler struct {
	Log    logr.Logger
	Scheme *runtime.Scheme


func (r *RockBandReconciler) Reconcile(req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	log := r.Log.WithValues("rockband", req.NamespacedName)
  // your logic here

	rb := &musicv1.RockBand{}
	if err := r.Client.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, rb); err != nil {
		// add some debug information if it's not a NotFound error
		if !k8serr.IsNotFound(err) {
			log.Error(err, "unable to fetch RockBand")
		// we'll ignore not-found errors, since they can't be fixed by an immediate
		// requeue (we'll need to wait for a new notification), and we can get them
		// on deleted requests.
		return ctrl.Result{}, client.IgnoreNotFound(err)

	msg := fmt.Sprintf("received reconcile request for %q (namespace: %q)", rb.GetName(), rb.GetNamespace())

	if rb.Status.LastPlayed == "" {
		year := time.Now().Year()
		// Adding the year in Status filed for now
		rb.Status.LastPlayed = strconv.Itoa(year)
		if err := r.Status().Update(ctx, rb); err != nil {
			log.Error(err, "unable to update RockBand status")
			return ctrl.Result{}, err
	return ctrl.Result{}, nil

At this time, the controller should be able to be compiled without errors running make docker-build.

Attention: You can create your own image setting the IMG variable.

I will build an image from the controller and name as

make docker-build
Successfully built 1262ea2263df
Successfully tagged

Let's test the controller before coding any webhooks.


make docker-build
make docker-push
make deploy

Attention: You might see an error of missing namespace music-system:

Error from server (NotFound): error when creating "STDIN": namespaces "music-system" not found

For some reason kubebuilder+kustomize fails to set the namespace correctly (it creates namespace system instead).

Create the music-system namespace and try again:

$ kubectl create namespace music-system
$ make deploy
deployment.apps/music-controller-manager created

Look at the log of the controller:

$ kubectl logs music-controller-manager-867b6f899c-7vw2q -n music-system manager
2020-10-29T03:30:44.858Z	INFO	controller-runtime.metrics	metrics server is starting to listen	{"addr": ""}
2020-10-29T03:30:44.858Z	INFO	setup	starting manager
I1029 03:30:44.859074       1 leaderelection.go:242] attempting to acquire leader lease  music-system/
2020-10-29T03:30:44.859Z	INFO	controller-runtime.manager	starting metrics server	{"path": "/metrics"}
I1029 03:31:02.369750       1 leaderelection.go:252] successfully acquired lease music-system/
2020-10-29T03:31:02.370Z	DEBUG	Normal	{"object": {"kind":"ConfigMap","namespace":"music-system","name":"","uid":"727f114e-e7f3-4a79-b01f-82a2db2c1e8c","apiVersion":"v1","resourceVersion":"12506"}, "reason": "LeaderElection", "message": "music-controller-manager-867b6f899c-7vw2q_932dbf62-d492-4ca2-86f7-f9b98811f6d2 became leader"}
2020-10-29T03:31:02.370Z	INFO	controller-runtime.controller	Starting EventSource	{"controller": "rockband", "source": "kind source: /, Kind="}
2020-10-29T03:31:02.472Z	INFO	controller-runtime.controller	Starting Controller	{"controller": "rockband"}
2020-10-29T03:31:02.472Z	INFO	controller-runtime.controller	Starting workers	{"controller": "rockband", "worker count": 1}
2020-10-29T03:31:02.472Z	INFO	controllers.RockBand	received reconcile request for "beatles" (namespace: "default")	{"rockband": "default/beatles"}
2020-10-29T03:31:02.485Z	DEBUG	controller-runtime.controller	Successfully Reconciled	{"controller": "rockband", "request": "default/beatles"}
2020-10-29T03:31:02.487Z	INFO	controllers.RockBand	received reconcile request for "beatles" (namespace: "default")	{"rockband": "default/beatles"}
2020-10-29T03:31:02.487Z	DEBUG	controller-runtime.controller	Successfully Reconciled	{"controller": "rockband", "request": "default/beatles"}

If you see errors, please refer to the section "common errors" later this page.

Note from the logs that controller already reconciled the CR default/beatles.

