An example configuration with the defaults:
default: ~ # the mapping to which the administrator should redirect by default
controller: bravesheep_crudify.controller.base # The default controller that shows and edits mappings
default_access: grant # Allowed: grant, abstain, deny; default result whenever access is checked in crudify
templates: # Provide the templates used for showing
layout: BravesheepCrudifyBundle:Admin:_layout.html.twig # Layout file
form_theme: ~ # Form theme
pagination: KnpPaginatorBundle:Pagination:twitter_bootstrap_v3_pagination.html.twig
sortable: BravesheepCrudifyBundle:Pagination:sortable_link.html.twig # Sorting column header
index: BravesheepCrudifyBundle:Admin:index.html.twig # Template for the index
new: BravesheepCrudifyBundle:Admin:new.html.twig # Template for the new page
edit: BravesheepCrudifyBundle:Admin:edit.html.twig # Template for the edit page
# Mappings may be any number of individual mappings, the keys will be the names of the mappings
entity: ~ # The name of the entity to be used, either a Bundle:Shortcut or NameSpaced\Entity\Name
title: ~ # Title to be used, of not provided will be determined from the name of the mapping
# If 'index: ~' is provided, a dynamic index with these defaults will be created instead
type: static # If set to dynamic, crudify will try to determine the columns automatically
page_limit: 20 # Number of items per page on the index
query_modifier: ~ # A class name or service name for a modifier that can adjust the index query
column: ~
direction: asc # Either asc for ascending order, or desc for descending order
# May contain any number of columns
column: type # Shorthand notation
title: ~ # Will be determined using the column name by default
type: ~
path: ~ # Determined using the column name by default, false to ignore the column in the query
sortable: ~ # If null, will try to determine whether a column is sortable automatically, otherwise indicate using a bool
column.from.other.table: type # You may use columns from joinable entities
# If create and update use the same form, you may optionally use form: 'form_type' instead
create: ~ # Form type for create, either class or service name
update: ~ # Form type for update, either class or service name
# Provider that generates the options available to the form
form_options_provider: bravesheep_crudify.form.options.provider.basic
# Service/class name which provides the loading of a single object for a definition
object_retriever: bravesheep_crudify.query.retriever.repository
create: true # Whether or not to enable create functionality for the mapping
update: true # Whether or not to enable update functionality for the mapping
delete: true # Whether or not to enable delete functionality for the mapping
controller: ~ # The controller to be used for this mapping, either class name or service name
layout: ~ # Layout template for this mapping
form_theme: ~ # Form theme template for this mapping
pagination: ~ # Pagination template for this mapping
sortable: ~ # Sortable template for this mapping
index: ~ # Index template for this mapping
new: ~ # New/create template for this mapping
edit: ~ # Edit/update template for this mapping