Rationale: target preferred version != source preferred version; target preferred version does not belong in source supported version; source preferred version does not belong in target supported version array; use intersection of supported arrays
RockBand on Source cluster: v1 (preferred), v2beta2, v2beta1
RockBand on Target cluster: v2 (preferred), v2beta2, v2beta1
Expected result: v2beta1 and v2beta2 are common. v2beta2 to be used during restore.
Reminding case-d source cluster is the same as case-b source cluster.
curl -k -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-d/source-cluster.sh | bash
curl -k -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-d/target-cluster.sh | bash
kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.0.3/cert-manager.yaml
while [ "$(kubectl get pods -n cert-manager | grep -i running | grep '1/1' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" != "3" ]; do echo "INFO: Waiting cert-manager..." && kubectl get pods -n cert-manager && sleep 10 ; done
kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-b/source/case-b-source-manually-added-mutations.yaml
while [ "$(kubectl get pods -n music-system | grep -i running | grep '2/2' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" != "1" ]; do echo "INFO: Waiting music-system... Break if it is taking too long..." && kubectl get pods -n music-system && sleep 10 ; done
# creating the testing CRs, one for each version
echo "INFO: Creating the example CRs, there will be one beatles CR on each namespace with original version..."
kubectl create namespace rockbands-v2beta2
kubectl create --validate=false -n rockbands-v2beta2 -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-b/source/music/config/samples/music_v2beta2_rockband.yaml
kubectl create namespace rockbands-v2beta1
kubectl create --validate=false -n rockbands-v2beta1 -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-b/source/music/config/samples/music_v2beta1_rockband.yaml
kubectl create namespace rockbands-v1
kubectl create --validate=false -n rockbands-v1 -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-b/source/music/config/samples/music_v1_rockband.yaml
# Displaying the CRs
kubectl get rockbands -A -o yaml
kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.0.3/cert-manager.yaml
while [ "$(kubectl get pods -n cert-manager | grep -i running | grep '1/1' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" != "3" ]; do echo "INFO: Waiting cert-manager..." && kubectl get pods -n cert-manager && sleep 10 ; done
kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-c/target/case-d-target-manually-added-mustations.yaml
while [ "$(kubectl get pods -n music-system | grep -i running | grep '2/2' | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" != "1" ]; do echo "INFO: Waiting music-system... Break if it is taking too long..." && kubectl get pods -n music-system && sleep 10 ; done
# no need to create testing CR - should be from Velero backup
# if you want to test
echo ""
echo "INFO: Run a Velero Restore or create the testing CRs running:"
echo ""
echo " ## Testing v2"
echo " kubectl create namespace rockbands-v2"
echo " kubectl create -n rockbands-v2 --validate=false -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-d/target/music/config/samples/music_v2_rockband.yaml"
echo ""
echo " ## Testing v2beta2"
echo " kubectl create namespace rockbands-v2beta2"
echo " kubectl create -n rockbands-v2beta2 --validate=false -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-d/target/music/config/samples/music_v2beta2_rockband.yaml"
echo ""
echo " ## Testing v2beta1"
echo " kubectl create namespace rockbands-v2beta1"
echo " kubectl create -n rockbands-v2beta1 --validate=false -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brito-rafa/k8s-webhooks/master/examples-for-projectvelero/case-d/target/music/config/samples/music_v2beta1_rockband.yaml"
On the target cluster, if you ran the command lines from the example above, you should see the following CRs:
CR onrockbands-v2
namespace should have all the Fab 4.beatles
CR onrockbands-v2beta2
namespace should have the linebass: Converted from v2beta2 to v2
CR onrockbands-v2beta1
namespace should have the linebass: Converted from v2beta1 to v2
anddrummer: Converted from v2beta1 to v2
They are the same steps case b source cluster. No need to reproduce here.
Created from case-c target and manually edited multiple files.
cd case-d/target/music
export IMG=quay.io/brito_rafa/music-controller:case-d-target-v0.1
make docker-build && make docker-push & kustomize build config/default > ../case-d-target.yaml
make deploy IMG=quay.io/brito_rafa/music-controller:case-d-target-v0.1