Let's look again the CR beatles under default namespace:

$ kubectl get rockband beatles -n default -o yaml
kind: RockBand
  genre: 60s rock
  leadSinger: John
  numberComponents: 4
  lastPlayed: "2020"

Note that we have a status field now. Let's now code mutator and validator webhooks.

I want to test the next section testing the creation of the CR, so I will delete the current "beatles" CR:

$ kubectl delete rockband beatles "beatles" deleted

CRD Mutation and Validation

For this demo, we came up with a couple silly rules just to make a point how to mutate and validate RockBands objects.

ATTENTION: One can enable some validation part of the API Server using kubebuilder tags +kubebuilder:validation:Required. There is one academic controller we wrote that uses as example here. The validations in this section are for academic purposes.


  1. if LeadSinger is not specified, set it as "TBD".
  2. if RockBand CR name is "beatles" and Lead Singer is "John", set it to "John Lennon" (disclaimer: some Beatles fans (including me) will argue The Beatles did not have a single Lead Singer).


  1. We can't create RockBands CRs on "kube-system" namespace
  2. We can't update Lead Singer as "John" if RockBand CR name is "beatles" (similar to mutation, but during at update time. Spoiler: this condition will never met because of the mutation logic)
  3. We can't update Lead Singer as "Ringo" if RockBand CR name is "beatles" .


Let's do the webhook kubebuilder scaffolding:

kubebuilder create webhook --group music --version v1 --kind RockBand --defaulting --programmatic-validation

Scaffolding should have created the file music/api/v1/rockband_webhook.go AND edited main.go.


Let's make sure the following webhook call is on main.go, otherwise the webhook will not run:

	if err = (&musicv1.RockBand{}).SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
		setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create webhook", "webhook", "RockBand")


This where your mutation and validation logic will reside.

The default music/api/v1/rockband_webhook.go has multiple methods with kubebuilder tags.

Let's start with the mutator, which is the Default. This has priority than any other validator method and this will execute for each CR request. Note the mutating=true kubebuilder tag. This means the RockBand CR is mutable during this method. This is where you will want to setup all Spec fields with default values.

In our example below, we set leadSinger as "TBD" if empty. And it sets "John Lennon" if leadSinger is "John" and CR name is "beatles".

Note that in Default, there is no API error being returned. I added the import on the snippet below:

import (
	apierrors ""
	ctrl ""
	logf ""


func (r *RockBand) Default() {
	rockbandlog.Info("mutator default", "name", r.Name, "namespace", r.Namespace)

	// TODO(user): fill in your defaulting logic.

	// LeadSinger is an optional field on RockBandv1
	// Adding "TBD" if it is empty
	if r.Spec.LeadSinger == "" {
		r.Spec.LeadSinger = "TBD"

	// Silly mutation:
	// if the rockband name is beatles and leadSinger is John, set it as John Lennon
	if r.Name == "beatles" && r.Spec.LeadSinger == "John" {
		r.Spec.LeadSinger = "John Lennon"

Let's look the validator calls. There are three: creation, update and deletion.

Attention: Note that during validation calls, one CAN'T change Spec fields (see the kubebuilder tag mutating=false).

The validator methods only generate API errors.

Let's look at the creation validation, which forbids the creation of RockBand on kube-system namespace:

func (r *RockBand) ValidateCreate() error {
	rockbandlog.Info("validate create", "name", r.Name, "namespace", r.Namespace, "lead singer", r.Spec.LeadSinger)

	// TODO(user): fill in your validation logic upon object creation.

	var allErrs field.ErrorList

	// Just an example of validation: one cannot create rockbands under kube-system namespace
	if r.Namespace == "kube-system" {
		err := field.Invalid(field.NewPath("metadata").Child("namespace"), r.Namespace, "is forbidden to have rockbands.")
		allErrs = append(allErrs, err)

	if len(allErrs) == 0 {
		return nil

	return apierrors.NewInvalid(
		schema.GroupKind{Group: "", Kind: "RockBand"},
		r.Name, allErrs)

