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The MOS API can be used by external applications to access MOS functionality
There are four RST instructions for accessing MOS functionality from Z80.
RST 00h
: Reset the eZ80 -
RST 08h
: Execute a MOS command -
RST 10h
: Output a single character to the VDP -
RST 18h
: Output a stream of characters to the VDP (MOS 1.03 or above)
In addition, you will probably want to include the file mos_api.inc
in your project. This can be found in the folder src of project agon-mos.
Include the file mos_api.inc in your project. As the MOS code is in the eZ80 FLASH ROM from address zero, care must be takn when running code in compatibility mode within a 64K segment. For example, BBC BASIC for AGON uses the following code for outputting a character to the VDP
; OSWRCH: Write a character out to the ESP32 VDU handler via the MOS
; A: Character to write
OSWRCH: RST.LIS 10h ; This calls a RST in the eZ80 address space
ensures the MOS RST instructions are called regardless of the eZ80s current addressing mode
; Write a stream of characters to the VDP
; HLU: Address of buffer containing data - if in 16-bit segment, U will be replaced by MB
; BC: Number of characters to write out, or 0 if the data is delimited
; A: End of data delimiter, i.e. 0 for C strings
LD HL, text ; Address of text
LD BC, 0 ; Set to 0, so length ignored...
LD A, 0 ; Use character in A as delimiter
RST.LIS 18h ; This calls a RST in the eZ80 address space
text: DB "Hello World", 0
There is a macro in mos_api.inc for calling MOS commands - there is one parameter, the mos command number
; OSRDCH: Read a character in from the ESP32 keyboard handler
OSRDCH: MOSCALL mos_getkey
JR Z, OSRDCH ; Loop until key is pressed
MOS commands can be executed from a classic 64K Z80 segment or whilst the eZ80 is running in 24-bit ADL mode. For classic mode, 16 bit registers are passed as pointers to the MOS commands; these are automatically promoted to 24 bit by adding the MB register to bits 16-23 of the register. When running in ADL mode, a 24-bit register will be passed, but MB must be set to 0.
See mos_api.asm for implementation
The following MOS commands are supported
Read a keypress from the VDP
Parameters: None
- A: The keycode of the character pressed
Load a file from SD card
- HL(U): Address of filename (zero terminated)
- DE(U): Address at which to load
- BC(U): Maximum allowed size (bytes)
- A: File error, or 0 if OK
- F: Carry reset if no room for file, otherwise set
Save a file to SD card
- HL(U): Address of filename (zero terminated)
- DE(U): Address to save from
- BC(U): Number of bytes to save
- A: File error, or 0 if OK
- F: Carry set
Change current directory on the SD card
- HL(U): Address of path (zero terminated)
- A: File error, or 0 if OK
List SD card folder contents
- HL(U): Address of path (zero terminated)
- A: File error, or 0 if OK
Delete a file or folder from the SD card
- HL(U): Address of path (zero terminated)
- A: File error, or 0 if OK
Rename a file on the SD card
- HL(U): Address of filename1 (zero terminated)
- D(E)U: Address of filename2 (zero terminated)
- A: File error, or 0 if OK
Copy a file on the SD card
- HL(U): Address of filename1 (zero terminated)
- D(E)U: Address of filename2 (zero terminated)
- A: File error, or 0 if OK
NB: Requires MOS 1.03 or greater
Make a folder on the SD card
- HL(U): Address of path (zero terminated)
- A: File error, or 0 if OK
Fetch a pointer to the system variables
Parameters: None
- IXU: Pointer to the MOS system variable area (this is always 24 bit)
Invoke the line editor
- HL(U): Address of the buffer
- BC(U): Buffer length
- E: 0 to not clear buffer, 1 to clear
- A: Key that was used to exit the input loop (CR=13, ESC=27)
Get a file handle
- HL(U): Address of filename (zero terminated)
- C: Mode
- A: Filehandle, or 0 if couldn't open
Mode can be one of: fa_read, fa_write, fa_open_existing, fa_create_new, fa_create_always, fa_open_always or fa_open_append
Close a file handle
- C: Filehandle, or 0 to close all open files
- A: Number of files still open
Get a character from an open file
- C: Filehandle
- A: Character read
- F: C set if last character in file, otherwise NC
Write a character to an open file
- C: Filehandle
- B: Character to write
Returns: None
Check for end of file
- C: Filehandle
- A: 1 if at end of file, otherwise 0
Copy an error string to a buffer
- E: The error code
- HL(U): Address of buffer to copy message into
- BC(U): Size of buffer
Returns: None
Execute a MOS command
- HLU: Pointer the the MOS command string
- DEU: Pointer to additional command structure
- BCU: Number of additional commands
- A: MOS error code
Get a time string from the RTC (Requires MOS 1.03 or above)
- HLU: Pointer to a buffer to copy the string to (at least 32 bytes)
- A: Length of time string
Set the RTC (Requires MOS 1.03 or above)
- HLU: Pointer to a 6-byte buffer with the time data in
+0: Year (offset from 1980, so 1989 is 9)
+1: Month (1 to 12)
+2: Day of Month (1 to 31)
+3: Hour (0 to 23)
+4: Minute (0 to 59)
+5: Second (0 to 59)
Returns: None