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Case B

Rationale: target preferred version != source preferred version; target preferred version belongs in source supported version array

RockBand on Source cluster: v1 (preferred), v2beta2, v2beta1

RockBand on Target cluster: v2beta2 (preferred), v2beta1

Expected result: v2beta2 being used during restore.

Attention: this use case is very unlikely to happen because the target preferred version should be have a stable version.


Evolution of schema across versions:

  • RockBandv1alpha1 : Fields Spec.Genre, Spec.NumberComponents
  • RockBandv1 : all previous plus Spec.LeadSinger
  • RockBandv2beta1 : all previous plus Spec.LeadGuitar
  • RockBandv2beta2 : all previous plus Spec.Drummer
  • RockBandv2 : all previous plus Spec.Bass

Deploying the Case B

Quick Deployment

Quick Deploy on Source Cluster


curl -k -s | bash

Quick Deploy on Target Cluster


curl -k -s | bash

Step-by-step Deployment

Step-by-step Deployment on Source Cluster


kubectl apply --validate=false -f
while  [ "$(kubectl get pods -n cert-manager | grep -i running | grep '1/1' |  wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" != "3" ]; do echo "INFO: Waiting cert-manager..." && kubectl get pods -n cert-manager && sleep 10 ; done
kubectl apply --validate=false -f
while  [ "$(kubectl get pods -n music-system | grep -i running | grep '2/2' |  wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" != "1" ]; do echo "INFO: Waiting music-system...  Break if it is taking too long..." && kubectl get pods -n music-system && sleep 10 ; done
# creating the testing CRs, one for each version
echo "INFO: Creating the example CRs, there will be one beatles CR on each namespace with original version..."
kubectl create namespace rockbands-v2beta2
kubectl create --validate=false -n rockbands-v2beta2 -f
kubectl create namespace rockbands-v2beta1
kubectl create --validate=false -n rockbands-v2beta1 -f
kubectl create namespace rockbands-v1
kubectl create --validate=false -n rockbands-v1 -f
# Displaying the CRs
kubectl get rockbands -A -o yaml

Step-by-step Deployment on Target Cluster


kubectl apply --validate=false -f
while  [ "$(kubectl get pods -n cert-manager | grep -i running | grep '1/1' |  wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" != "3" ]; do echo "INFO: Waiting cert-manager..." && kubectl get pods -n cert-manager && sleep 10 ; done
kubectl apply --validate=false -f
while  [ "$(kubectl get pods -n music-system | grep -i running | grep '2/2' |  wc -l | awk '{print $1}')" != "1" ]; do echo "INFO: Waiting music-system...  Break if it is taking too long..." && kubectl get pods -n music-system && sleep 10 ; done
# no need to create testing CR - should be from Velero backup

Coding and Scaffolding

Source Cluster

Copied from the case-a/target and added v2beta2:

cp -pr ../../../case-a/target/music/* .
kubebuilder create api --group music --version v2beta2 --kind RockBand --resource=true --controller=false
kubebuilder create webhook --group music --version v2beta2 --kind RockBand --conversion --programmatic-validation

And change type, converter and webhook accordingly for each api version.

Change conversionReviewVersions: field on webhook_in_rockbands.yaml

Installing the CRDs:

make manifests && make generate && make install
# eyeball the supported and preferred versions
kubectl get --raw /apis/ | jq 

# it should be this:
  "kind": "APIGroup",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "name": "",
  "versions": [
      "groupVersion": "",
      "version": "v1"
      "groupVersion": "",
      "version": "v2beta2"
      "groupVersion": "",
      "version": "v2beta1"
  "preferredVersion": {
    "groupVersion": "",
    "version": "v1"

Compiling and Deploying the Code

make docker-build
make docker-push
kustomize build config/default > ../case-b-source.yaml

ATTENTION: There is a bug on kubebuilder that case-b-source.yaml is not generating mutating webhook for v1 and v2beta1.

Please see manually edited file case-b-source-manually-added-mutations.yaml

Target cluster

Created from scratch since the preferred version is now v2beta2

mkdir music
cd music/
go mod init music
kubebuilder init --domain
kubebuilder create api --group music --version v2beta2 --kind RockBand --resource=true --controller=true
kubebuilder create webhook --group music --version v2beta2 --kind RockBand --defaulting --programmatic-validation
kubebuilder create api --group music --version v2beta1 --kind RockBand --resource=true --controller=false
kubebuilder create webhook --group music --version v2beta1 --kind RockBand --conversion

# setting to use CRD v1 - using the source
cp ../../source/music/Makefile Makefile

# Make v2beta2/rockband_types.go - preferred version
# adding the kubebuilder tag // +kubebuilder:storageversion

# re-using v2beta1 types and webhooks
cp ../../source/music/api/v2beta1/rockband_types.go api/v2beta1/rockband_types.go

# re-using v2beta2 webhook
cp ../../source/music/api/v2beta2/rockband_webhook.go api/v2beta2/rockband_webhook.go 

# setting up the hub
# do not forget to change the package name to v2beta2
cp ../../source/music/api/v1/rockband_conversion.go api/v2beta2/

# coding the v2beta1 conversion to v2beta2
cp ../../source/music/api/v2beta1/rockband_conversion.go api/v2beta1/rockband_conversion.go
# make new code here, do not forget to change import and package name

# Enabling webhooks and fixing kubebuilder
cp ../../source/music/config/default/kustomization.yaml config/default/kustomization.yaml
cp ../../source/music/config/certmanager/certificate.yaml config/certmanager/certificate.yaml 
cp ../../source/music/config/crd/kustomization.yaml config/crd/kustomization.yaml
cp ../../source/music/config/crd/patches/* config/crd/patches/

make manifests && make generate && make install

# copying/generating the samples
cp ../../source/music/config/samples/* config/samples/

# edit the samples to match your case

# $ kubectl get --raw /apis/ | jq
  "kind": "APIGroup",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "name": "",
  "versions": [
      "groupVersion": "",
      "version": "v2beta2"
      "groupVersion": "",
      "version": "v2beta1"
  "preferredVersion": {
    "groupVersion": "",
    "version": "v2beta2"

# creating the image
make docker-build && make docker-push & kustomize build config/default > ../case-b-target.yaml
make deploy

Generating the YAML and Image

ATTENTION: There is a bug on kubebuilder that is not generating more than one mutating webhook. You will need to generate the yaml as specified in this steps and then add the other mutations manually.

Please see manually edited files case-b-source-manually-added-mutations.yaml and case-b-target-manually-added-mutations.yaml.


With the code:

make docker-build
make docker-push
kustomize build config/default > ../case-b-source.yaml

# if you want to test the image 
make deploy


With the code:

make docker-build
make docker-push
kustomize build config/default > ../case-b-target.yaml

# if you want to test the image 
make deploy