Let's look at the update validation. During update, "Ringo" is not allowed to be set as leadSinger if CR name is "beatles". The other validation is not let the user to change the leadSinger to "John" if CR name is "beatles"

func (r *RockBand) ValidateUpdate(old runtime.Object) error {
	rockbandlog.Info("validate update", "name", r.Name, "namespace", r.Namespace, "lead singer", r.Spec.LeadSinger)

	// TODO(user): fill in your validation logic upon object update.

	var allErrs field.ErrorList

	// Disclaimer: The following condition will never be met because of the Default mutation
	if r.Name == "beatles" && r.Spec.LeadSinger == "John" {
		err := field.Invalid(field.NewPath("spec").Child("leadSinger"), r.Spec.LeadSinger, "has the shortname of the singer.")
		allErrs = append(allErrs, err)

	// Silly validation
	if r.Name == "beatles" && r.Spec.LeadSinger == "Ringo" {
		err := field.Invalid(field.NewPath("spec").Child("leadSinger"), r.Spec.LeadSinger, "was the drummer. Suggest you to pick John or Paul.")
		allErrs = append(allErrs, err)

	if len(allErrs) == 0 {
		return nil

	return apierrors.NewInvalid(
		schema.GroupKind{Group: "", Kind: "RockBand"},
		r.Name, allErrs)

At this time, you should be able to compile the code with the webhooks.


make docker-build
docker push

Configuring Kubebuilder to Enable Webhook

There are multiple places that you will need to set to tell kubebuilder+kustomize to deploy the webhooks.

The main file is music/config/default/kustomization.yaml and you must uncomment all sections in regards WEBHOOK and CERTMANAGER. The final result should look like this kustomization.yaml.

# Adds namespace to all resources.
namespace: music-system

# Value of this field is prepended to the
# names of all resources, e.g. a deployment named
# "wordpress" becomes "alices-wordpress".
# Note that it should also match with the prefix (text before '-') of the namespace
# field above.
namePrefix: music-

# Labels to add to all resources and selectors.
#  someName: someValue

- ../crd
- ../rbac
- ../manager
# [WEBHOOK] To enable webhook, uncomment all the sections with [WEBHOOK] prefix including the one in 
# crd/kustomization.yaml
- ../webhook
# [CERTMANAGER] To enable cert-manager, uncomment all sections with 'CERTMANAGER'. 'WEBHOOK' components are required.
- ../certmanager
# [PROMETHEUS] To enable prometheus monitor, uncomment all sections with 'PROMETHEUS'. 
#- ../prometheus

  # Protect the /metrics endpoint by putting it behind auth.
  # If you want your controller-manager to expose the /metrics
  # endpoint w/o any authn/z, please comment the following line.
- manager_auth_proxy_patch.yaml

# [WEBHOOK] To enable webhook, uncomment all the sections with [WEBHOOK] prefix including the one in 
# crd/kustomization.yaml
- manager_webhook_patch.yaml

# [CERTMANAGER] To enable cert-manager, uncomment all sections with 'CERTMANAGER'.
# Uncomment 'CERTMANAGER' sections in crd/kustomization.yaml to enable the CA injection in the admission webhooks.
# 'CERTMANAGER' needs to be enabled to use ca injection
- webhookcainjection_patch.yaml

# the following config is for teaching kustomize how to do var substitution
# [CERTMANAGER] To enable cert-manager, uncomment all sections with 'CERTMANAGER' prefix.
- name: CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE # namespace of the certificate CR
    kind: Certificate
    version: v1alpha2
    name: serving-cert # this name should match the one in certificate.yaml
    fieldpath: metadata.namespace
    kind: Certificate
    version: v1alpha2
    name: serving-cert # this name should match the one in certificate.yaml
- name: SERVICE_NAMESPACE # namespace of the service
    kind: Service
    version: v1
    name: webhook-service
    fieldpath: metadata.namespace
    kind: Service
    version: v1
    name: webhook-service


You will need to configure the config/certmanager/certificate.yaml (they are for the self-signed issuer and a cert) to be created under a namespace, the example below, I set to music-system (instead of the default "system"), which is the same namespace as our controller will run:

kind: Issuer
  name: selfsigned-issuer
  namespace: music-system  ### <<<<<<<< HERE ##
  selfSigned: {}
kind: Certificate
  name: serving-cert  # this name should match the one appeared in kustomizeconfig.yaml
  namespace: music-system ### <<<<<<<< HERE ###

Uncomment the config/crd/kustomization.yaml for the patches and certmanager as example here.

