Provides performance metrics for the ODS / API SIS Certification endpoints aimed at analysis of bottlenecks, and providing recommendations for server sizing for representative agency simulation sizes.
Requires Python 3.9+ and Poetry.
Install required Python packages:
poetry install
For detailed help, execute poetry run python edfi_performance_test -h
Sample call using full integrated security, loading from the sample files directory:
poetry run python edfi_performance_test -b "https://localhost:54746" -k "testkey" -s "testsecret" -t "volume"
Test failure ratio is monitored throughout and run is stopped if more than 50% of the tests experience failures.
Command Line Argument | Required | Description |
-b or --baseUrl |
yes (no default) | The base url used to derived api, metadata, oauth, and dependency urls (e.g., http://server) |
-k or --key |
yes (no default) | The web API OAuth key |
-s or --secret |
yes (no default) | The web API OAuth secret |
-i or --ignoreCertificateErrors |
no (default: false) | Ignore certificate errors |
-t or --testType |
no (default: PIPECLEAN) | Type of the performance tests to run: VOLUME, PIPECLEAN, CHANGE_QUERY |
-tl or --testList |
no (no default) | (Optional) List of test files to run - if not provided, all tests will be run |
-d or --deleteResources |
no (default: true) | Delete resources during test run |
-f or --failDeliberately |
no (default: true) | Deliberately introduce requests that result in failure |
-c or --clientCount |
no (default: 1000) | Total number of users spawned by locust tests |
-r or --spawnRate |
no (default: 25) | Number of users spawned by locust tests per second |
-m or --runTimeInMinutes |
no (default: 30) | Test Run Time |
-g or --runInDebugMode |
no (default: false) | Runs tests in single user mode. When set to true, clientCount, spawnRate and runTimeInMinutes will be ignored |
-o or --output |
no (default: out) | Directory for writing results |
-l or --logLevel |
no (default: INFO) | Override the console output log level: VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR |
-e or --localEducationOrganizationId |
no (default: 255901) | Override the default LEA education organization ID |
Each argument can also be set by environment variable, or by using as .env
file. See .env.example. Arguments provided at
the command line override any arguments provided by environment variable.
- Style check:
poetry run flake8
- Static typing check:
poetry run mypy .
- Run unit tests:
poetry run pytest
- Run unit tests with code coverage:
poetry run coverage run -m pytest tests
- View code coverage:
poetry run coverage report