# [WEBHOOK] To enable webhook, uncomment all the sections with [WEBHOOK] prefix.
# patches here are for enabling the conversion webhook for each CRD
- patches/webhook_in_rockbands.yaml
# +kubebuilder:scaffold:crdkustomizewebhookpatch

# [CERTMANAGER] To enable webhook, uncomment all the sections with [CERTMANAGER] prefix.
# patches here are for enabling the CA injection for each CRD
- patches/cainjection_in_rockbands.yaml
# +kubebuilder:scaffold:crdkustomizecainjectionpatch

# the following config is for teaching kustomize how to do kustomization for CRDs.
- kustomizeconfig.yaml


I had multiple issues running make deploy because music/config/crd/patches/*yaml files were using instead of

It seems this will be addressed on future v3 of Kubebuilder: kubernetes-sigs/kubebuilder#1065


Error: accumulating resources: accumulateFile "accumulating resources from '...' must resolve to a file", accumulateDirector: "recursed accumulation of path '.../config/crd': no matches for OriginalId apiextensions.k8s.io_v1betav1


I had to manually edit the files to follow the correct API Group version. You can see my tweaked files cainjection_in_rockbands.yaml and webhook_in_rockbands.yaml.

Use them instead the default.

See "Common Errors" section for the errors messages.

After all these changes, we are ready to deploy the controller with the webhook.

Attention: if you have not installed the cert-manager, the time is now, otherwise make deploy will fail:

Installing cert-manager:

kubectl apply --validate=false -f

Deploying the controller with webhook and checking the cert:

$ make deploy

# check the issuers and certificates under music-system

$ kubectl get issuers,certificates -n music-system
NAME                                             READY   AGE   True    49s

NAME                                             READY   SECRET                AGE   True    webhook-server-cert   49s

Check the controller logs, note the lines with controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks, controller-runtime.webhook:

$ kubectl logs music-controller-manager-758bfc756f-6qf8n  -n music-system manager
2020-10-29T04:53:36.701Z	INFO	controller-runtime.metrics	metrics server is starting to listen	{"addr": ""}
2020-10-29T04:53:36.701Z	INFO	controller-runtime.builder	Registering a mutating webhook	{"GVK": ", Kind=RockBand", "path": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband"}
2020-10-29T04:53:36.701Z	INFO	controller-runtime.webhook	registering webhook	{"path": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband"}
2020-10-29T04:53:36.701Z	INFO	controller-runtime.builder	Registering a validating webhook	{"GVK": ", Kind=RockBand", "path": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband"}
2020-10-29T04:53:36.701Z	INFO	controller-runtime.webhook	registering webhook	{"path": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband"}
2020-10-29T04:53:36.701Z	INFO	setup	starting manager
I1029 04:53:36.702772       1 leaderelection.go:242] attempting to acquire leader lease  music-system/
2020-10-29T04:53:36.703Z	INFO	controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks	starting webhook server
2020-10-29T04:53:36.705Z	INFO	controller-runtime.certwatcher	Updated current TLS certificate
2020-10-29T04:53:36.705Z	INFO	controller-runtime.webhook	serving webhook server	{"host": "", "port": 9443}
2020-10-29T04:53:36.795Z	INFO	controller-runtime.manager	starting metrics server	{"path": "/metrics"}
2020-10-29T04:53:36.800Z	INFO	controller-runtime.certwatcher	Starting certificate watcher
I1029 04:53:54.119549       1 leaderelection.go:252] successfully acquired lease music-system/
2020-10-29T04:53:54.119Z	DEBUG	Normal	{"object": {"kind":"ConfigMap","namespace":"music-system","name":"","uid":"727f114e-e7f3-4a79-b01f-82a2db2c1e8c","apiVersion":"v1","resourceVersion":"33640"}, "reason": "LeaderElection", "message": "music-controller-manager-758bfc756f-6qf8n_bbc01b6b-df24-4192-8809-55919c6b2bec became leader"}
2020-10-29T04:53:54.120Z	INFO	controller-runtime.controller	Starting EventSource	{"controller": "rockband", "source": "kind source: /, Kind="}
2020-10-29T04:53:54.220Z	INFO	controller-runtime.controller	Starting Controller	{"controller": "rockband"}
2020-10-29T04:53:54.221Z	INFO	controller-runtime.controller	Starting workers	{"controller": "rockband", "worker count": 1}

Testing the webhook


Let's use the same example to test my first mutation:

$ kubectl create -f config/samples/music_v1_rockband.yaml -n default created

$ cat config/samples/music_v1_rockband.yaml
kind: RockBand
  name: beatles
  # Add fields here
  genre: '60s rock'
  numberComponents: 4
  leadSinger: John

Controller logs during creation:

2020-10-28T21:36:09.478Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "ae7f50b2-df85-41fc-9460-9fdde49882f0", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.478Z        INFO    rockband-resource       mutator default {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "default"}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.480Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "ae7f50b2-df85-41fc-9460-9fdde49882f0", "allowed": true, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:,Reason:,Details:nil,Code:200,}"}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.487Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "ef366e5c-9cbb-4df5-8d8e-cea6ba28beab", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.487Z        INFO    rockband-resource       validate create {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "default", "lead singer": "John Lennon"}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.487Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "ef366e5c-9cbb-4df5-8d8e-cea6ba28beab", "allowed": true, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:,Reason:,Details:nil,Code:200,}"}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.495Z        INFO    controllers.RockBand    received reconcile request for "beatles" (namespace: "default")      {"rockband": "default/beatles"}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.506Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.controller   Successfully Reconciled {"controller": "rockband", "request": "default/beatles"}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.506Z        INFO    controllers.RockBand    received reconcile request for "beatles" (namespace: "default")      {"rockband": "default/beatles"}
2020-10-28T21:36:09.506Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.controller   Successfully Reconciled {"controller": "rockband", "request": "default/beatles"}

Result of the CR (please note the leadSinger as John Lennon instead of John):

$ kubectl get rockband beatles -n default -o yaml
kind: RockBand
  creationTimestamp: "2020-10-28T21:36:09Z"
  generation: 1
  name: beatles
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "144885"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 2320f90d-cb13-4398-ba35-a78dc9709912
  genre: 60s rock
  leadSinger: John Lennon
  numberComponents: 4
  lastPlayed: "2020"

Creation Validation

Let's test the validation creation now:

$ kubectl create -f config/samples/music_v1_rockband.yaml -n kube-system
Error from server ( "beatles" is invalid: metadata.namespace: Invalid value: "kube-system": is forbidden to have rockbands.): error when creating "music_v1_rockband.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: "beatles" is invalid: metadata.namespace: Invalid value: "kube-system": is forbidden to have rockbands.

Here are the controller logs for the creation validation:

2020-10-28T21:40:32.087Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "f9c03827-f1ad-4338-983f-a90d1d897dab", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T21:40:32.087Z        INFO    rockband-resource       mutator default {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "kube-system"}
2020-10-28T21:40:32.087Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "f9c03827-f1ad-4338-983f-a90d1d897dab", "allowed": true, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:,Reason:,Details:nil,Code:200,}"}
2020-10-28T21:40:32.090Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "2e6212dc-8bd6-468a-92e2-2a078eb41122", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T21:40:32.090Z        INFO    rockband-resource       validate create {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "kube-system", "lead singer": "John Lennon"}
2020-10-28T21:40:32.090Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "2e6212dc-8bd6-468a-92e2-2a078eb41122", "allowed": false, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:, \"beatles\" is invalid: metadata.namespace: Invalid value: \"kube-system\": is forbidden to have rockbands.,Details:nil,Code:403,}"}

Update Validation

Let's test the update validation now. If you remember, the code does not let you to setup leadSinger as "John" if the rockband is "beatles".

$ kubectl edit rockband beatles -n default
  genre: 60s rock
  leadSinger: John
(...) edited

Wait: The validation let me. Why? Let's see the controller logs:

2020-10-28T21:44:32.065Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "dd68946a-9b9f-4b4b-bec2-41db5116da17", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T21:44:32.065Z        INFO    rockband-resource       mutator default {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "default"}
2020-10-28T21:44:32.065Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "dd68946a-9b9f-4b4b-bec2-41db5116da17", "allowed": true, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:,Reason:,Details:nil,Code:200,}"}
2020-10-28T21:44:32.068Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "404e2e73-9110-4217-8ea1-502e24fb102f", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T21:44:32.068Z        INFO    rockband-resource       validate update {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "default", "lead singer": "John Lennon"}
2020-10-28T21:44:32.068Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "404e2e73-9110-4217-8ea1-502e24fb102f", "allowed": true, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:,Reason:,Details:nil,Code:200,}"}

The answer is because the mutation kicks off before validation. So "John" will be converted to "John Lennon" before the validation.

Now, let's try the other update validation, which is changing the leadSinger to Ringo.

$ kubectl edit rockband beatles -n default
  genre: 60s rock
  leadSinger: Ringo
error: "beatles" could not be patched: admission webhook "" denied the request: "beatles" is invalid: spec.leadSinger: Invalid value: "Ringo": was the drummer. Suggest you to pick John or Paul.
You can run `kubectl replace -f /var/folders/p2/vpgr25xn16777ll0y7fsmc2c0000gp/T/kubectl-edit-e3iws.yaml` to try this update again.

Let's see the controller logs:

2020-10-28T22:07:26.509Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "128f1b35-6b58-4230-8704-546b5f2e1d12", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.511Z        INFO    rockband-resource       mutator default {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "default"}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.512Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "128f1b35-6b58-4230-8704-546b5f2e1d12", "allowed": true, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:,Reason:,Details:nil,Code:200,}"}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.515Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "36290e4a-0cbc-4db6-9e59-42915b041364", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.515Z        INFO    rockband-resource       validate update {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "default", "lead singer": "Ringo"}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.516Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "36290e4a-0cbc-4db6-9e59-42915b041364", "allowed": false, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:, \"beatles\" is invalid: spec.leadSinger: Invalid value: \"Ringo\": was the drummer. Suggest you to pick John or Paul.,Details:nil,Code:403,}"}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.521Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "10476cf0-60b5-442c-9c45-45a00cc6357c", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.521Z        INFO    rockband-resource       mutator default {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "default"}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.522Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "10476cf0-60b5-442c-9c45-45a00cc6357c", "allowed": true, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:,Reason:,Details:nil,Code:200,}"}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.524Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     received request    {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "bb035ace-c3f1-4531-9bf3-8bd6cdcdf6f7", "kind": ", Kind=RockBand", "resource": {"group":"","version":"v1","resource":"rockbands"}}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.526Z        INFO    rockband-resource       validate update {"name": "beatles", "namespace": "default", "lead singer": "Ringo"}
2020-10-28T22:07:26.566Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks     wrote response  {"webhook": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband", "UID": "bb035ace-c3f1-4531-9bf3-8bd6cdcdf6f7", "allowed": false, "result": {}, "resultError": "got runtime.Object without object metadata: &Status{ListMeta:ListMeta{SelfLink:,ResourceVersion:,Continue:,RemainingItemCount:nil,},Status:,Message:, \"beatles\" is invalid: spec.leadSinger: Invalid value: \"Ringo\": was the drummer. Suggest you to pick John or Paul.,Details:nil,Code:403,}"}

With these tests, we conclude the sample code for a single version of the API Group with one Kind.

Next, we will test with two versions of API Groups and webhook to mutate them.

Deploying the CRD + controller

Once you build the controller and the CRD, you can generate the yaml file to distribute to other users. You generate yaml by running the following:

$kustomize build config/default > ../single-gvk-v0.1.yaml

The file is single-gvk-v0.1.yaml and anyone can deploy it running:

kubectl create -f single-gvk-v0.1.yaml

Next Step: Conversion of GVK - Multiple API Groups

If you want to learn about conversion CRDs across multiple API Group versions (this is required when you need to add more fields on your established CRD), check the example of the RockBand API here.

Errors Found during this Code

This section is a collection of the errors that I encountered during the creation of the webhook.

Lack of certs or cert-manager

If the controller has the webhooks enabled but there is no certs from cert-manager:

$ kubectl logs music-controller-manager-78949d85d7-gtmhz -n music-system 
error: a container name must be specified for pod music-controller-manager-78949d85d7-gtmhz, choose one of: [manager kube-rbac-proxy]
MacBook-Pro:music rbrito$ kubectl logs music-controller-manager-78949d85d7-gtmhz -n music-system manager
2020-10-29T03:07:42.209Z	INFO	controller-runtime.metrics	metrics server is starting to listen	{"addr": ""}
2020-10-29T03:07:42.210Z	INFO	controller-runtime.builder	Registering a mutating webhook	{"GVK": ", Kind=RockBand", "path": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband"}
2020-10-29T03:07:42.211Z	INFO	controller-runtime.webhook	registering webhook	{"path": "/mutate-music-example-io-v1-rockband"}
2020-10-29T03:07:42.211Z	INFO	controller-runtime.builder	Registering a validating webhook	{"GVK": ", Kind=RockBand", "path": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband"}
2020-10-29T03:07:42.211Z	INFO	controller-runtime.webhook	registering webhook	{"path": "/validate-music-example-io-v1-rockband"}
2020-10-29T03:07:42.211Z	INFO	setup	starting manager
I1029 03:07:42.212603       1 leaderelection.go:242] attempting to acquire leader lease  music-system/
2020-10-29T03:07:42.214Z	INFO	controller-runtime.manager	starting metrics server	{"path": "/metrics"}
2020-10-29T03:07:42.308Z	INFO	controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks	starting webhook server
2020-10-29T03:07:42.309Z	DEBUG	controller-runtime.manager	non-leader-election runnable finished	{"runnable type": "*webhook.Server"}
2020-10-29T03:07:42.309Z	ERROR	setup	problem running manager	{"error": "open /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs/tls.crt: no such file or directory"}*zapLogger).Error
	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:128

Solution: troubleshoot the make deploy and look for the yaml file under config/certmanager/certificate.yaml. Make sure it is the same namespace. Make sure cert-manager is installed and running.

Lack of music-system namespace

Kubebuilder and kustomize do not setup the controller namespace according.

make deploy
Error from server (NotFound): error when creating "STDIN": namespaces "music-system" not found

Solution: create the music-system namespace manually before deploying the controller.

mutating=true at validation

At validation, do not change kubebuilder tag mutating=true, otherwise make deploy will generate the following error:

Error: no matches for OriginalId admissionregistration.k8s.io_v1beta1_ValidatingWebhookConfiguration|~X|validating-webhook-configuration; no matches for CurrentId admissionregistration.k8s.io_v1beta1_ValidatingWebhookConfiguration|~X|validating-webhook-configuration; failed to find unique target for patch admissionregistration.k8s.io_v1beta1_ValidatingWebhookConfiguration|validating-webhook-configuration


By default, kubebuilder+kustomize were using instead of on config/crd/patches/*yaml. I had to manually edit the files to match the schema of

Here is the original error without edits:

Error: accumulating resources: accumulateFile "accumulating resources from '../crd': '/Users/rbrito/go/src/music/config/crd' must resolve to a file", accumulateDirector: "recursed accumulation of path '/Users/rbrito/go/src/music/config/crd': no matches for OriginalId apiextensions.k8s.io_v1betav1

Another error, because the webhook was generated for v1beta1, the spec is .spec.conversion.webhook.clientconfig (not .spec.conversion.webclientconfig):

error: error validating "STDIN": error validating data: ValidationError(CustomResourceDefinition.spec.conversion): unknown field "webhookClientConfig" in io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceConversion; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false

Controller running locally

If you are testing the webhook locally using make run, you will need certs under the directory /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs.

Create and install the key/cert running:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out tls.crt -keyout tls.key
# answer all the questions
mkdir -p /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs
mv tls.* /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs

During the execution of the controller, possible the webhook will complain to a different directory than /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs . In this case, just copy the tsl.* files to the directory.

It is possible that running locally the webhook is never called - that was my case. My webhook only worked properly once running as a pod on my cluster. In this case, you will need to deploy them on the cluster (see previous section).